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Liquidmetal frame is highly unlikely atleast for now. Although I do like the above concept, I like the following even better:


although using this one in landscape mode might be a pain in the @$$
Liquidmetal frame is highly unlikely atleast for now.

I am not too sure about that, rumor has it that it's possible the iPhone 5 may have a liquid metal frame.

Rumors Are iPhone 5 Will Be Thinner Using ‘Liquid Metal’ Technology | Video | TheBlaze.com

However as usual you can never be too sure with Apple, we will just have to wait & see.

Although I do like the above concept, I like the following even better:


although using this one in landscape mode might be a pain in the @$$

That looks more like a magic mouse than an iPhone in my opinion. I highly doubt that Apple would make a design similar to that for the iPhone 5. There are more chances of the iPhone 5 resembling an iPod Touch than resembling the magic mouse to be honest.
Any idea when its supposed to be released?

Most likely this fall, sometime around October. Some people expected a release this summer but I highly doubt it, Apple won't be willing to screw over its iPhone 4S users.
I am not too sure about that, rumor has it that it's possible the iPhone 5 may have a liquid metal frame.

Rumors Are iPhone 5 Will Be Thinner Using ‘Liquid Metal’ Technology | Video | TheBlaze.com

However as usual you can never be too sure with Apple, we will just have to wait & see.

That looks more like a magic mouse than an iPhone in my opinion. I highly doubt that Apple would make a design similar to that for the iPhone 5. There are more chances of the iPhone 5 resembling an iPod Touch than resembling the magic mouse to be honest.

As you say we can never be too sure with Apple but prick our brains out over speculating.
I got this: “Breakthrough” Liquidmetal Apple gadget at least 5 years away

And I'd like iPhone to resemble the magic mouse for a change, it feels great in the hand and honestly Apple's been stuck with iPod touch base design for too long now.

Its time for something refreshing, either bring out the liquidmetal chasis or magic mouse, 4S was a big disappointment.
Samsung Galaxy S3 comes out today in London. 4.7" Screen, 1.5 Ghz Quad Core processor, 12 MP camera, 320dpi screen. Forget the Iphone. Its for people who want to do dumb things on smart phones.

I am with you on this. Android is the way to go.

Btw, what is your opinion about HTC? From my experience, much better than iPhones.
As you say we can never be too sure with Apple but prick our brains out over speculating.
I got this: “Breakthrough” Liquidmetal Apple gadget at least 5 years away

And I'd like iPhone to resemble the magic mouse for a change, it feels great in the hand and honestly Apple's been stuck with iPod touch base design for too long now.

Its time for something refreshing, either bring out the liquidmetal chasis or magic mouse, 4S was a big disappointment.

That was an interesting article, all I can say at this point is that we will have to wait & see. Rumors about Apple can traditionally end up being horribly wrong, I guess both of us know that. That's why the most we can do right now is keep in touch with further news regarding the phone.

As for the iPhone 4S, it may have been a disappointment to those who expected an all new design but I kind of guessed based on the earlier generation iPhones that Apple would stick to the same design. In any case it sold pretty well, though I didn't upgrade to it. I am still on the iPhone 4 & I plan to upgrade to 5 next.

Regarding the magic mouse design, Apple likes to make design that are for the most part elegant & beautiful. I know that beauty is subjective, but a phone shaped like that won't even remain steady if you laid it on its back lol. It looks way too much like a toy, & I personally don't feel most business customers would care for it keeping in mind that Apple is trying to target business customers more these days. In fact the phone they release has to appeal to most market segments, & frankly I just don't see that design appealing to most people; not even me.

Apple wants to do a massive hardware specification upgrade for it's next phone & it's ability to do that would be hampered if it chose the magic mouse design. Placing all the components within that frame would be a tough task, I don't even know if a 8 mega pixel camera lens can fit in that concept. Don't take my word for it though, most concept designers talk about what kind of hardware their concepts would support so for the most accurate details we would have to refer to that.

Liquid metal is a marketing gimmick to say Alloy.

I agree, but it's still a pretty cool name; it will manage to receive all the publicity it was intended to.

Samsung Galaxy S3 comes out today in London. 4.7" Screen, 1.5 Ghz Quad Core processor, 12 MP camera, 320dpi screen. Forget the Iphone. Its for people who want to do dumb things on smart phones.

Was that comment even necessary? I try to avoid flame wars & respect other people's choices, but to compare that ugly, buggy, fragmented, & insecure OS to iOS is something that will even anger God himself. :azn:

The iPhone & iOS is all about the experience; its applications, its design, the OS itself all work together to give you that experience. There are many advantages to iOS over Android, firstly the lack of fragmentation. With Android you have all these different user interfaces attempting to do nothing other than reinventing the wheel. All of those interface especially the TouchWiz UI make me want to puke, it's only Ice Cream Sandwich that has got a decent & well designed interface. Then again unless you buy the Galaxy Nexus, you won't be allowed to use the vanilla appearance on your S3 without using a vanilla ROM. ;)

Applications for Android are of lower quality, in fact that was to be expected when you have all these different phones with varying hardware specifications. It's very difficult for developers to develop apps that run perfectly on all these devices. If that's not believable for you then read about why WP7 has such a strict hardware specification guideline. Android phones give an extremely varied experience depending upon the phone you buy & even then the lack of good quality apps is a major blow against it.

Google gets served (by grumpy Android users) - News - Know Your Cell


The Android market place isn't as secure as the AppStore, basically Apple has strict checks to ensure not only the quality but the safety of the application itself. This guarantees that I can feel safe while trying out any application on iOS. Sure there are exceptions to the rule, but it's definitely not as bad as Android. Almost any loser is allowed to write Apps for Android & then post it in the market place, that itself is the height of stupidity.

Trojan Apps Hijack Android App Store | Identity Theft Expert Speaker John Sileo

Google responds to Android app store security with stronger scanning measures | ESET ThreatBlog

Corporations love iOS more than BlackBerry OS; Android seen as a security risk

Besides your precious Android is nothing but the equivalent of a poor man's iPhone. In Steve Jobs own words it's nothing but a stolen product. If it wasn't for the iPhone Android would be even worse than it's now.

Android: Before and After the iPhone | TechnoBuffalo

This is the 1st Google Android prototype: :woot: :rofl:


It wasn't released however & Google ended up releasing this:


Do you know what made Google change? It's another device that was released in 2007's summer that influenced them a lot; the device is this:


That's enough Android bashing for now I guess.
Samsung Galaxy S3 comes out today in London. 4.7" Screen, 1.5 Ghz Quad Core processor, 12 MP camera, 320dpi screen. Forget the Iphone. Its for people who want to do dumb things on smart phones.
Already got these features on my SONY Xperia S and it has 342 PPI pixel density screen as compared to 320 by Samsung.
People who compare IOS with Android, probably haven't used both of them together,as it's too obvious that Android is years behind IOS. Some how i don't get the argument that Android is ''open environment'', it's pointless when Android can't even offer you the half of apps that are there on IOS. If IOS is made available on handsets other than I-Phone, then i assure you that Android will become history.
People who compare IOS with Android, probably haven't used both of them together,as it's too obvious that Android is years behind IOS. Some how i don't get the argument that Android is ''open environment'', it's pointless when Android can't even offer you the half of apps that are there on IOS. If IOS is made available on handsets other than I-Phone, then i assure you that Android will become history.

That's true bro, but I really don't want iOS to be available on other mobiles. Apple's experience is so great because Apple controls both the hardware & the software. Otherwise it would turn in to a nightmare to manage & program for iOS devices as it's with Android devices. Even Windows Phone 7's strict hardware requirements aren't good enough for true maintenance of quality.
I am with you on this. Android is the way to go.

Btw, what is your opinion about HTC? From my experience, much better than iPhones.

Good in the GCC, reasonably priced, and I love HTC sense. But as devices are concerned they are second best to the Samsung. It takes some getting used to if you swtich from the HTC, but the performance of the Samsung is going to keep beating HTC for the next year at least.

Already got these features on my SONY Xperia S and it has 342 PPI pixel density screen as compared to 320 by Samsung.

4.3" / Dual Core Processor / No 4G capabiliy.

Sony? Sony faltu hai.

iphone haters will never know how good a iPhone or apple products are, until they ever own one.

Dunnit, already.

The iPhone & iOS is all about the experience; its applications, its design, the OS itself all work together to give you that experience.

For Lallus, newbies, novices... It's for little girls who like to carry it like a fashion accessory.

It doesn't even support flash, what do you mean applications! As a developer, I have to pay for an expensive Mac to develop any applications on it, as its development tools are not available for Windows or Linux, moreover, my app would be for Apple only.

Android has opened things up with Flash. My flash app would work on any flash capable device. Apple says they may bring HTML5, lets see. 5-6 year old tech, we will have to learn things all over again.
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