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Snakes protected by Musharraf

MQM has been involved in direct contacts with foreign intelligence agencies.
That being said, it is difficult to distinguish between certain Indian UP communities and Karachi migrants to other countries as embracing of bollywood makes their mannerisms indistinguishable.

Hence my repeated plea to ban anything Indian in media - be it through cinema, social media or otherwise and make it a criminal offense to both promote and encourage watching it.

Indian media should be treated as worse than pornography in Pakistan for is to be truly rid of their worst weapon.
The cultural damage they cause justifies the extreme measures.
For those going off about this being MQM, please understand that there are fringe elements in all parties.

To give you an example, the most fringe elements of Sindhi nationalistic parties will have separatist tendencies (if one recalls GM Syed's Jiyay Sind Mahaz). The same elements exist within Pashtun nationalists (they don't buy into the separation of Pashtuns across Pakistan and Afghanistan). The same goes for Balochis. Even amongst Punjabis, I have personally been in settings where people have questioned Pakistaniat.

Musharraf was a pragmatist. He felt, and rightly so, that without cooperating with MQM in Karachi, which is a very significant cog in Pakistan's economy, he would be negatively affecting Pakistan's economic progress (which was the case during BB and NS' time prior to his takeover) thus his alignment with MQM.

MQM has its own fringe clowns who will go to the extreme with which the vast majority of Karachi Muhajirs will never agree. For Muhajirs, it has always been Pakistan first and then their ethnicity. This is why Muhajirs participate in all walks of life including a very sizable number serving in the PakMil. The most recent casualty taken by the PA (Maj Adeel Shahid) was a Karachiite and a Muhajir.

One can fault Musharraf for many decisions (as we can every single leader in Pakistan) but NEVER for being anti-state or working against the interests of Pakistan willfully.
Seriously wtf is a muhajir? All those that came during 47 were automatically given citizenship so they are not considered refugees or any other lesser for of the populous. It time people of Karachi drop that term and call them self's sindhis.

If they persist on being called muhajir then they should start packing there bags and move back to where they came from, because that's what a muhajir is.
Third gender gay language

WTF, why would people say that

Seriously wtf is a muhajir? All those that came during 47 were automatically given citizenship so they are not considered refugees or any other lesser for of the populous. It time people of Karachi drop that term and call them self's sindhis.

If they persist on being called muhajir then they should start packing there bags and move back to where they came from, because that's what a muhajir is.

Don't think it works that way, I am a 3rd generation Karachite and i am still a Pukhtoon and not Sindhi, even though we were persecuted by the MQM goons, we still happily stuck to our identity.
Musharraf was number one and Iran Khan is no where near.
Musharaf made some blunders.
Kargil: Had to come back
Nawaz n BB: invited them back
MQM: failed to address foreign links.
Lal masjid: excessive force
WOT: didn’t realized, planned for the blow back.
Every Time good initiative, but lack of planning or foresight.
true accountability will start when mushraf and kayani are hanged for their support for mqm and ppp for their crimed against people of Pakistan!
100% agreed bro... these two snakes namely Musharraf and Kiyani are equally (if not more) responsible for the current situation in Pakistan. Both of these traitors must be tried under article 6 along with Nawaz and Zardari.
MQM is an offshoot of RAAW....mostly MQM member trained by Indian RAAW. I have been lived in Hyderabad and Karachi. and knows them very well, mostly in their party are racist and I think should send them back to India because since 70's still called themself immigrant (Mohajir) what a non-sense is that like BJP and not willing to integrate with country society. IK image can now build confidence in Urdu speaking Brother/Sister and put back on track.
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WTF, why would people say that

Don't think it works that way, I am a 3rd generation Karachite and i am still a Pukhtoon and not Sindhi, even though we were persecuted by the MQM goons, we still happily stuck to our identity.
Your different, you belong to a place that is in Pakistan. These people didnt, but once given citizenship, they belonged to the province they are in.
The list of Anti State acts of Musharraf is very long such as,

He allowed US to use Shamsi Airbase against our people for drone strikes, shutdown by Kayani and PPP Govt.

He allowed CIA to make station in Islamabad and free visas, which resulted domestic terrorism, CIA supported MQM/TTP/ANP/Daesh etc against Pakistan from Islamabad, finally stopped there visas by Rahil Sharif and PMLN Govt and suddenly peace appeared .

Long story short when Musharraf took power, Pakistan was very peaceful and when he left every where there was destruction and terrorism, Swat was under TTP control, Thanks to Kiyani who started Swat operation and Rahil sharif who worked day and night and cleaned his mess.
Majority of Karachiites do not speak Urdu. They speak a downgraded version of it called gulabi Urdu...which is a lot more similar to some of lingo spoken in India..The two true accents of Urdu are from Delhi and Lakhnow and these are spoken a tiny minority. Furthermore, speaking the same or similar language does not make them an ethnicity.
They are Pakistani and belong to different ethnicities.

MQM has been involved in direct contacts with foreign intelligence agencies.
That being said, it is difficult to distinguish between certain Indian UP communities and Karachi migrants to other countries as embracing of bollywood makes their mannerisms indistinguishable.

Hence my repeated plea to ban anything Indian in media - be it through cinema, social media or otherwise and make it a criminal offense to both promote and encourage watching it.

Indian media should be treated as worse than pornography in Pakistan for is to be truly rid of their worst weapon.
The cultural damage they cause justifies the extreme measures.
This is so true sir. I totally agree. The effects of this cocktail of lies and vulgarity is far worse than visiting a nude beech (kind of extreme example). Furthermore, we need to move away and degangafy our culture. Our Urdu should sound more like expressed in the national anthem. The share of Persian and Arabic in daily life should be increased.

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