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Slavery in Saudi Arabia

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Okay buddy I am lying. Saudi love Pakistanis and Indian and Bangladeshi.
I am not going to try and convince you to believe me because of your ignorance you will say " He is Iranians and is here to lie".
so Believe whatever you want.

you dont have to say that you are lying- Just say you are an Iranian- then all adds up- :whistle:-
you dont have to say that you are lying- Just say you are an Iranian- then all adds up- :whistle:-

Your racist attitude toward me being Iranian is of course another sign of where you are living.
You saudi masters must be paying you well enough to sit behind a computer and spread this nonsense. You know as well as I that Pakistanis,Indians get treated like dogs in Saudi arabia.
Your racist attitude toward me being Iranian is of course another sign of where you are living.
You saudi masters must be paying you well enough to sit behind a computer and spread this nonsense. You know as well as I that Pakistanis,Indians get treated like dogs in Saudi arabia.

So you telling me that you an Iranian who never lived in Saudi Arabia in his hole life knows better than a Pakistani who live here ?! ROFL
Your racist attitude toward me being Iranian is of course another sign of where you are living.
You saudi masters must be paying you well enough to sit behind a computer and spread this nonsense. You know as well as I that Pakistanis,Indians get treated like dogs in Saudi arabia.

Iranians are getting so predictable-
So you are saying that every Pakistani- or indian who says some things positive about saudi people or saudi arabia in general are been paid to do so?- thats ridiculous-

Unlike Iranians not every one is paid to have an opinion- :whistle:-

Who am i talking to any way?- a kid?-
go suckle on that pacifier for a change- :lol:-
This is a argument i once had with my fellow PDF member Bannu Ummayah of Saudi origin a while back:

Lets see, who started the African slave trade? Arabs and Jews, both of these people are semites and both started the African slave trade, NOT the Europeans.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Africans Aboard a Slave Ship





This photo in particular is of interest in that the Arab ship carrying the African slaves was intercepted by the British Navy, these salves were soon set free by the British.

European African slave trade (Trans-Atlantic slave trade) only began around the late 1600's, continued through 1700's, and finally ended in 1800's. While Arabs (and Jews) were involved in the purchase, enslavement, and selling of black Africans for more than a Millennium.

"Racist" Europeans ended slavery in the 1800's, while "not" so racist Arabs and Jews continued slavery and still do so even as we speak, in the form of human trafficking, an example of which is kidnapping or purchasing Pakistani and Bangladeshi boys from poor families, as young as 4 to 5 years old, deliberately starving them and using them as camel jockeys.

Russia sentences Israeli to 18 years for sex trafficking
This has become the state of Europe and Russia after decades of marxist Zionist rule.

Also, see the rest of my argument with Bannu Ummayah on this thread:

Iranians are getting so predictable-
So you are saying that every Pakistani- or indian who says some things positive about saudi people or saudi arabia in general are been paid to do so?- thats ridiculous-

Unlike Iranians not every one is paid to have an opinion- :whistle:-

Who am i talking to any way?- a kid?-
go suckle on that pacifier for a change- :lol:-

I see your wahabi master JUNA is here watching to make sure you spread your wahabi trash :rofl:
Okay, I understand your pain. I don't want you to get lashed tonight so go ahead and say everything you want to me.

You were saying, we Iranians are infidels and what else?
This is a argument i once had with my fellow PDF member Bannu Ummayah of Saudi origin a while back:

Lets see, who started the African slave trade? Arabs and Jews, both of these people are semites and both started the African slave trade, NOT the Europeans.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Africans Aboard a Slave Ship





This photo in particular is of interest in that the Arab ship carrying the African slaves was intercepted by the British Navy, these salves were soon set free by the British.

European African slave trade (Trans-Atlantic slave trade) only began around the late 1600's, continued through 1700's, and finally ended in 1800's. While Arabs (and Jews) were involved in the purchase, enslavement, and selling of black Africans for more than a Millennium.

"Racist" Europeans ended slavery in the 1800's, while "not" so racist Arabs and Jews continued slavery and still do so even as we speak, in the form of human trafficking, an example of which is kidnapping or purchasing Pakistani and Bangladeshi boys from poor families, as young as 4 to 5 years old, deliberately starving them and using them as camel jockeys.

Russia sentences Israeli to 18 years for sex trafficking
This has become the state of Europe and Russia after decades of marxist Zionist rule.

Also, see the rest of my argument with Bannu Ummayah on this thread:


Actually you are wrong because in reality it was the Africans themselves who started the slave trade. If the Africans were not so willing to sell of their own people to the Arabs and later the Europeans it would not have become the global market that it did.
I see your wahabi master JUNA is here watching to make sure you spread your wahabi trash :rofl:
Okay, I understand your pain. I don't want you to get lashed tonight so go ahead and say everything you want to me.

You were saying, we Iranians are infidels and what else?

Wahabi?- you getting desperate now- :lol:-
any way if he is wahabi what it makes you?-- shiaty?- a shitty?- although the later is more suitable for you- :pop:-

Hey irani if you say any thing about iran will your khameni hang you by a crane in public square?-


Do you have multiple accounts?

he sounds like Abii- :pop:-
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I see your wahabi master JUNA is here watching to make sure you spread your wahabi trash :rofl:
Okay, I understand your pain. I don't want you to get lashed tonight so go ahead and say everything you want to me.

You were saying, we Iranians are infidels and what else?

What is "Wahabi" ? i never heard of a such word before. however i know that one of Allah names is "Wahab" so why calling us "Wahabis" are you worshiping us or comparing us to God or what exactly ?!
This is a argument i once had with my fellow PDF member Bannu Ummayah of Saudi origin a while back:

Lets see, who started the African slave trade? Arabs and Jews, both of these people are semites and both started the African slave trade, NOT the Europeans.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade

Africans Aboard a Slave Ship





This photo in particular is of interest in that the Arab ship carrying the African slaves was intercepted by the British Navy, these salves were soon set free by the British.

European African slave trade (Trans-Atlantic slave trade) only began around the late 1600's, continued through 1700's, and finally ended in 1800's. While Arabs (and Jews) were involved in the purchase, enslavement, and selling of black Africans for more than a Millennium.

"Racist" Europeans ended slavery in the 1800's, while "not" so racist Arabs and Jews continued slavery and still do so even as we speak, in the form of human trafficking, an example of which is kidnapping or purchasing Pakistani and Bangladeshi boys from poor families, as young as 4 to 5 years old, deliberately starving them and using them as camel jockeys.

Russia sentences Israeli to 18 years for sex trafficking
This has become the state of Europe and Russia after decades of marxist Zionist rule.

Also, see the rest of my argument with Bannu Ummayah on this thread:


The first one who treated and advocated slaves to be treated as equal humans was an Arab Prophet?-
Hey do you know the first ones who released slaves were also Arabs?-
Do you know the first Mozan of Makkah was a slave Hazrat Bilal Habshi?-
Sure they have started it but not the way it was followed by west-

Do you have multiple accounts?

Sir, I use university Computers. This is the first time I use this site. It used to be banned for some reason but now it's unbanned.
I do however have account on other forums, do you also mean those?
I can message you my accounts there if you wish.

What is "Wahabi" ? i never heard of a such word before. however i know that one of Allah names is "Wahab" so why calling us "Wahabis" are you worshiping us or comparing us to God or what exactly ?!

I worship Allah, The creator and the almighty.
How dare you use his name in such ways? You can call him whatever you wish, but I assure you Allah has taken his eyes off Wahabis long time ago.
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Sir, I use university Computers. This is the first time I use this site. It used to be banned for some reason but now it's unbanned.
I do however have account on other forums, do you also mean those?
I can message you my accounts there if you wish.

I worship Allah, The creator and the almighty.
How dare you use his name in such ways? You can call him whatever you wish, but I assure you Allah has taken his eyes off Wahabis long time ago.

How dare i ?!?! LOL you are the one who called me "Wahabi" i did NOT call my self that name, and every Muslim on this world know that "Wahab" is one of Allah's names so why calling me that ?!?!?!
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