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Sixty-four years of failure ??

it may hurt some pakistani members but fact is that only pakistan army and pakistan leader are responsible for the condition

both pakistan army and leader robed pakistan as nation
See? With people like Patriot around, will Pakistan ever come out from its tribulations? Nukes for some is the be-all and end-all of the Pakistani State. According to people like Patriot, Pakistan doesn't need health care, education, improvement in the quality of life for the ordinary Pakistani, lifting millions out of poverty, strengthening democratic institutions, improving trade relations with neighboring countries, improving the economy and so on.

That's not the priority. Spending on such things is a total waste! What is not is building a nuke arsenal (which is never going to be used) and delivery systems which is the single minded objective of most Pakistanis. Their irrational fear and paranoia about India will lead Pakistan's economy down the sink hole. But who cares? Nukes are the mantra - the Pakistani national hymn! As ZA Bhutto once said that Pakistanis will eat grass, but will get the atom bomb! So true.

Hey hypocrit, who had detonated nukes before Pakistan? That's right, it's India.

We need them, regardless of which government is in place or whatever the future may bring us.

It doesn't mean Pakistan will not develop or grow, ofcourse we will, and we can do that perfectly with nuclear weapons in our arsenal.

How about you start lecturing and telling Indians that they should support/press their government in abandoning their nuclear weapons programme? Rather then telling us Pakistanis how to think or act.

Terrorism is our main threat, and India not to forget aswell.

64 years and Pakistan is still standing, we're still vibrant and even in the toughest of conditions we'll make it through.

All these pessimists can go to hell, our future is bright, sure we're in a tangle right now, but looking at our demographics, we'll be a force to be reckoned with in the course of the 21st century.
it may hurt some pakistani members but fact is that only pakistan army and pakistan leader are responsible for the condition

both pakistan army and leader robed pakistan as nation

It may or may not hurt you aswell, but life in India isn't as rosy either. I scratch my head when someone from a 3rd world country tells other people from 3rd world countries in what bad form or condition their nation is.

Hypocrisy at its best.
it may hurt some pakistani members but fact is that only pakistan army and pakistan leader are responsible for the condition

both pakistan army and leader robed pakistan as nation

and india is poor because of its military and leadership and hatred for neighbouring countries...
It may or may not hurt you aswell, but life in India isn't as rosy either. I scratch my head when someone from a 3rd world country tells other people from 3rd world countries in what bad form or condition their nation is.

Hypocrisy at its best.

:coffee: just look around the world we are much i much more condition then you well rest you know its your nation how you will make that

but most of my Pakistani friends told me that
"I will not call it 64 years of failure .... I would rather call it 64 years of how not to run a country"
Thomas Edison

and india is poor because of its military and leadership and hatred for neighbouring countries...

no that not true brother our real problem is our population and unwanted from bd and other countries

well all the world acknowledge us & china are two growing countries in the world
it may hurt some pakistani members but fact is that only pakistan army and pakistan leader are responsible for the condition

both pakistan army and leader robed pakistan as nation

The nation is responsible for letting it happen- Period

Jaise nikami awam waise nikami hakomat-
best of luck for pakistan

Pakistan should spend more on development, peace, education
It is sad that even on our independence day, indians and their inferiority complex cannot take a rest.
no that not true brother our real problem is our population and unwanted from bd and other countries

well all the world acknowledge us & china are two growing countries in the world

well thats what my indian friends told me, anyways india should spend on human development and eliminating class discrimination etc...
:coffee: just look around the world we are much i much more condition then you well rest you know its your nation how you will make that

but most of my Pakistani friends told me that

I'm not looking around the world. Just looking straight at India and that's where I base my opinion on.

I didn't get half of what you wrote by the way, but if you're basically trying to troll and ignite another "India is better then Pakistan"..

Then kindly allow me to contact one of the many aid/relief agencies in the Netherlands, who donate to Indian cause and also have alot of commercials on TV here for children in India, even donkeys in India get aid from Dutch aid institutions, to provide them with proper infrastructure, healthcare and food not to forget.

Shall I contact them and ask of them them to stop acquiring money for India, because you guys are apparently in a "good condition"? :lol:

Give me a break, you trying to downtalk Pakistanis and make things look as if our country is a sh-thole right now.

Look at your own country before you try and judge another.
well thats what my indian friends told me, anyways india should spend on human development and eliminating class discrimination etc...

yes brother both us have our won problems dont you think we should work in positive direction

tell me dont you think only peace and brotherhood is solution well war will only give destruction both us
It is sad that even on our independence day, indians and their inferiority complex cannot take a rest.

And why should Indians feel "inferiority complex" when it comes to a country as reviled and in-the-dumps as Pakistan? Do you even know what the phrase "inferiority complex" means? :crazy:
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