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So I got married in February

Tebrik-ler!!! Nothing like the first six months of marriage!!! If the cooking hand of Baji is “exceptional” it can be maximized up to three years....

She can’t cook shit, and is worthless except for her green tea. But even a baboon can boil water, so go figure.
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This maybe a random unrelated question but in general, would Pakistani guys living abroad prefer girls raised in Pak or raised abroad like US, Canada, EU etc?

I know it all boils down to one's personal preference but which way do the stats incline!1

Pakistan. Girls here are generally innocent and very program-able if they are from a good family.
Congrats, may your married life be one of joy and happiness and you don't lose hair like all of us already married men :). So no time for pdf then?

Wife takes a lot of time, but I am a Chaudhry banda, so I send her home any time she gets mouthy. She speaks less now.
man.. if you are that 'healthy' before marriage... i wonder what follows.. :P

I got fat due to office job. I am currently losing weight and at 90 kg. My goal is 80 kg and then I will be at peak performance of a physical human being.

@lastofthepatriots congrats bro and good luck , Rigorous Imprisonment aint a joke.

P.S; You’ve changed quiet alot.. you looked different in your old pics.

3 years feels like eternity.. you have bore the brunt for 13.

It’s been a few months and I feel like it’s been an eternity. Every time she starts annoying me I threaten her with a second marriage and she calms down. :lol:

Disappointed dude. I thought you are more handsome. Or maybe as @DESERT FIGHTER said, "You have aged."
Age takes it toll on everyone. I used to be the best looking guy in my town in the US. Girls of all colors and backgrounds used to try and get my number.

Alf Mabrook bro, you look great !! :)

F bitches in the US, but marry in Gaza. Thanks little bro. And keep your head up hazzy, the world is a pretty big place.
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I got fat due to office job. I am currently losing weight and at 90 kg. My goal is 80 kg and then I will be at peak performance of a physical human being.
just saying have a family plan.. especially if your wife is working.. spend time together and don't listen to people who says " khushkhabri kab da rahy ho" . also it helps on losing weight and get in routine...
Was it arranged? I am thinking of asking my dad to find a wife in the Arab world. Its not like I can't get women in America but its that they are the shittiest wives you could ask for.

You are way too young to marry. I believe you are even younger than me. :what:
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