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Six US soldiers killed in two copter crashes

They are not. Those who loudly proclaimed the US 'stole' Nazi Germany's technology simply do not know the history of science and engineering, how knowledge are gained, lost, and rediscovered, how ideas are transmitted, how inventions are often co-invented by different people who knew nothing about their contemporaries. Nazi Germany is just another convenient rhetorical insult they can sling against US. Nothing more. It is an argument based upon ignorance and they are proud of that ignorance.

well the Americans were smart then, they'd just promote brain drain by offering scholarships; grants; doing what they could to attract talent from those countries (even those from soviet union before and during cold war)
Again, you didn't answer my questions. You respect tough soldier girl, is she? Who is the dead guy? :tup:

official tortures?

Your question makes no sense. I think she is a pig for doing what she is doing. I condemn it here, I'd do it publicly, I'd do it to her face. Yet if she got blown up, I would neither cheer nor mock her, just as I neither cheer nor mock dead al quaeda and taliban.
This is pretty lame. The only real technology that the USA borrowed from the Nazis, the only areas in which they were ahead, were liquid fueled rockets and jet engines. That's it.

Their nuclear program was hopelessly juvenile. They had taken the wrong path, while the USA produced nuclear weapons in WW2. "Oh, but what about those German scientists?" Actually, the real scientists were American, Danish, Italian, and not so much German.

The USA produced electronic computers, gun sights, bomb sights, and the secret weapon of the war, the proximity fuze, something Germany could not do. Germany NEVER mastered the creation of super-high octane aviation fuel. They lagged hopelessly in turbo-supercharging technology.

Everyone is SO enamored with Nazi Germany - I don't get it. They were formidable, but no more so than Russians, Canadians, British, and Americans.

We could turn the whole thing around and say Germany stole the technology of the Wright Brothers, Robert Goddard, Hiram Maxim and John Browning.

A little correction there, there is misconception that the first stored program computer was made in America , this is not true the first stored program computer was made by Konrad Zuse in Germany, the Z1 was the first functional stored program computer
The oft repeated lie that 'a jew made the microprocessor' is just that , it’s a lie .. Jon Von Neumann , as bright as he may have been , did not invent the microprocessor , he used the works of others and published a paper ( without siting the original work ) and laid claim to the design of the first stored program computer

The concept of the stored program computer evolved from the 'turing machine' which was conceived by Alan Turing .. Who was an English mathematician (and a homosexual) <- this is a fact!
They are not. Those who loudly proclaimed the US 'stole' Nazi Germany's technology simply do not know the history of science and engineering, how knowledge are gained, lost, and rediscovered, how ideas are transmitted, how inventions are often co-invented by different people who knew nothing about their contemporaries. Nazi Germany is just another convenient rhetorical insult they can sling against US. Nothing more. It is an argument based upon ignorance and they are proud of that ignorance.

Me-262 <- the first operational jet fighter
V1 <- first operational cruise misile , all others derived from this
V2 <- first operational ballistic missile ( with inertial guidance )
Ho-229 <- single wing aircraft , the B2 is rip off from this design
Ta183 <- The Sabre and the Mig-15/17 were derived from this

America's misson to the moon was led by a former Nazi , Von Braun

There is no denying that the allied forces stole German technology and benefitted from it
The copter must have RAN OUT OF FUEL LOL ... damn ... how sad all that gadgets don't worth a squat with out gas or fuel

Jews routinely steal and rebrand and then patent that as their own work ... its a trend they have been doing for last 1000 years, thats why they have "Lawyers" who ensure that , they take someone else's work and call it their own and then sell it to 20,000 customers as their own work;) and it works believe it or not :lol:

Just look at Star wars series when it started not a single Jew .. and after decades when the new star wars were made all filled with Jewish icons and actors I am sure they will claim that Luke Skywalker was a jewish boy as well if they could

At present , jewish venture capatalist firms invest and steal ideas from young christian boys , and then they own the rights to it , and later that firm rebrands it since it owns its intellectual property and sells it to big firms (via acquisitions) .....lol that why we see these big companies

Or look at Einstein ..lol most common people would think he invented the damn atomic bomb but reality is that he was may be 1 of 20,000 scientist , who did major work but because in MEDIA and video he is popular ... no one knows of other 19,999 scientist

I discovered this while reading about past research work and what happened in build up to atomic bombs creation and effort it took ...

And its a known fact that USA stole German Stealth plane and actual stealth recent research was based off some research work on surface and how they deflect radar rays (done by Russian researcher) who did not knew his research would be used in Stealth plane

US had their prime in 1890-1925 , it was American dream time ...

After that its decline after decline
I think she is a pig for doing what she is doing. I condemn it here, I'd do it publicly, I'd do it to her face. Yet if she got blown up, I would neither cheer nor mock her, just as I neither cheer nor mock dead al quaeda and taliban.

Good condemn, I appreciate it. Sir, can you updated me if you don't mind few questions, what make Dr. Aafia Siddiqui --86 years sentences compared to doctor who killed Micheal Jackson sentenced to 4 year terms ??? How they will treat Dr.Aafia currently in jail time?

Do you feel NATO attacks on Pakistan Army (28 martyers) is provoked actions, they see them as Terrorists similarly ?? I don't thinkit is 'innocent' miscommunication between them. Are all Pakistanis terrorists to common America perspectives today?
Good condemn, I appreciate it. Sir, can you updated me if you don't mind few questions, what make Dr. Aafia Siddiqui --86 years sentences compared to doctor who killed Micheal Jackson sentenced to 4 year terms ??? How they will treat Dr.Aafia currently in jail time?

Do you feel NATO attacks on Pakistan Army (28 martyers) is provoked actions, they see them as Terrorists similarly ?? I don't thinkit is 'innocent' miscommunication between them. Are all Pakistanis terrorists to common America perspectives today?

I agree...

I think Ms Afia is innocent she was kidnapped and her children were kidnapped any sane person would be state of shock and try to force their way out of that situation , 84 years prison my arse the lady has to be freed

USA in order to violate Geneva convention has created this "TERM" and it says it can do illegal war crimes because these are not people ...

Similarly so why can't a terrorist make up his own LAW to justify their illegal acts ...

USA is guilty of Kidnapping violating International Laws of Pakistan and Kidnapping its citizen of its Territory

Why is the Solider that killed 28 Pakistani Soldiers running around free?

If anything , Ms Afia should have been trialed in Pakistan (if needed)

...Why is USA releasing Guantanamo prisoners

84 years for "Alleged" self defense action by women quite pathetic from Americans
Me-262 <- the first operational jet fighter
V1 <- first operational cruise misile , all others derived from this
V2 <- first operational ballistic missile ( with inertial guidance )
Ho-229 <- single wing aircraft , the B2 is rip off from this design
Ta183 <- The Sabre and the Mig-15/17 were derived from this

America's misson to the moon was led by a former Nazi , Von Braun

As I said earlier, the Germans were ahead in jet engines and liquid fueled rockets. Those are maybe 5% of the key technologies of that era. You completely ignore other technological innovations that aren't Nazi-based.

Further, the Nazis supplied 2% of the information that led to the F-15 and the Apollo program. The other 98% was supplied by native and home-grown scientists and technology.

Good condemn, I appreciate it. Sir, can you updated me if you don't mind few questions, what make Dr. Aafia Siddiqui --86 years sentences compared to doctor who killed Micheal Jackson sentenced to 4 year terms ??? How they will treat Dr.Aafia currently in jail time?

For the same reason a guy selling weed gets life in prison. Inconsistencies. Imperfections in an imperfect, man-made system.

Do you feel NATO attacks on Pakistan Army (28 martyers) is provoked actions, they see them as Terrorists similarly ?? I don't thinkit is 'innocent' miscommunication between them. Are all Pakistanis terrorists to common America perspectives today?

Resoundingly NO. There is ZERO chance the attack was anything other than a gross mistake. Hopefully there will be punishments and more importantly, the communications will be fixed so something like it doesn't happen again. This would be like me flying my F-15 in West Germany, seeing an East German airliner, and unilaterally shooting it down. It's unthinkable that it was a planned action, or that the local soldiers decided that day to "smoke some Pakistani soldiers."

It's easy enough to predict that when the report is published, it will be rejected here and by Pakistan in general as B.S., because the report will say the same... a terrible, gross accident, with no excuse. But not intentional or planned.

USA in order to violate Geneva convention has created this "TERM" and it says it can do illegal war crimes because these are not people ...

The enemy in Afghanistan violates the Geneva accords every single day when they pick up their weapons without an identifying uniform. According to the rules, a combatant captured without a uniform is subject to execution. In WW2, commandos in civilian clothes took a huge risk and many of them paid with their lives in front of a firing squad.

All they (Taliban) would have to do is put an identifying mark on their person. Even a colored arm band would suffice. They don't. Yet they receive mercy when captured.

...Why is USA releasing Guantanamo prisoners

Many of them have been KIA or captured again in Afghanistan. The GITMO prisoners receive POW status even though they themselves violated the rules. And what do you think would happen to people captured by the Taliban? There have been a few, mostly civilians. They get their heads cut off on the internet. Can you imagine the outrage if the U.S. took some captured Taliban and cut their heads off, live on the internet, with a dull machete?
They are not. Those who loudly proclaimed the US 'stole' Nazi Germany's technology simply do not know the history of science and engineering, how knowledge are gained, lost, and rediscovered, how ideas are transmitted, how inventions are often co-invented by different people who knew nothing about their contemporaries. Nazi Germany is just another convenient rhetorical insult they can sling against US. Nothing more. It is an argument based upon ignorance and they are proud of that ignorance.

Gambit, you are a veteran liar, so you know very well how to sell your lies coated with truth, I think the other members should learn about the hidden side of your statement. The following is just one example:

Wernher Von Braun (Nazi Rocket Scientist) - Work in the United States
Von Braun came to the United States in September 1945 under contract with the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps as part of Operation Paperclip. He worked on high altitude firings of captured V-2 rockets at White Sands Proving Ground until he became project director of the Ordnance Research and Development Division Sub-Office (Rocket) at Fort Bliss, Texas. On 28 October 1949, the Secretary of the Army approved the transfer of the Fort Bliss group to Redstone Arsenal. After his arrival in Huntsville in April 1950, Von Braun was appointed Director of Development Operations. He continued in this position under the newly formed Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA).
Wernher Von Braun - Army Ballistic Missile Agency
Major ABMA development projects under Von Braun's technical direction included the Redstone rocket, the Jupiter Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM), and the Pershing missile. He and his team of German scientists and engineers were also responsible for developing the JUPITER C Reentry Test Missile and launching the Free World's first scientific earth satellite, ExplorerExplorer I.
Wernher Von Braun - NASA
On 1 July 1960, Wernher Von Braun and his team were transferred to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and became the nucleus of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center at Redstone Arsenal. He served as Director of the Marshall Center until February 1970 when he moved to NASA Headquarters to serve as Deputy Associate Administrator. On 1 July 1972, Von Braun left NASA to become Vice President of Engineering and Development for Fairchild Industries in Germantown, Maryland. Von Braun was inducted into the Ordnance Corps Hall of Fame in 1973. He retired in January 1977 due to ill health and died on 16 June 1977.
As I said finish your school before twisting what somebody has said.

I have an MBA.

Anymore rants?

---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:18 PM ----------

Gambit, you are an veteran liar, so you know very well how to sell your lies coated with truth, I think the other members should learn about the hidden side of your statement.

Buddy, be careful :rofl:
Gambit, you are a veteran liar, so you know very well how to sell your lies coated with truth, I think the other members should learn about the hidden side of your statement. The following is just one example:

Wernher Von Braun (Nazi Rocket Scientist) - Work in the United States
And you are a veteran idiot...

Robert H. Goddard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As both theorist and engineer, Goddard's work anticipated many of the developments that made spaceflight possible. Two of Goddard's 214 patents &#8212; one for a multi-stage rocket design (1914), and another for a liquid-fuel rocket design (1914) &#8212; are regarded as important milestones toward spaceflight. His 1919 monograph, A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes, is considered one of the classic texts of 20th century rocket science. Goddard successfully applied three-axis control, gyroscopes and steerable thrust to rockets, all of which allow rockets to be controlled effectively in flight.
Goddard gave the US many elements of the foundation of the American space program. Von Braun was just another contributor and it was his stature from Germany that made his name famous. That does not take away from his intellect and accomplishments but to point out that to say Von Braun was the sole source of the American space program is to discard history and even basic logical thinking. I do hope that people like you are rare in Bangladesh, else that would explain a lot as to your country's condition.

Dang...Using an American invention to call Americans stupid.
And you are a veteran idiot...

Robert H. Goddard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Goddard gave the US many elements of the foundation of the American space program. Von Braun was just another contributor and it was his stature from Germany that made his name famous. That does not take away from his intellect and accomplishments but to point out that to say Von Braun was the sole source of the American space program is to discard history and even basic logical thinking. I do hope that people like you are rare in Bangladesh, else that would explain a lot as to your country's condition.

Dang...Using an American invention to call Americans stupid.

Exactly what did Von Braun contribute to the US space programme? Please shed light on that, would you? Now, don't disappoint us with your sugar-coated lies!
how can they plan to fight with Pakistan
even they can not do proper training :)

BTW they were not innocents, the people they have killed were innocents, that was there fate and soon US army will know it :)#

carry on bharties.....
Bro, let us not stick to generalizations. Incidents happen in all nations.

Last time I checked, a JF-17 crashed in Pakistan and its pilot got killed.

RIP to dead on both sides.
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