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Situation of Indian Muslims under BJP

You are right. That is why I said the story is a myth but a beautiful story nonetheless. It must be either an early Roman Christian story or a late European story because in between the European Christians led by decrees of successive popes had gone psycho who tortured cats by priests ceremoniously throwing them from windows of high towers to cheers of mobs waiting below even as the cat scream and fell on the ground dead or lay half dead.
Yeah, used to burn witches too, disgusting, but so what ? Aaj ki baat karo na, today the western world leads in both animal and human/women rights. The only place where they kill cats is


I have often requested PDF members to not use "Retard" as a word to describe a foolish person.
Theek hai, maan li.. aaj se aap ko "foolish person" ka title samjho lag gya ! :P

2. Cousin marriage is immaterial to this conversation and immaterial to anyone being intelligent, average or foolish.
It does cause a lot of physical as well as mental issues, anyway.. probably shouldn't have said that.

but you rile me up so...

What billionaire Gaddafi ? Those billions were Libya's monies not his.
BS, gtfo Muammar Bhakt ! Man, I'm yet to see a Modi devotee express the level of bhakti you clearly have for Mad Gad lol

So, that was the Libyan people's collective collection of Mercedes Maybach, Lamborginis, SUVs, classic cars, yacht, luxury villas, business jet and so on, eh ? :sarcastic:

I have nothing against Gaddafi, sure he did some good work too. Used to know this Syrian christian guy from Lattakia who traveled to India during the peak of the war there and he mentioned how nobody even knew or cared about their neighbour's religion apart from at weddings and funerals when he was growing up there. He'd long since moved to Belgium and married a nice girl there but was worried about his family.. lost touch, hope all is well with his lot.

Ba'athists sure kept the religious crazies under control. Also heard how Libya would grant easy loans, or maybe fund their brightest students to go to the best universities in the WEST :lol: for higher education and so on.

Still, Muammar himself lived the most lavish of lifestyles and enjoyed to the ultra maxx finest most expensive things money could buy.. celebrity parties, all the glitz and glamour and associated opulence and debauchery you can imagine.

not very "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" at all.. was it ? :P
also, pls refrain from going on about religion, spl since you're nicely sheltered here and have free hand at going at it against groups you don't like but people will get insta banned if they pay you back in the same coin.. besides, its just bad manners, very crass, and outright dumb to group a billion + as all being X/Y/Z.

People are individuals, something you collectivist commies have a hard time wrapping your brain around. Just report the post and move on, why get in the gutter to wrestle them ?
..mostly spread by adoption than by conquest
This is true for Kerala when the Arab coffee? traders came and bartered for tropical spices.. the north, otoh, witnessed some pretty brutal invasions and cultural genocide.. but I will not get into that convo here, nor do I really care about some 100s of years old stuff, better we concentrate on the here and now, and the future.
Mulj, why are you talking for the sake of talking ? Right below where I replied to you I confronted two Hindutvadis and have done so for the last eight years of my membership here to the extent that the Hindutvadis call me "Mullah Jamahir" and "Islamist under Communist disguise".

Bossman, though yes he drinks cow cola, one of them also drank human urine as tonic every morning ( Morarji Desai ) and they do gober baths to cure COVID but should we really talk about controlling their land and women ? :) Hindutvad is a misogynist ideology that deprives the females of choice including who they want to be, consequently seeing the family's females as chattel who should the ones to preserve something called family honor even at the point of the females not having their personal rights and wishes honor for life and even if the father or the brother are haraami stock traders in the stock market, so if Muslims speak triumphantly about conquest of land and women of the Hindus we would be going against the humanist, feminist and Communist nature of Islam. Islam gave rights to the female so if it is a Hindu female's choice to be with a Muslim that shouldn't be seen as a communal triumph for Islam but as a choice that that particular female made and we must honor that choice and honor her. :)

You are right. That is why I said the story is a myth but a beautiful story nonetheless. It must be either an early Roman Christian story or a late European story because in between the European Christians led by decrees of successive popes had gone psycho who tortured cats by priests ceremoniously throwing them from windows of high towers to cheers of mobs waiting below even as the cat scream and fell on the ground dead or lay half dead. Or idiots taking their dogs to hunt down cats and as the cats climbed trees the idiot firing arrows at the cat to either pierce it there and then or making it to fall where it would be torn to bits by the baying dogs. Or tying a cat to a stick and holding the arrangement over fire and turn the cat round and round with the cat screaming, screaming, screaming. Or tossing the cat over water. Such things. The popes' priests considered the cat as the agent of the devil mostly I think because the cat was the beloved of the Muslims who ruled parts of Europe for hundreds of years and also ruled in West Asia including Holy Land Palestine. The cat was also out of place in a Europe that was maddened by religion and mob rule.

1. I have often requested PDF members to not use "Retard" as a word to describe a foolish person. Mental retardation is an involuntary condition that is many a time sad. One would be being callous, cruel and apathetic to use that word for fun. This word in context of using derisively must be on the forum's banned words list.

2. Cousin marriage is immaterial to this conversation and immaterial to anyone being intelligent, average or foolish.

You say that and then later :

OTOH the Mughals had caracal cats and Tipu Sultan had had cheetahs. :)

The machine should be abolished and the one sitting on it obviously has no curves.

You should have said these are my worst nightmares - dogs and voluntary burqas.

Yesterday on ABP News there was one item about dogs terrorizing Begusarai, having killed nine people already, so the police shooting down the dogs when found and the top bureaucrat there personally leading the police parties. That should be replicated all over India. I will join.

What billionaire Gaddafi ? Those billions were Libya's monies not his. I had tagged you in below thread in 2021 where Moussa Ibrahim the spokesperson of Muammar and the Jamhiriya during the invasion spoke in the interview on many things including your billions but you chose not to watch and instead did a Ha Ha. Those vids are no longer available in India from the vid screens :

Please read my post in above thread where those billions were spent.

1. Your blatantly depict your Brahmanvadi birth-based privilege combined with anti-democratic, feudalist and Capitalist mindset by calling someone "stable-breed" as if that means someone is undesirable and you should be the one to exist and grab every resource, goods and services.

2. I don't know your intention of posting this news but I must inform you that the tribals are the original inhabitants of India, much before the Hindus arrived into India from Iran 3000 years ago and the Hindus themselves were preceded by the establishers of the Indus Valley Civilization who came from Iraq region at an undetermined time. For 3000 years the tribals in India were forcibly assimilated into Hinduism, and by the Western Christian missionaries and some into Islam but now for a few years these tribals want to be disassociated from Hinduism and be allowed their own religious identity called Sarna Dharma. They worship Nature instead of idols and stones smeared with vermilion. Below are some of their demand gatherings at Jantar Mantar, Delhi :


1. Logic was never the strong point of Bhakts. You say Hazrat Muhammad was a bachabaz but then you also say in multiple posts that he lusted after women and had concubines. Well, which is it ? :lol:

2. Raiding : You mean like this ? :)

3. Jihad : Islam mostly spread by adoption than by conquest because people saw the radical simplifications, rights and rationality it brought. I write of that here.

That is not so.

1. Right on the wiki banner is the disclaimer "This article needs additional citations for verification".

2. Please read this.
No dude, your critisizm goes in whatablutism manner, every dindutva evil act you somehow put and compare with "mullahs".
That is inderectly justification of dindu evildoing, hope you will become aware of it some day.
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