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So I got married in February

Congrats, may your married life be one of joy and happiness and you don't lose hair like all of us already married men :). So no time for pdf then?
Mubarak @lastofthepatriotics
Marriage is a great blessing, half of your deen is complete. Wish you well and may Allah almighty bless you with pious children. Ameen
@lastofthepatriots congrats bro and good luck , Rigorous Imprisonment aint a joke.

P.S; You’ve changed quiet alot.. you looked different in your old pics.

being married for 13 years i can only pass sympathies for happily accepting qaid-e-bamushaqat :p congratulations
3 years feels like eternity.. you have bore the brunt for 13.

Lolololol that's what everyone said to me. To be honest, I hate being the center of attention. Also I have a very mean and scary looking face even when I am relaxed. My mother in law even said, you don't look happy. I just have a very serious face. lol
Was the opposite in my case.

I was chill AF..

Again same old rant. Everybody knows You are proved Chicken . Here one member Secular nationalist even gave you Number & home address , you didn't even speak & he said your voice was like cat & you didn't came . I understand you just came from U.S.A, everybody understand your frustration after you suffered in U.S.A as 3rd class citizen. That's why I suggested you leave U.S.A and settle in Pakistan. Pictures speaks itself. No Ronak on face.
& Still same old rants and Barking same. Old chicken. Nothing more. Continue. Keep it up:dance3:
Whats your beef with eachother?
Come on man, congratulate him and move on.
here are some mixed pics from mehndi, valeema, nikkah.








Alhamdulillah, I'm happy for you bro.

, so we don't show our women. You know this...

You should just black out the whole image.

This maybe a random unrelated question but in general, would Pakistani guys living abroad prefer girls raised in Pak or raised abroad like US, Canada, EU etc?

I know it all boils down to one's personal preference but which way do the stats incline!1

Pakistan, because they're more conservative and have lower expectations.
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