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Skewed Islamic culture hampers growth and success


Jul 20, 2009
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I am going to discuss a prominent but overlooked reason for the downward spiral faced by majority of muslims nations.

A boy is raised different than a girl, at least from grade 8, or puberty on wards if not before.

This is manifested primarily in the concept of "chadar and chaar diwari" that restricts girls when it comes to exposure and by large over riding any influence that internet may have positively.

The male child at the same time, is exposed to the world and develops personality traits which are based on the foreign influences. Thus causing a gulf between the female and male child.

From henceforth until graduation the male child keeps experiencing and developing newer experiencing, and the gulf between the male and female keeps increasing.

The rude awakening to reality comes when it time for marriage, and the family sets a match based on what they think the boy and the girl are like, and what they aspire. This maybe true in case of a female child, but is not the case in case of the male child who has had strong influences since he went past grade 10.

The girl's vision is mostly restricted to the "home" and considers the home her universe and battle space should her position be challenged or she should choose to challenge the mother or sisters in law.

This creates a funny and unfortunate relationship, which is possible to continue only if the boy giveup and surrenders what he has learned ( right or wrong) or face the hell that the women create due to their refusal to accept or change.

The 50% of the population's inability to change, eventually drags the whole society down, impeding growth or exploration of newer paradigms.

Share your thoughts please.
A lot of this is to do with culture and not religion. Hence why Muslims across the globe behave and act in different ways. I do believe your title is true in many ways though. Another factor is tribalism, where we get a boner from siding with Muslims in in any situation that is Muslim vs none Muslim as if being Muslim makes you immune from being an idiot and being a none Muslim means you can't possibly know better

I think I have digressed from the topic, my bad
So basically reforming what we have the I guess the right thing to do , I mean the Europeans reformed and I guess so can we.
This is good thinking and I agree with both,
fact of the matter is that the religion was taken over by tribal and local customs,
that is why i mentioned the skewed perception,

But the main point I wanted to make is that muslims cannot progress until the 50% is brought at same pace as the other 50%.

A lot of this is to do with culture and not religion. Hence why Muslims across the globe behave and act in different ways. I do believe your title is true in many ways though. Another factor is tribalism, where we get a boner from siding with Muslims in in any situation that is Muslim vs none Muslim as if being Muslim makes you immune from being an idiot and being a none Muslim means you can't possibly know better

I think I have digressed from the topic, my bad
So basically reforming what we have the I guess the right thing to do , I mean the Europeans reformed and I guess so can we.
I am going to discuss a prominent but overlooked reason for the downward spiral faced by majority of muslims nations.

A boy is raised different than a girl, at least from grade 8, or puberty on wards if not before.

This is manifested primarily in the concept of "chadar and chaar diwari" that restricts girls when it comes to exposure and by large over riding any influence that internet may have positively.

The male child at the same time, is exposed to the world and develops personality traits which are based on the foreign influences. Thus causing a gulf between the female and male child.

From henceforth until graduation the male child keeps experiencing and developing newer experiencing, and the gulf between the male and female keeps increasing.

The rude awakening to reality comes when it time for marriage, and the family sets a match based on what they think the boy and the girl are like, and what they aspire. This maybe true in case of a female child, but is not the case in case of the male child who has had strong influences since he went past grade 10.

The girl's vision is mostly restricted to the "home" and considers the home her universe and battle space should her position be challenged or she should choose to challenge the mother or sisters in law.

This creates a funny and unfortunate relationship, which is possible to continue only if the boy giveup and surrenders what he has learned ( right or wrong) or face the hell that the women create due to their refusal to accept or change.

The 50% of the population's inability to change, eventually drags the whole society down, impeding growth or exploration of newer paradigms.

Share your thoughts please.

Turkeyis a successful example of an indigenously developed military tech Islamic nation
8-) The views are heavily flawed sorry

The fundamental flaw is that you state "The Islamic Religion is to blame for any Social imbalance"

  • The religion equally tells both parties to be pious , and don't be a Vagabond , Rascal Morals
  • The religion also expect both parties to have high morals how they treat their parents and people around them

There is no expanded bridge or river between Men/Women , if there is an imbalance may be it is at , education quality availability to both groups.

Other differences are minor

  • Women wants to go shopping
  • Men wants to do anything but shopping

No major issue for cause of insecurity

Women who behave like "Guys" are major turn off :meeting:
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I am going to discuss a prominent but overlooked reason for the downward spiral faced by majority of muslims nations.

A boy is raised different than a girl, at least from grade 8, or puberty on wards if not before.

This is manifested primarily in the concept of "chadar and chaar diwari" that restricts girls when it comes to exposure and by large over riding any influence that internet may have positively.

The male child at the same time, is exposed to the world and develops personality traits which are based on the foreign influences. Thus causing a gulf between the female and male child.

From henceforth until graduation the male child keeps experiencing and developing newer experiencing, and the gulf between the male and female keeps increasing.

The rude awakening to reality comes when it time for marriage, and the family sets a match based on what they think the boy and the girl are like, and what they aspire. This maybe true in case of a female child, but is not the case in case of the male child who has had strong influences since he went past grade 10.

The girl's vision is mostly restricted to the "home" and considers the home her universe and battle space should her position be challenged or she should choose to challenge the mother or sisters in law.

This creates a funny and unfortunate relationship, which is possible to continue only if the boy giveup and surrenders what he has learned ( right or wrong) or face the hell that the women create due to their refusal to accept or change.

The 50% of the population's inability to change, eventually drags the whole society down, impeding growth or exploration of newer paradigms.

Share your thoughts please.

You're 100% right, but this is due to our abuse of religion to fit in with our mysoginistic culture.

Our womenfolk are raised to be subservient to men. It is wrong. In almost every society women are more likely to run homes and men are more likely to be providers. This is because of the biological restrictions of motherhood - men cannot get pregnant, or breast feed etc. However only in the worst societies are women limited to this.

Look at the example of our Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the women in his life. His wives were business women, they were teachers, one of his wives even led an army into battle.
8-) The views are heavily flawed sorry

The fundamental flaw is that you state "The Islamic Religion is to blame for any Social imbalance"

  • The religion equally tells both parties to be pious , and don't be a Vagabond , Rascal Morals
  • The religion also expect both parties to have high morals how they treat their parents and people around them

There is no expanded bridge or river between Men/Women , if there is an imbalance may be it is at , education quality availability to both groups.

Other differences are minor

  • Women wants to go shopping
  • Men wants to do anything but shopping

No major issue for cause of insecurity

Women who behave like "Guys" are major turn off :meeting:
how old are you ?
In the western culture both boys and specially girls are forced out of their homes and left to fend for themselves after the age of 18, majority of the times these girls uses their bodies as means to earn a living either through the **** industry or concepts like sugar daddy, the open sexual culture of the western society means that by the time both men and women reach the age of 30 they have gone through hundreds of sexual partners, once you have gone through so many partners it is extremely difficult to be in a healthy monogamous relationship long enough to raise a healthy child together, that is why you are seeing two extremes in the western world:

1. The rate of marriage is rapidly declining, even the rate of staying in a long term monogamous relationship is also rapidly declining, there are multiple of reason of this happening a few I have mentioned above (alimony is another one).
2. Those who do get married, there is an extremely high chance of divorce taking place more than 50% within the first 5 years.

The western world is not an ideal example of a successful family setup, it encourages fornication and children being born to divorce parents and out of wedlock, an extremely unhealthy environment to be raised in, which repeats the cycle.
In the western culture both boys and specially girls are forced out of their homes and left to fend for themselves after the age of 18, majority of the times these girls uses their bodies as means to earn a living either through the **** industry or concepts like sugar daddy, the open sexual culture of the western society means that by the time both men and women reach the age of 30 they have gone through hundreds of sexual partners, once you have gone through so many partners it is extremely difficult to be in a healthy monogamous relationship long enough to raise a healthy child together, that is why you are seeing two extremes in the western world:

1. The rate of marriage is rapidly declining, even the rate of staying in a long term monogamous relationship is also rapidly declining, there are multiple of reason of this happening a few I have mentioned above (alimony is another one).
2. Those who do get married, there is an extremely high chance of divorce taking place more than 50% within the first 5 years.

The western world is not an ideal example of a successful family setup, it encourages fornication and children being born to divorce parents and out of wedlock, an extremely unhealthy environment to be raised in, which repeats the cycle.

But why is West able to successfully develop itself year after year even with fornication...fornication has been a mainstay of the West since the invention of the birth control pill..but sicne then they have only grown stronger and stronger
This is absurdity at it's highest level! Assuming to change innate nature of humanity. This is in fact what has been going on in our recent past... changing the essence and nature of humanity.

A family is a commune, a cooperative! It has a structure and a head! It's social and economic affairs are designated. It is the truest form of altruism, love and affection beyond any other worldly or ulterior motivation. I utterly detest the notion, where the role of a mother in nurturing, raising and taking care of her home as ANY less or not given it's due respect, in fact in Islam her role is more cherished, that several times that of the father. That being said Islam only prescribes a higher authority to men for they provide for their family.
Qur'an [4:34]
"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand."

This authority is both political and economic, not religious or genetic!

Qur'an [3:195]
And their Lord responded to them, "Never will I allow to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another. So those who emigrated or were evicted from their homes or were harmed in My cause or fought or were killed - I will surely remove from them their misdeeds, and I will surely admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow as reward from Allah , and Allah has with Him the best reward."

Clearly, the jurisdiction and control is set on these affairs.

Which is why their a mandate for a family and it's affairs and not others.
Economic means are familial means and not state means... which is why charity is an individual act for it not only expiates sins but purifies the wealth...
Making state as a barometer of "wealth of states" and lack of improved measures of productivity mean zilch.

For those who have kids will see for themselves how different the two genders behave from the very get go! It is not trained, it is ingrained in the DNA itself!
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But why is West able to successfully develop itself year after year even with fornication...fornication has been a mainstay of the West since the invention of the birth control pill..but sicne then they have only grown stronger and stronger

The open fornication of the western world is a recent phenomenon, compare it with the west of 100 years back and the difference is day and night, the family life is an essence of any civilisation and these policies, political and cultural shift will eventually catch up to them, the success of the western world have mostly been because they ruled the world through their colonial expansion and the wealth they amassed over the centuries from their rule, that wealth is slowly eroding overtime towards major population centres of the world mostly Asia, compare the growth and rise of China within the last 30 years and it pales in comparison to the US growth, China used more concrete in the last 3 years than the US did in the entire 20th century.
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