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Situation is on the brink in Depsang-DBO axis, can Pakistan Army tilt the balance for a common goal

Exactly. Bajwa is coward to the core and he is merely wasting the opportunity for Pak which comes in decades.

Pak army is well discipline army otherwise Bajwa would have been kicked out by now. The blame also goes to another highly incompetent person aka Imran Khan who gave 3 years unnecessary extension to Bajwa after all incompetents like the company of incompetents.
You have no right to declare any Military officer or a soldier coward. Gen Bajwa has spent his prime age in the military defending the borders of Pakistan. He and his team mates never relaxed as you do. They are always on duty 24/7.

Sitting in a cozy corner and your fingers striking on the key board and stating COAS of Pakistan Army a coward. In my opinion, you do not deserve to represent Pakistan (if you somehow posses Pakistani citizenship which I doubt) in any International Forum.

Whether he got 3 year extension or otherwise, it is never important. At present he is COAS of Pakistan Army and deserve due respect.

Decision to declare war is the most critical and difficult decision for the leadership.

First of all army chief has no power to declare war, the responsibility lies on the shoulder of chief executive of the country. In Pakistan's case, PM Imran Khan will be the person to take that critical and difficult decision and of course this decision will be made with the consent of all military and civilian leadership.

We in this forum act as think tanks or intellects or opinion holders and that is all. We are not decision makers. The right of this decision only lies with the PM of Pakistan. And let me tell you, Imran Khan is not a coward man and he will not sell Kashmir and Pakistan.
Bajwa is not the entire institution, he is just one man who is not above criticism. Let us stop making holy cows here specially for those who had completed their tenure and would had been replaced, instead they took an extension.
Besides when will so called ground realities ever be favorable? How long do you think Pakistan should wait, a decade, maybe another 7 decades.
Let me quote you someone whose signature i kept for a while " A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week".
Do you seriously believe that China India will remain engaged like this for ever or do you think China and India will nuke each other out and that is the favorable condition we are reminded off again and again? The reality we have wasted opportunities before 62,99 and we will waist another one in our quest to find that perfect opportunity rest assured.
Its an opportunity yes but we cant just jump in the stratigic planners our bureaucracy, economy, civil institute and so many other things we have to keep in mind so far its has been not ready. Fazlu would try not to get involve as we all know his intentions, Nawaz wants his army to be humiliated, Zardari wants everything. cleaning grabage is important first before we put out neck between china and india. Ready for the best opportunity and let india make mistake.
Its an opportunity yes but we cant just jump in the stratigic planners our bureaucracy, economy, civil institute and so many other things we have to keep in mind so far its has been not ready. Fazlu would try not to get involve as we all know his intentions, Nawaz wants his army to be humiliated, Zardari wants everything. cleaning grabage is important first before we put out neck between china and india. Ready for the best opportunity and let india make mistake.
I am all for it however we need to be ready for the time when India does make this mistake and not let it slide.
I am all for it however we need to be ready for the time when India does make this mistake and not let it slide.
I hope it will happen but we also want out leadership to stand not to run to washingaton and cry that our army did it behind our back. we have multiple issues which needed to sort out. These money sucker bedbugs who have been growing richer and richer sud be accounted before anything we do.
Two front scenario seems to taking its shape....
Forces in Kashmir are moving in two directions... LAC and LOC...

Let's see how well prepared they are and how far they are willing to go down this road...

Anything you can elaborate on regarding the LOC?

Most sectors along LOC would involve a significant amount of attrition to progress. However, the significant amount of IA casualties being exacted in some of the Poonch sectors in recent weeks seems to suggest something has occurred there.
hold your horses, there is nothing to exploit as of yet. india has not diverted any troops from LOC, working boundry or pakistani border. India and China are still not at war,, 14 Corps at Ladakh has been reinforced but not from kashmir based 15 and 16 Corps,,, care to tell us what is there to exploit and how, and which should be the point of application.

What's your thoughts on IA shoring up defences along LOC?
Anything you can elaborate on regarding the LOC?

Most sectors along LOC would involve a significant amount of attrition to progress. However, the significant amount of IA casualties being exacted in some of the Poonch sectors in recent weeks seems to suggest something has occurred there.
It's pretty undulating terrain there. At places we are at advantage and at others they are.

It's different for different sectors.
It's pretty undulating terrain there. At places we are at advantage and at others they are.

It's different for different sectors.

Don't think there's any point in asking what's specifically going on. However, putting two and two together, they are reacting to a weakness that's been exposed or created. Either their anti-infiltration grid has a weakness that's been exposed or some one has created a weakness in their defenses thereby infiltration can take place.
Don't think there's any point in asking what's specifically going on. However, putting two and two together, they are reacting to a weakness that's been exposed or created. Either their anti-infiltration grid has a weakness that's been exposed or some one has created a weakness in their defenses thereby infiltration can take place.
Actually the correct word is safeguard. No weakness or something. Just some precautionary measures.
I am all for it however we need to be ready for the time when India does make this mistake and not let it slide.

anything towards war will be suicidal for the country who starts it .
Brother wait till November when FATF, US elections and Domestic political turmoil is out of the way. Unlike the IA our armed forces dont need much of a time to get activated and deployed. In some cases its just a matter of hours.

Anybody who knows Pak will know it will jump at any opportunity to gain the upper hand at the LOC. This Ladakh crisis is a god sent golden opportunity for Pak to meddle at LOC. Pak is extremely quiet and is keeping to itself.

My view, this is no coincidence. US will disrupt CPEC given the smallest of openings. Pak is being extra cautious not to create a situation that can pull the US into the region. Or Pak has been pressurised by the US to keep to itself and let China and India play this one out.
India is mobilising in slow motion as usual but where is Pakistan's fast mobilisation that usually follows? Are we waiting for the Chinese to move through Tibet first and then attack? Or are Bajwa and Imran afraid of Int'l community's opinion on the matter?

I have this sinking feeling that even if China moves, Bajwa and Imran would be sitting like Doves and opportunities would be lost.

Since 27 Feb 19, I had been advocating that Pakistan should have given Indians the bloody nose and should have shot down all 9 jets they say were locked on. And also hit the 6 targets they selected inside Kashmir.

The fact is India attacked Pakistan proper on 26 Feb 19. They attacked with the force they thought was necessary. Due to their incapability the targets were missed. But there was no lack of will on Indian's part.
So why there was lack of will from Pakistani side to respond to Indian aggression!!
Why the response had to be measured and appropriate to the loss Pakistan suffered!!
If it was down to the Indians and their will , they wouldn't have hesitated to kill as many Pakistanis as possible. As a matter of fact until now they have not withdrawn their claims of killing 350+ in their raid.
So why Pakistan dithered!!

@MastanKhan . Therefore, looking at the facts in Feb 19, I have no hopes that Pakistan would be ready to deliver devastating blows to the Indians and take all steps necessary to liberate Kashmir from illegal occupation of India.
Who is the wiseman!!

When I uttered the name of General Bajwa, my post is deleted as "Trolling".
Now many are saying the same thing, but their post are untouched. Forum should have uniform policies for everyone.

Anyway PA have to move, have to have their priorities sorted out.
General Bajwa, better have his strategy sorted out by now. We have been saying that the "War is eminent" since Feb 2019.

India would open up Pakistani borders, to placate its public opinion, when seeing a tougher opposition at LAC. Reinforcement at LoC are pointing to it.
Pakistan must be ready to deliver devastating blows. Not the proportionate response like Feb 19. Otherwise we will lose the opportunities yet again and let the Kashmiris suffer for decades again.

Report or reach GHQ Section. Don't just derail other threads for personal grievances. Furthermore, you or anyone else, will be treated as an anonymous internet ID same as like mine and not every claim has any credibility. Saying that I am victimized, wouldn't add any value to any of post.

No need to quote back.
I have this sinking feeling that even if China moves, Bajwa and Imran would be sitting like Doves and opportunities would be lost.

Since 27 Feb 19, I had been advocating that Pakistan should have given Indians the bloody nose and should have shot down all 9 jets they say were locked on. And also hit the 6 targets they selected inside Kashmir.

The fact is India attacked Pakistan proper on 26 Feb 19. They attacked with the force they thought was necessary. Due to their incapability the targets were missed. But there was no lack of will on Indian's part.
So why there was lack of will from Pakistani side to respond to Indian aggression!!
Why the response had to be measured and appropriate to the loss Pakistan suffered!!
If it was down to the Indians and their will , they wouldn't have hesitated to kill as many Pakistanis as possible. As a matter of fact until now they have not withdrawn their claims of killing 350+ in their raid.
So why Pakistan dithered!!

@MastanKhan . Therefore, looking at the facts in Feb 19, I have no hopes that Pakistan would be ready to deliver devastating blows to the Indians and take all steps necessary to liberate Kashmir from illegal occupation of India.

I think on Feb 27 shooting down all 9 planes would be un necessary escalation. 2 was more than enough to send the message. Everything from their Mig to their Flanker is vunerable to us.

If we attacked too much it would prompt them to do a full scale invasion which we cannot hold off for very prolonged amounts of time without going nuclear. Especially with the state of the economy.
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