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Sniper Rifles



The 12.7 x 55 mm "VKS" silenced sniper rifle ("Выхлоп") (Vyhlop - exhaust)
using by FSB Russia
thank you sir. it was quite interesting and impresive
Concern "Kalashnikov" has developed a new sniper rifle SV-338, designed to equip the Russian armed forces.

"At the moment the corresponding application is filed, and work is underway to prepare permits for export of these weapons," - said director general adviser Kirisenko concern. "SV-338 will be in demand by the Russian armed forces and special units," - said the expert.
Sniper rifle SV-338 is an army version of sporting rifle "Record-338." Weapons equipped with the sliding bolt. Selected caliber - .338 "Lapua Magnum» / Lapua Magnum / - allows confidently hit with high accuracy at a distance of 1 km or more goals, protected by means of body armor. Shop NE-338 is targeted for 5 rounds. The weapon has a mount for optical sights standard "Picatinny» / Picatinny /, that allows the use of both domestic and foreign models. The rifle has an adjustable buttstock with an integrated focus. Muzzle Brake compensator can significantly reduce returns.
I'm more of an old-school type:

love this baby tho. i fired these many a time. Need to buy one.


How much?
More sniper rifles coming our way from the US :coffee:
I got it three years ago for 79 bucks in calif

That cheap!? My goodness. lol. That's what i pay to fill up my Toyota 4Runner. :omghaha:
That cheap!? My goodness. lol. That's what i pay to fill up my Toyota 4Runner. :omghaha:
Now they cost like $140 or something. :(
A few years ago they were $100.:victory:

Still damn cheap
That cheap!? My goodness. lol. That's what i pay to fill up my Toyota 4Runner. :omghaha:


Now they cost like $140 or something. :(
A few years ago they were $100.:victory:

Still damn cheap
there was promotion going on back then, I was in the store to buy a AK and a moss 500, I regret the fact that i should have picked up two of em.


How much?
Actually now that you have reminded me of my SKS refinish, I should be doing a Mosin refinish. I will probably start this weekend and post pics when finished.

Now they cost like $140 or something. :(
A few years ago they were $100.:victory:

You know what's pretty funny , the shooting club that I am member of has a lot of WWII enthusiasts. During Memorial day weekend we had a gun exhibition , a lot of vets were there and i had the pleasure of meeting the father of my one friend who i regularly shoot with. His dad was a WWII vet in the Pacific Theater and showed me an Arisaka Type 99 he kept as a souvenir. Type 99s were the most widely distributed throughout the Imperial Japanese Army and standard issue for Imperial soldiers. What was amazing about the one he had -- was how he kept it polished and even made great lengths to preserve the bayonet that came with it.

I was able to hold it with its bayonet on. Beautiful machine.

My friend's dad said to me, "You know how its pretty funny how i'm talking to you about this. Face to face. There was a time when our people considered each other enemies and fought each other to the death."

I smiled when he said that. He was right.
You know what's pretty funny , the shooting club that I am member of has a lot of WWII enthusiasts. During Memorial day weekend we had a gun exhibition , a lot of vets were there and i had the pleasure of meeting the father of my one friend who i regularly shoot with. His dad was a WWII vet in the Pacific Theater and showed me an Arisaka Type 99 he kept as a souvenir. Type 99s were the most widely distributed throughout the Imperial Japanese Army and standard issue for Imperial soldiers. What was amazing about the one he had -- was how he kept it polished and even made great lengths to preserve the bayonet that came with it.

I was able to hold it with its bayonet on. Beautiful machine.

My friend's dad said to me, "You know how its pretty funny how i'm talking to you about this. Face to face. There was a time when our people considered each other enemies and fought each other to the death."

I smiled when he said that. He was right.
The type 99 had a lot of the cool gizmos early on. Anti aircraft sights, dust cover, etc.

I never saw a nice on though unfortunately. Only the last ditch ones.
The type 99 had a lot of the cool gizmos early on. Anti aircraft sights, dust cover, etc.

I never saw a nice on though unfortunately. Only the last ditch ones.

Here's a good video:


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