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So What About SU-30s, Mirage-2000s, Mr Dhanoa !!!!

After Balakot if India had Rafale, things would have been different: Retd Air chief BS Dhanoa
He said that the attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.


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Jan 04, 2020, 17:16 PM IST

New Delhi: Retired Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa claimed that had India procured Rafale jets after Balakot attacks "things would have been different". He also lamented about the politicization of the procurement of defence equipment.

"After Balakot if you had Rafale, things would have been different. If Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman had been flying a Rafale and not a MIG21, things would have definitely been different I feel. Why was he not flying a Rafale? Because it took 10 years to decide which aircraft you want to buy. The entire process is delayed if defensive procurements are politicised. So it affects you," he said, adding, "If you politicise a defence acquisition system, the whole system goes behind and the entire process delays and you start moving ahead in a slow pace because people start becoming very conscious."

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Dhanoa also gave the example of Bofors and the controversy around it comparing it to the Rafale jet deal. He said "See for example in the Bofors - it’s a very good gun but the whole thing got mired in controversy. Rafale also the same questions were asked and it’s a good thing for us that the controversy has somewhat died and the Supreme Court has given a very good judgement on the issue. You have many agencies that do audit in the deal."

The former Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee further revealed that the Indian Air Force had proposed punitive action through airstrikes in response to both the 2001 Parliament attack as well as the 2006 Mumbai attack but it was rejected by the then ruling government as not a "viable option".

The retired Chief of Air Staff opined that since India never took any punitive action the terrorists got confident that India will not retaliate in case of another terrorist attack. Attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.

While it's to be seen in IAF hands what miracles can or will the Rafale pull, however, if IAF is relying on the French fighter to be it's saving grace, one wonders what's the use of having over 300 SU-30s and Mirage-2000s which were once claimed to be an overkill of PAF.
But since we know the obvious, better come clean Mr Dhanoa

you forgot the LCA.......

All made up info.
No Sukhois got even a scratch and no radar problem with Mirages.
Both were told to go to a safe zone ASAP as they were outnumbered 6:1 and wait till reinforcement arrive from Punjab and Haryana.

so the reinforcements... did they evenually arrive?..

what about a counter strike?
And you were the one racketing like a Chimp that Alan Warnes is coming to India to disclose that he thinks no SU-30 was shot down...now read what you have written to understand what a complete jerk that you are.

So one controller told the SU-30 and Mirage Pilots to bug out while the other instructed Abhinandan to go over for a cup of tea....oh well proves the point that there is no interaction between Indian armed forces....

It's a known fact that Indians are prone to change their statements on a daily basis....while the truth is apart from the strike force, even the Viper pilot crossed into India until his missile went Pitbull.
BTW, although you have been kicked out of the forum...again, however, I have only replied to you knowing you have no other life and nodoubt will return with another fake ID.
Who is this GUY I want to slap him about the controller BS........ But uncle jammer why did abhi get vir chakar

you forgot the LCA.......

so the reinforcements... did they evenually arrive?..

what about a counter strike?
My Indian friend told me that dhania podina was flying LCA, I think he came 35 min late because the LCA was heavy and therefor took a lot of time to reach to speed. Another theory is that the MIGHTY IAF was doing POOJA of air planes before they scrambled.

BUT one thin is for sure MR. Dhania in mighty commando LCA would HAVE single handed destroyed the f-16 fleet of the Pakistan Air force.
چائے لاجواب تھی
Because it incorporates Philips technology.....simply ahead of its time.....not meant to get involved with current generation of jets.:D

one has to think after 33 years they dont have confidence to send it for front line service... Mig-21 from the dinosaur age was sent instead..
one has to think after 33 years they dont have confidence to send it for front line service... Mig-21 from the dinosaur age was sent instead..
Actually, they had no idea what had hit them and the whole Indian set up was in panic mode....even Abhinandan didn't have a clue of his exact location, any wonder, once on the ground he started inquiring if he was in India,
Actually, they had no idea what had hit them and the whole Indian set up was in panic mode....even Abhinandan didn't have a clue of his exact location, any wonder, once on the ground he started inquiring if he was in India,
Hence, they're taking on the folks they can handle - kids, women, elderly in the IOK and the Muslim ghettos in their big cities...
Hence, they're taking on the folks they can handle - kids, women, elderly in the IOK and the Muslim ghettos in their big cities...
Once a historian wrote, after a skirmish, the Indians always want to be assured of a victory and the slavish media, hand in glove with the Indian armed forces provides them this victory.
After Balakot if India had Rafale, things would have been different: Retd Air chief BS Dhanoa
He said that the attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.


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Jan 04, 2020, 17:16 PM IST

New Delhi: Retired Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa claimed that had India procured Rafale jets after Balakot attacks "things would have been different". He also lamented about the politicization of the procurement of defence equipment.

"After Balakot if you had Rafale, things would have been different. If Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman had been flying a Rafale and not a MIG21, things would have definitely been different I feel. Why was he not flying a Rafale? Because it took 10 years to decide which aircraft you want to buy. The entire process is delayed if defensive procurements are politicised. So it affects you," he said, adding, "If you politicise a defence acquisition system, the whole system goes behind and the entire process delays and you start moving ahead in a slow pace because people start becoming very conscious."

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Dhanoa also gave the example of Bofors and the controversy around it comparing it to the Rafale jet deal. He said "See for example in the Bofors - it’s a very good gun but the whole thing got mired in controversy. Rafale also the same questions were asked and it’s a good thing for us that the controversy has somewhat died and the Supreme Court has given a very good judgement on the issue. You have many agencies that do audit in the deal."

The former Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee further revealed that the Indian Air Force had proposed punitive action through airstrikes in response to both the 2001 Parliament attack as well as the 2006 Mumbai attack but it was rejected by the then ruling government as not a "viable option".

The retired Chief of Air Staff opined that since India never took any punitive action the terrorists got confident that India will not retaliate in case of another terrorist attack. Attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.

While it's to be seen in IAF hands what miracles can or will the Rafale pull, however, if IAF is relying on the French fighter to be it's saving grace, one wonders what's the use of having over 300 SU-30s and Mirage-2000s which were once claimed to be an overkill of PAF.
But since we know the obvious, better come clean Mr Dhanoa

he is right. the indian rafales are two seaters so there would've been two indian pilots with broken noses sipping on FANTASHTIK tea instead of just one. :enjoy:
he is right. the indian rafales are two seaters so there would've been two indian pilots with broken noses sipping on FANTASHTIK tea instead of just one. :enjoy:
Well since we have both F-16 and JF-17 brand naswar, perhaps AMRAAM Danedar fresh brew should be introduced for unexpected guests.
Actually, they had no idea what had hit them and the whole Indian set up was in panic mode....even Abhinandan didn't have a clue of his exact location, any wonder, once on the ground he started inquiring if he was in India,

i am not suprised how poor their intelligence and command structure is. If i was IAF I would know for sure that PAF is world class airforce and they would certainly hit back. The fact that they only could send 8 planes to intercept and shot their own shows they dont know how to use their own weapons. Their supports our view their actual combat availability is poor. They cannot claim they were suprised as tensions were very high.

They claim they were out numbered

let see if this was true

24 planes of which included Mirages for ground strike , air refuelers, AWAC and Blinders that is about 40% so effectively there just 8 dedicated interceptor ie F-16 V 8 IAF planes. JF-17 were tied as escorts and they were not directly engaging and neither were mirages..

and yet they could shoot down a single mirage V....

interesting a few years PAF did an almost exact same exercise against PLAAF. ThePLAAF simulated the destruction of mirages and JF-17 against Su-27s.. IAF was obviously watching. But the exercise didnt include F-16s... :)

like said i believe IAF leadership is of poor quality. Their pilots are ok not PAF standard by still good enough to get the job done if they applied them selves.

having said that PAF did deploy very senior pilots probably their top pilots for the mission
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i am not suprised how poor their intelligence and command structure is. If i was IAF I would know for sure that PAF is world class airforce and they would certainly hit back. The fact that they only could send 8 planes to intercept and shot their own shows they dont know how to use their own weapons. Their supports our view their actual combat availability is poor. They cannot claim they were suprised as tensions were very high.

They claim they were out numbered

let see if this was true

24 planes of which included Mirages for ground strike , air refuelers, AWAC and Blinders that is about 40% so effectively there just 8 dedicated interceptor ie F-16 V 8 IAF planes. JF-17 were tied as escorts and they were not directly engaging and neither were mirages..

and yet they could shoot down a single mirage V....

interesting a few years PAF did an almost exact same exercise against PLAAF. ThePLAAF simulated the destruction of mirages and JF-17 against Su-27s.. IAF was obviously watching. But the exercise didnt include F-16s... :)

like said i believe IAF leadership is of poor quality. Their pilots are ok not PAF standard by still good enough to get the job done if they applied them selves.

having said that PAF did deploy very senior pilots probably their top pilots for the mission

Their being outnumbered is just plain unacceptable since they maintain atleast 1:1.3 numerical superiority in terms of Fighting Aircraft or perhaps an even better ratio so they should have sent more birds in the Air; they should ideally have sent 2x the Jets that PAF had in the air at that moment.
don't take them lightly sir, Su-30/Mirage 2000 is a serious threat to Pakistan and they have also MIg-29 which comparable to F-16, and our JF-17 is no where near the SU-30/M-2000/Mig-29 in firepower range weapon payloads avionics, hence we have only one jet to counter these threats F-16 (76) they have 250+ MKI/110 MIG-29/60 M-2000 which is not enough there Idiom sir "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY"
We denoted nuke at Chaghi which estimated by neutral observer 40 kiloton, Pakistan have 100-140 warheads and India have at least 150-180 warheads so if we assume 70-100 kiloton yield is possible for both countries
Our Thunders can match Mirage 2000s

Because it incorporates Philips technology.....simply ahead of its time.....not meant to get involved with current generation of jets.:D
What about Mig29 UPG?

Their being outnumbered is just plain unacceptable since they maintain atleast 1:1.3 numerical superiority in terms of Fighting Aircraft or perhaps an even better ratio so they should have sent more birds in the Air; they should ideally have sent 2x the Jets that PAF had in the air at that moment.
1:2.3 is ratio I believe
Their being outnumbered is just plain unacceptable since they maintain atleast 1:1.3 numerical superiority in terms of Fighting Aircraft or perhaps an even better ratio so they should have sent more birds in the Air; they should ideally have sent 2x the Jets that PAF had in the air at that moment.

it has to with planning, combat readness etc.. but what strikes me their "elite" pilots flying Su-30 decided to cut and run...

combat pilots are known to aggressive and gutsy ... i guess with indians they are only tough in a mob
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it has to with planning, combat readness etc.. but what strikes me their "elite" pilots flying Su-30 decided to cut and run...

combat pilots are known to aggressive and gutsy ... i guess with indians they are only tough in a mob

A case can also be made that the MKI pilots had no alternative but to disengage due to the fact that they were out-ranged by better AAM. How could it be better in their favour if they had lost additional Jets just as a point of grandiose?

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