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Six killed in US drone strike in North Waziristan

Oh bhai jan, all you are doing is ranting and name calling...i have no appetite to reply such posts....it seems you are living in a foriegn country or very distant place like karachi as you have no idea about ground realities of tribal areas and even KPK.
we can assume, what ground reality of yours?
making massge to the legs of mullha fazzullha?lol
Chalo Ji,

Aaa gay Afghanistanis, to do propaganda.

Aaap hi ka intizar tha, Islamists ko.

Pak army was the most reluctant instiution to go into tribal areas. They know the history.

But Talib@stards Sufi and his Be-ghairat TNSM won't let the tribals live their lives.

Be-ghairat Sufi brought the death and destruction to PATA first.

Pak army never ever wanted to go in.

But for the last 20 years, Arabs, Uzbeks and other criminals (Pashtuns + Punjabis) aka Islamists have killed Tribal elders with impunity, forceably taken their women (in the fake marriages), and killed their girls and raped their boys.

Malala Yousafzai a Pashtun girl is shot at by Pashtun-Islamists, and no tribal can lift even their finger against the criminals.

And yes we know the whole concept of Pakhtunwali, that is dead in the face of 1000 times more cruel Talib@stards. Majority Pashtuns in tribal areas are not powerless in the face of Islamist (Arab+Uzbek+Pashun+Punjabi) onslaught. totally powerless. Unless Pak army supports them directly or indirectly.

And here is an Afghanistani telling lies about Pak army.

This is the hight of Begharty, when people pretend to be citizens of a country, and then try to cut the roots of the same country. Hight of begharty.

sorry to say.

These uzbeks, arabs etc were also there pre 2001, why was it so peaceful then?? When Army started helping Goras and became their niggs, thats when the tribals really rehabilitated and got steam

we can assume, what ground reality of yours?
making massge to the legs of mullha fazzullha?lol

yeah, at least he is not massaging fake mulla tahir padri! where is he now btw??? lolss hahah
These uzbeks, arabs etc were also there pre 2001, why was it so peaceful then??

Some made promise that they will remain loyal to Pakistani State. So they were granted a stay there. However that promise was broken long before 2001, when these Arabs and Uzbeks started f^ing innocent Pashtuns and hence Pakistan in the name of Ben fing laden and Alqaida.

....When Army started helping Goras and became their ****,

Your use of foul language about our army is an indication that you are disloyal aka be-ghairat to the state of Pakistan. Or even worse, you don't even know what your obligations are to the state.

Perhaps Jih@di mentality did that to you, or your mind got screwed by Anjme Choudhry whose followers murder their own Ghazis, the veterans. Which is worst of the worst crime if you have any fing idea about loyalty to your state.
Express Tribune

BERLIN: A new German intelligence report presented on Tuesday showed that Egypt had replaced Waziristan as the main centre for the training of militants.

German intelligence voiced concern over the growing number of ultra-conservative Islamic extremists in the country, some of whom are swelling militant ranks abroad, while warning of an increasingly violent German extreme right.

“Salafism is a particularly rapidly growing and extremely worrying group within the extremist movement,” Hans-Georg Maassen, head of domestic intelligence, told a news conference as he presented his agency’s 2012 annual report.

Extremists in Germany numbered 42,550 in 2012, according to surveillance services, and the number grew to 4,500 from 3,800 in a year, he said.

Maassen added that while not all Salafists are militants, it was clear that those who departed Germany for Syria or Egypt were there for that purpose.

“One can say that Salafism is an essential step towards militancy or for people ready to conduct terrorist attacks,” Maassen said.

He also stressed that the number of extremists in Germany did not signify there were “42,500 potential terrorists” in the country.

Still, some 1,000 people including some extremists are considered dangerous and 130 are seen as a particular threat and are monitored around-the-clock.

The intelligence report also showed that Syria is another favoured destination for militants. “We counted more than 60 people who left Germany to fight in Syria,” Maassen said.

In March, Germany banned three extremist groups which officials said aimed to sweep aside democracy and set up a system based on 'Sharia' law.
Some made promise that they will remain loyal to Pakistani State. So they were granted a stay there. However that promise was broken long before 2001, when these Arabs and Uzbeks started f^ing innocent Pashtuns and hence Pakistan in the name of Ben fing laden and Alqaida.

Your use of foul language about our army is an indication that you are disloyal aka be-ghairat to the state of Pakistan. Or even worse, you don't even know what your obligations are to the state.

Perhaps Jih@di mentality did that to you, or your mind got screwed by Anjme Choudhry whose followers murder their own Ghazis, the veterans. Which is worst of the worst crime if you have any fing idea about loyalty to your state.

I am not against our Army jawans. Unfortunately they have to follow orders from gora slaves..

Musharraf also swore loyalty to Pakistan, and then sold our Land to Uncle Bush on 1 phone call for 2$billion per annum.. (before u justify the 2 billion, think, was it worth the 10000s of lives our people lost??)

Oh and pls show me how pre-2001 these uzbeks and arabs betrayed their pushtoon hosts?
Why you are lying @Jungibaaz?. You claim to interview few wazirs while my native village is surrounded by waziri settlements....

I haven't interviewed them personally.
I recall interviews by AJ news, the in SW, the tribesmen there said, that they would accept the use of drones IF it was PA conducting them. I can't find it, but I will try and dig it up, I'll post it to you if I find it.

tribals under the banner of taliban have not raised the arms against pak army because of drones.....presence of pak army and use of force against them in military operations has triggered the violence in tribal areas....Pak army is percieved as invader of tribal areas while America percieved as invaders of Afghanistan ....
Some times tribals agree to form lashkars against taliban and join pak army efforts...not out of love for pak army but because of common enemy.....most of the tribals are wary of taliban but they dislike Pak army more than local taliban......PAF bombardments, indefinate curfews, arrests and disappearances, demolition of houses and properties, humiliating search operations, large scale displacements....have destroyed the lives of once proud tribals, now they are on verge of becoming beggers like afghan refugees.

This post reeks anti-Pak, pro Afghan BS.
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Based on what?

Unofficial surveys?

I have not heard or seen a complete list of name and address of civilians killed in a strike.

Not from Talib@stards (even when they would love to show this).

Not from Pak army (perhaps they want to hide the fact)

Not from Pak government (they can protest so I am sure they have names and addresses)

Not from Imran Khan (he can print one and put on the website)

Surely Imran can get the list. His full name happens to be Taliban Khan (j/k).

The only people on that list that want to and could compile a detailed list of names and locations of civilian casualties would be the taliban. The taliban propaganda is not that sophisticated, even if they had the chance, which I'm sure they did, they wouldn't attempt to fill a detailed report.

The conservative estimates are unreliable and those higher estimates by foreign media may also be unreliable due to the fact that none of those parties have access to the area. But still, even if we take the median values of those estimates, they should provide reasonably sound estimates as to the actual figure, which to me seems too high.

And when you put those estimates in context, they don't raise any eyebrows here. That is so because the US fails to recognize possible civilian casualties, no-one claims any responsibility for the death of any civilians. We treat them like aliens of no nationality, that aren't bound by international law to receive basic human rights.

So you see, the numbers and fitgures so far are from the leftist and Talibnaist webistes, but without much to support it.

True. But again, even if I take right-wing republican sources estimates from the US, who are ever so conservative with their estimates. Their's are unreliable too, and theirs also show a significant amount of civilian deaths.

While we cry about drone deaths,

where is our anger for the 50,000 Pakistanis civilians killed.

We do get their names from the newspapers. So we have a way to authenticate the numbers.

I agree with you.

My countrymen have suffered a great deal, it pains me, but for that we can't justify the possible death of other civilians.
there should be no acceptable ratio of civilian deaths to taliban taken down.

Besides, as for that 50,000... drones and their use fester support from within our own tribal areas.
Unlike before, the TTP are no longer just foreign elements, they have people from our lands among their ranks.
Obviously there are more pressing issues then just drones as to why that has happened, but I'm sure it's a contributory factor.

Isn't it time to have some sense of love for those who get killed and bombed and raped by the Talib@stards?

Or you think Talb\@stards have immunity in our analysis, just because they have promised to bring to us pagans the darkness of Islamism.

Please think about it.

I can see your argument. Believe it or not, I supported their use in FATA.
However, upon learning the attitudes of the US, upon seeing reports of civilian deaths and after 4-5 years of non stop use and little result (unless combined by ground op and effort). I no longer think it's the right way to go about this business.

Even the US has realized that this is a battle of hearts and minds. Winning over tribals is just as important as other objectives.
I haven't interviewed them personally.
I recall interviews by AJ news, the in SW, the tribesmen there said, that they would accept the use of drones IF it was PA conducting them. I can't find it, but I will try and dig it up, I'll post it to you if I find it.

This post reeks anti-Pak, pro Afghan BS.
Its upto you to believe it or not. Kindly do find the clip of SW. Remember few thousands selected mehsud tribals are settled back under army supervision. They are clever people, they wont open their tongues infront of media. Also may likh key kehta hun that army guys would be around in that clip
The only people on that list that want to and could compile a detailed list of names and locations of civilian casualties would be the taliban. The taliban propaganda is not that sophisticated, ....

Well if Talib@n are the only ones who have this data, and they are not sharing it with you or anyone else,

then why on earth

you or anyone would shout and scream for something you do not know?

Why do propaganda on behalf of Taliban if as per your statement "[it] is not that sophisticated"

Especially when the same Talib@stard have killed 50 times more Pakistanis and we know the facts from multiple sources and multiple journalists.

Why? would you that my brother? why?

Having facts in hand is the first step towards correct decision.

But in this case, there is none (not that I am saying there no fact), what I am saying is to collect the necessary facts and then talk.

then people will respect you or whoever wants to carry the torch (if not you).

Negotiating with Taliban | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Negotiating with Taliban
From the Newspaper | 24 hours ago 5
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THOSE who advocate negotiations with the Taliban should ask the families of countless innocent Pakistanis murdered in cold blood by these heartless people.

We have lost highly trained and patriotic officers and soldiers from the armed forces; our economy is on the verge of collapse because no one is safe; polio and measles have made a comeback.

Education in backward areas, particularly of the girl child, is suffering and yet the likes of Maulana Fazlur Rahman has become the mouthpiece of all obscurantist forces
If the Taliban want to reform themselves and respect the injunctions of our glorious faith, they should be welcomed with open arms, but if they insist on their murderous ways, then every Pakistani who loves his country must stand united behind our brave armed forces and eradicate this menace permanently from our soil.

I agree with what your saying, but this is as you said a war of ideology.
And the fact that a foreign force who is considered the invader, not just by Taliban, but also by ordinary civilians on both sides of the Durand line is using drones and that too indiscriminately, is not good for our cause.

The term suspected militant is given to those who have been killed but the US/CIA cannot get or doesn't want a confirmed ID on. The CIA and the Obama administration define an enemy combatant as 'any male of military age'. You or me quite easily. And These are our fellow countrymen

Drones and their reckless use fester support for these extremist elements in our tribal areas.
Other then that, I agree with your post, they have helped in some areas, taking out key militant leaders.

Sorry for the late reply , I got busy in other things and later had trouble finding this post of yours .

Indeed , this is a war of ideologies which is what most people do not understand .

The fact , my friend , is that we have limited choice . What course of action would you recommend here ? Let Taliban operate freely from North Waziristan somehow when we cant afford to engage them here fighting on ' multiple fronts ' ? I know it isn't good for our cause , but the Americans aren't ready to provide predators for Pakistan army to operate it themselves and hence we have to rely on U.S to do the job of killing Taliban for us in that area .

The HUMINT doesn't give the names and other information of every militant , only the important ones , the commanders/spokespersons/leaders , the unnamed remains unnamed . Besides , Pakistan army does provide information for carrying it out meaning that the chances of error are reduced considerably . I can understand the reservations of course .

There was support for the extremist even before the first drone strike took place , the society is radicalized to the core thanks to the Jihad we waged in 80's , that is why I said that we need desperate measures to ensure that literacy and employment opportunities are provided so the common tribal sees his future in economic progression and not with guns .

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