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So how good is Pakistan’s JF-17 fighter? Analysis from RUSI think-tank’s Justin Bronk

There are some people here who come with the aim of being a nuisance. I have found the only way of dealing with them is to make them feel the pain in their own coin.

Even I do that at times, but restricted to political debate only.

Technical ones are very hard. Needs a lot of thinking and right approach.
Sure. How about you wipe that laugh off your face first? Show respect if you want a respectful reply.
What ? respect ?
You quoted me first and criticized me, called me word you shouldn't have. Now demanding respect from me ?
If you give respect to me, I will return you more than you gave me .. and if you try to humiliate me I would cross limit also.

You need to understand something---. Extra hard points on this size of aircraft are a burden and not an asset---.

It is not your truck that you can ride overloaded without and repurcussions---.

Damn---it just dawned on me---now I understand why every jack sh-it pakistan wants more hard point---.

Every machine in Pakistan is overloaded---from bicycle to a truck---no wonder the fools want the fighter aircraft to be over loaded to satisfy their egos---.

Technically speaking more hard points require a major redesign of the airframe and propulsion system. BTW with little effort, you may increase the number of hard-points, if that is sooo necessary, but overall payload capacity would stay the same.. With increased load not only the structure gets overloaded, there is an increase in the drag penalty with reduce the speed and manoeuvrability.
What ? respect ?
You quoted me first and criticized me, called me word you shouldn't have. Now demanding respect from me ?
If you give respect to me, I will return you more than you gave me .. and if you try to humiliate me I would cross limit also.

Because you actually don't know what you are talking about. This is plain as day light from your posts and arguments. When you have no idea about the topic, you don't go around throwing your weight. Otherwise you find someone else will cut you down to size. Now stop this nonsense and keep within your limits.
Every machine in Pakistan is overloaded---from bicycle to a truck---no wonder the fools want the fighter aircraft to be over loaded to satisfy their egos---.
True that....whenever I visit Pakistan, I see people abusing their vehicles... more people in the cars..For me a sedan is at max for four people but here sometimes 5 people share it which cramps space for the backseat passengers.. really sad.
As you know all .. only an idiot would talk like that ..

Where you studied jet's maneuverability ? When a dog was mounting her bitch in your street ?

Good, put a display for everyone. Now it should be plain as day light what your concept of super-maneuverability really is.

This is a flaw in the conception.
Good, put a display for everyone. Now it should be plain as day light what your concept of super-maneuverability really is.

This is a flaw in the conception.
Really tell please, where you studied all the subjects in this world ?... you are the most learned person in the world, as you know everything .
A person in mental hospital calls himself AirChiefMarshel ,, is that joke is about you ? :lol:

I told you, I would reply hard my dear .. You never believed me .. not my fault .. ;) .. I even offered you to pass by respectfully.
And now you are ruining this good thread
Really tell please, where you studied all the subjects in this world ?... you are the most learned person in the world, as you know everything .
A person in mental hospital calls himself AirChiefMarshel ,, is that joke is about you ? :lol:

I told you, I would reply hard my dear .. You never believed me .. not my fault .. ;) .. I even offered you to pass by respectfully.

Look at you! I want you to keep talking just like this. Don't stop know. Not when you are so near the inevitable ban. Or do I need to call you more names to get a response?
Look at you! I want you to keep talking just like this. Don't stop know. Not when you are so near the inevitable ban. Or do I need to call you more names to get a response?
No Mr. air chief marshal ... I want to enjoy your knowledge and talks
So explain please .. how su -30 apply brakes then its driver shifts to reverse gear and then what ? .... further disadvantages please go ahead
No Mr. air chief marshal ... I want to enjoy your knowledge and talks
So explain please .. how su -30 apply brakes then its driver shifts to reverse gear and then what ? .... further disadvantages please go ahead

Look around you. Are you surrounded by white walls everywhere? Do you see people dressed in white? Are you wearing a white onesie?
Dear Sir Airchiefamrshal, I have come to know that you are an authority on jet maneuverability in Brisbane mental hospital.
I am so sorry I challenged your authority :(
Please forgive me and further enlighten me on su 30 maneuverability. Thanks in advance.

You are simply not in the right frame of mind. Or in other words, you have completely lost it.
JF17 Serves a defensive purpose and for that reason it is a proper machine based on Price and Weapon Load cobination.
You are making sense ... while maneuvering Su -30 is sitting duck .... that's epic

God bless you mr authority .. bye
They have SU 30MKI and Pakistan has not even a single Block 3. It's all about today. Tomorrow your enemy would also increase his capability and that too many time more than yours.
AW&Cs would be gone in first week of war.
Well, even JF17 blk-I and II interlinked to a AW&C can take on them furthermore we have F-16 block 52/50 and PAF has an excellent experience and expertise on flying these machines. This first week thingy is so ridiculous ...what makes you believe all AW&C will be gone in the first week? and I don't think the war will last for multiple weeks..a full fledge conflict may transition from conventional to nuclear in matter of days.

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