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Six US soldiers killed in two copter crashes

Why are the mods not taking action against the members that are celebrating American soldiers deaths?there is a big difference between celebrating and wishing-

Do you see American members on this forum or even Indian members celebrating the death of our soldiers? This kind of stuff is despicable a solider is a solider no matter what nation he or she is from the same as a doctor is a doctor from whatever nation they are from.

No- not on this forum- else where yes- and thats the sad reality- No body respects enemy's dead soldiers- they are better of dead- before they kill you-
there is a clear distinction in my mind between a soldier and a doctor- you make it to-
Dont compare Doc to a Soldier who can even kill a 9 year old because some superior told him to-

The Taliban are shown respect, ask an American solider and they will describe them as formidable opponents. It amazes them how an Average Talib just has stale naan, a rusty Kalsh, and sandals/flip flops and is still able to launch attack or trek hundreds of miles to wage war.

understand the analogy i am coming from- the taliban/ alqaeda responsible for 9/11 are all dead- and amrika didn't stop there- just because of actions of few people- the whole talibans/ qaeda were made enemies- and still amrika hell bent on destroying them-

Similarly- Amrikan soldiers have killed our soldiers many times- now dont expect me to hate only the amrikan soldiers responsible for these murders- i hate the whole fcukin amrikan army- Do you find any thing wrong with that logic-
Good, I am glad that they perished, now the Americans can understand what we are facing by there bold actions. They chose to act like a Pharaoh, now they can suffer the consequences of there actions.
Never knew that the ENIAC which is considered the "father" of modern computers was built by the Nazi's..
History being twisted and turned around..

You should have read the post properly before replying. Why do you think the Russians and your american friends took custody of the German scientists immediately after the Second World War? Many of the weapons your friends boast of were originally developed by those German scientists, it's a fact of history. If your friends can use German technology why can't others use american technology? Computer chip is not the only invention, there are others.

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 AM ----------

Nazi technology? I didn't remember the Nazis having Pentium Duo Core processors and the like. In fact, microchips were non-existent at the time.

Oh, and before calling the Americans dumb and stupid and that they 'copied' from Nazi technology, understand that it has been over 60 years since the Nazis ended.

Many things have changed, and it is the US that's the front runner of technology today. Would you say the Raptor's design is attributable to the German Stuka? It's not logical.

And also don't forget, those dumb Yankees also beat your precious Nazis :rofl: And they did it with their own brains.

Finish your school before trying to prove yourself!
You should have read the post properly before replying. Why do you think the Russians and your american friends took custody of the German scientists immediately after the Second World War? Many of the weapons your friends boast of were originally developed by those German scientists, it's a fact of history. If your friends can use German technology why can't others use american technology? Computer chip is not the only invention, there are others.

This is pretty lame. The only real technology that the USA borrowed from the Nazis, the only areas in which they were ahead, were liquid fueled rockets and jet engines. That's it.

Their nuclear program was hopelessly juvenile. They had taken the wrong path, while the USA produced nuclear weapons in WW2. "Oh, but what about those German scientists?" Actually, the real scientists were American, Danish, Italian, and not so much German.

The USA produced electronic computers, gun sights, bomb sights, and the secret weapon of the war, the proximity fuze, something Germany could not do. Germany NEVER mastered the creation of super-high octane aviation fuel. They lagged hopelessly in turbo-supercharging technology.

Everyone is SO enamored with Nazi Germany - I don't get it. They were formidable, but no more so than Russians, Canadians, British, and Americans.

We could turn the whole thing around and say Germany stole the technology of the Wright Brothers, Robert Goddard, Hiram Maxim and John Browning.

I bet, this could happened to Pakistan and innocent Pakistanis by supposed ally. Abu Gharib Jail in Iraq is the big examples of many Americans soldiers pleasures and naked bodies without world acknolweged, I didn't wish to add more terrible pictures with fake smile. And the Guantanamo jail is how they treat peoples.

It is really awful, the pictures has been exposed to the world.

I bet, this could happened to Pakistan and innocent Pakistanis by supposed ally. Abu Gharib Jail in Iraq is the big examples of many Americans soldiers pleasures and naked bodies without world acknolweged, I didn't wish to add more terrible pictures with fake smile. And the Guantanamo jail is how they treat peoples.

It is really awful, the pictures has been exposed to the world.

Bro no sane person would do this. Its barbaric and wrong. I am not on the USA side normally as you are aware but on in this instance il say this is not the normal behavior. Truly disgusting.
Everyone is SO enamored with Nazi Germany - I don't get it.
They are not. Those who loudly proclaimed the US 'stole' Nazi Germany's technology simply do not know the history of science and engineering, how knowledge are gained, lost, and rediscovered, how ideas are transmitted, how inventions are often co-invented by different people who knew nothing about their contemporaries. Nazi Germany is just another convenient rhetorical insult they can sling against US. Nothing more. It is an argument based upon ignorance and they are proud of that ignorance.
understand the analogy i am coming from- the taliban/ alqaeda responsible for 9/11 are all dead- and amrika didn't stop there- just because of actions of few people- the whole talibans/ qaeda were made enemies- and still amrika hell bent on destroying them-
Why not? Apparently you do not know that we negotiated with the Taliban for TEN GODDAMNED YEARS either directly or through approved agencies for the Taliban to expel Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden cannot recruit while on the run, he needed a secured home and the Taliban ruling Afghanistan gave him that secured homebase.

Similarly- Amrikan soldiers have killed our soldiers many times- now dont expect me to hate only the amrikan soldiers responsible for these murders- i hate the whole fcukin amrikan army- Do you find any thing wrong with that logic-
^^ there's one of your 4%, right there. Some rear echelon moron who wants to play tough soldier girl.

Apparently, Pakistan DGMO has stated officially..... that deliberate killing and assisting TTP is official US policy.
i was at a slightly creepy party in virginia once.....met 2 marines. Gentlemen.

they themselves said pretty much the same things along those lines......they admitted (rightfully so) that if they were in the position of Afghans, they would also resist foreign occupation

Its not merely foreign occupation.. there has been great game being played since last 10 years.

Apparently, Afghan occupation was a conspiracy to destabilize and weaken Pakistan.
Its not merely foreign occupation.. there has been great game being played since last 10 years.

Apparently, Afghan occupation was a conspiracy to destabilize and weaken Pakistan.

One might wonder, why will the historical ally try ans destab pak
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