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So What About SU-30s, Mirage-2000s, Mr Dhanoa !!!!

After Balakot if India had Rafale, things would have been different: Retd Air chief BS Dhanoa
He said that the attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.


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Jan 04, 2020, 17:16 PM IST

New Delhi: Retired Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa claimed that had India procured Rafale jets after Balakot attacks "things would have been different". He also lamented about the politicization of the procurement of defence equipment.

"After Balakot if you had Rafale, things would have been different. If Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman had been flying a Rafale and not a MIG21, things would have definitely been different I feel. Why was he not flying a Rafale? Because it took 10 years to decide which aircraft you want to buy. The entire process is delayed if defensive procurements are politicised. So it affects you," he said, adding, "If you politicise a defence acquisition system, the whole system goes behind and the entire process delays and you start moving ahead in a slow pace because people start becoming very conscious."

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Dhanoa also gave the example of Bofors and the controversy around it comparing it to the Rafale jet deal. He said "See for example in the Bofors - it’s a very good gun but the whole thing got mired in controversy. Rafale also the same questions were asked and it’s a good thing for us that the controversy has somewhat died and the Supreme Court has given a very good judgement on the issue. You have many agencies that do audit in the deal."

The former Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee further revealed that the Indian Air Force had proposed punitive action through airstrikes in response to both the 2001 Parliament attack as well as the 2006 Mumbai attack but it was rejected by the then ruling government as not a "viable option".

The retired Chief of Air Staff opined that since India never took any punitive action the terrorists got confident that India will not retaliate in case of another terrorist attack. Attacks on Pathankot, Uri and Pulwama were clear signs that conventional deterrence was inadequate to withhold the enemy from executing terrorism on Indian soil.

While it's to be seen in IAF hands what miracles can or will the Rafale pull, however, if IAF is relying on the French fighter to be it's saving grace, one wonders what's the use of having over 300 SU-30s and Mirage-2000s which were once claimed to be an overkill of PAF.
But since we know the obvious, better come clean Mr Dhanoa
I am waiting for the day when Rafale also gets shotdown than they would be crying for F 35 ou SU 57
If we did then it would be full scale war between 2 nuclear armed country, consider this
yes but probably not if India wanted war they could have done it regardless I belv they were actually mouthing towards karachi. I dont think they would have attacked us because it is a well known face we have more nukes and their bharat mata ki jay is all in range. Establisihing air superiority is wining half the battle, you attack them mentally.

The high probability is that their civil population would highly highly doubt the credibility of their military, Low Soldier moral and AIR SUPERIORITY. PAF would have cucked iaf.

One thing for sure, they would have claimed 50028394801 f-16 shot down of PAF and the F-16 crashed on top of jihadis killing 99876567899399349 jihadis:cheesy:
yes but probably not if India wanted war they could have done it regardless I belv they were actually mouthing towards karachi. I dont think they would have attacked us because it is a well known face we have more nukes and their bharat mata ki jay is all in range. Establisihing air superiority is wining half the battle, you attack them mentally.

The high probability is that their civil population would highly highly doubt the credibility of their military, Low Soldier moral and AIR SUPERIORITY. PAF would have cucked iaf.

One thing for sure, they would have claimed 50028394801 f-16 shot down of PAF and the F-16 crashed on top of jihadis killing 99876567899399349 jihadis:cheesy:
No bro they are massive in numbers, and i am not talking nuke war, it will be nothing left in subcontinent if nuke war started,, its 10 to 15 minutes game and then both India and Pakistan will destroy
No bro they are massive in numbers, and i am not talking nuke war, it will be nothing left in subcontinent if nuke war started,, its 10 to 15 minutes game and then both India and Pakistan will destroy
Hello seven0seven

Even though they are massive in numbers they fly machines which are not lets say effective, mig21 for example is absolute so is the jaguar know the real problem maker is the MK2 and su30 know we have tactics and we play like gentlemen. Today is not the age of numbers and masses but it is the game of swiftness intelligence and mental domination.

Now regards to the nuke that in 10-15 mins the subcontinent will die, How many nukes are we talking and yield ?
Hello seven0seven

Even though they are massive in numbers they fly machines which are not lets say effective, mig21 for example is absolute so is the jaguar know the real problem maker is the MK2 and su30 know we have tactics and we play like gentlemen. Today is not the age of numbers and masses but it is the game of swiftness intelligence and mental domination.

Now regards to the nuke that in 10-15 mins the subcontinent will die, How many nukes are we talking and yield ?
don't take them lightly sir, Su-30/Mirage 2000 is a serious threat to Pakistan and they have also MIg-29 which comparable to F-16, and our JF-17 is no where near the SU-30/M-2000/Mig-29 in firepower range weapon payloads avionics, hence we have only one jet to counter these threats F-16 (76) they have 250+ MKI/110 MIG-29/60 M-2000 which is not enough there Idiom sir "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY"
We denoted nuke at Chaghi which estimated by neutral observer 40 kiloton, Pakistan have 100-140 warheads and India have at least 150-180 warheads so if we assume 70-100 kiloton yield is possible for both countries
don't take them lightly sir, Su-30/Mirage 2000 is a serious threat to Pakistan and they have also MIg-29 which comparable to F-16, and our JF-17 is no where near the SU-30/M-2000/Mig-29 in firepower range weapon payloads avionics, hence we have only one jet to counter these threats F-16 (76) they have 250+ MKI/110 MIG-29/60 M-2000 which is not enough there Idiom sir "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY"
We denoted nuke at Chaghi which estimated by neutral observer 40 kiloton, Pakistan have 100-140 warheads and India have at least 150-180 warheads so if we assume 70-100 kiloton yield is possible for both countries
  • No sir absolutely not it is not to be taken lightly I have also posted su-30 analysis on the Jft thread, there is a big but I believe our people do not have faith in the JFT you see fighting off a another plane is not about fire power payloads hard points etc, it is more about detect first shoot first, now this is a very extensive and exhaustive topic. I really dont want to go through all the specific details but you have to rule with fear.
Sir how power full do you think nukes what would you predict how many KT is needed to destroy an area the size of new Delhi (not accounting in for active fallout) just sheer damage.
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  • No sir absolutely not it is not to be taken lightly I have also posted su-30 analysis on the Jft thread, there is a big but I believe our people do not have faith in the JFT you see fighting off a another plane is not about fire power payloads hard points etc, it is more about detect first shoot first, now this is a very extensive and exhaustive topic. I really dont want to go through all the specific details but you have to rule with fear.
Sir how power full do you think nukes what would you predict how many KT is needed to destroy an area the size of new Delhi (not accounting in for active fallout) just sheer damage.
Sir everything JF-17 is not on par with enemy jets especially their main jets like MIG-29/MKI/M-2000, you're talking about First look First Shoot matching these parameter we have only one fighter that radar range weapon carrying capability to Match MKI/MIG-29/M-2000 this is F-16, JF-17 neither have the range and weapon payload capability nor it have radar to look first let alone shoot first,
I have not any kind fear on my head, and i am talking fact (technical facts)
I think 2 nukes are enough to annihilate entire Delhi
Sir everything JF-17 is not on par with enemy jets especially their main jets like MIG-29/MKI/M-2000, you're talking about First look First Shoot matching these parameter we have only one fighter that radar range weapon carrying capability to Match MKI/MIG-29/M-2000 this is F-16, JF-17 neither have the range and weapon payload capability nor it have radar to look first let alone shoot first,
I have not any kind fear on my head, and i am talking fact (technical facts)
I think 2 nukes are enough to annihilate entire Delhi

Sir what are the basis of your belief that JFT cannot par with MK2 and Mig 29 (NO SU30)

Do you suggest I make thread about Radar detection, Intercept ranges, Kill point, and BVR tactics? I think alot of clarification needs to be done on how to actually detect and shoot and BVR fight.

your opinion is respected.
Sir what are the basis of your belief that JFT cannot par with MK2 and Mig 29 (NO SU30)

Do you suggest I make thread about Radar detection, Intercept ranges, Kill point, and BVR tactics? I think alot of clarification needs to be done on how to actually detect and shoot and BVR fight.

your opinion is respected.
You look into deeper into IAF, their M-2000 are recently upgraded with some RAFALE tech on it, RDY-3 on their M-2000 at least have a range of 200 km where as their Mig-29 (old) have range of 150-180 km and their latest MIG-29K for IN even better radar range of 200+ km
and whereas our JF-17 (Block-2) have a radar range of 130 Km (KLJ-7V2), and remember sir MIG-29/M-2000 stand in medium weight category whereas JF-17 stand in Light weight category
You look into deeper into IAF, their M-2000 are recently upgraded with some RAFALE tech on it, RDY-3 on their M-2000 at least have a range of 200 km where as their Mig-29 (old) have range of 150-180 km and their latest MIG-29K for IN even better radar range of 200+ km
and whereas our JF-17 (Block-2) have a radar range of 130 Km (KLJ-7V2), and remember sir MIG-29/M-2000 stand in medium weight category whereas JF-17 stand in Light weight category

No matter the range you will always detect your target on RCS based, 70-100 km for JFT, JFT is almost in the mid weight cat I am not saying it is better than m2000 but it is not worse it can kill both. mig 29 is more of a backup fighter the main stay is su and m2000.

Radars are very specific you play with azimuth and ranges to get the best result and when you have a DATA LINK with AWACS than you need not any radar except shooting bvr.

I assume you do not know what a shoot Que is?

If you have any question as to how let me know I will answer to the best of my knowledge.
No matter the range you will always detect your target on RCS based, 70-100 km for JFT, JFT is almost in the mid weight cat I am not saying it is better than m2000 but it is not worse it can kill both. mig 29 is more of a backup fighter the main stay is su and m2000.

Radars are very specific you play with azimuth and ranges to get the best result and when you have a DATA LINK with AWACS than you need not any radar except shooting bvr.

I assume you do not know what a shoot Que is?

If you have any question as to how let me know I will answer to the best of my knowledge.
Look sir as i say JF-17 B2 has a radar range of 130 km how can it detect beyond 130 km and yes AWACS can detect and gives data to JF-17 but does B2 guides BVR to the target to 130 km most BVR is not fired at long ranges but in NEZ ( NO ESCAPE ZONE) to increase the chances of Hit,and remember SD-10 have range of 100 km which NEZ will be 60-80 km for SD-10, there theoretically possible that AWACS can guide BVR to its extreme range to targets but we don't know whether we have this capability or not
Yea, just like you had info on Alan Warnes but then Christian Fair burst your bubble
Alan Warnes got absolutely humiliated after his visa application was rejected on his face.
Mission accomplished.
So everyone in the IAF operates with their own method....just like the India media.
Movement of fighter aircraft is decided by controller and not another pilot in another aircraft.
So you admit that 24 PAF aircraft intruded into Indian airspace and all the Indians could shoot down was their own helicopter after losing two aircraft....lol only happens in India.
No PAF aircraft crossed LoC investigations later showed
Even Pak admitted that.
Alan Warnes got absolutely humiliated after his visa application was rejected on his face.
Mission accomplished.

Movement of fighter aircraft is decided by controller and not another pilot in another aircraft.

No PAF aircraft crossed LoC investigations later showed
Even Pak admitted that.
Yeah yeah whatever what next, you're humiliated in front of the whole world
I have all info.

Abhi has no relations with what Su-30 & M2K were told to do

They came around 24 of them.
But it took 35 minutesed for them to come by which time PAF returned deep into Pak airspace

You had 12 F16 & 12 JF17, we had only 2 Su 30 & 2 M2K.

Why did it take 35mins for the IAF jets to arrive knowing that there will be an attack from PAF. Do you guys have any brains at all? Stop making fun of yourself with every new comment coming out of your brainless head and accept the reality.
Alan Warnes got absolutely humiliated after his visa application was rejected on his face.
Mission accomplished.
And you were the one racketing like a Chimp that Alan Warnes is coming to India to disclose that he thinks no SU-30 was shot down...now read what you have written to understand what a complete jerk that you are.
Movement of fighter aircraft is decided by controller and not another pilot in another aircraft.
So one controller told the SU-30 and Mirage Pilots to bug out while the other instructed Abhinandan to go over for a cup of tea....oh well proves the point that there is no interaction between Indian armed forces....
No PAF aircraft crossed LoC investigations later showed
Even Pak admitted that.
It's a known fact that Indians are prone to change their statements on a daily basis....while the truth is apart from the strike force, even the Viper pilot crossed into India until his missile went Pitbull.
BTW, although you have been kicked out of the forum...again, however, I have only replied to you knowing you have no other life and nodoubt will return with another fake ID.

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