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Situation is on the brink in Depsang-DBO axis, can Pakistan Army tilt the balance for a common goal

i can assure everyone here that Pak army is doing absolutely NOTHING to exploit the ladakh situation, let alone the situation in vale

the hi command is too afraid, too cautious, , = they are the classic case of ' paralysis by analysis '

the bajwa 'doctrine ' is merely a facade of 'tweet narrative' and getting the 'intl community' to see a' good boy image '. of pakistan.... its about digging in , fencing in , creating fixed battle lines and wait for the foe to disintegrate( modi will destroy india, why interrupt him) .

doctrine, as i say, is the last refuge of the un-imaginative

hold your horses, there is nothing to exploit as of yet. india has not diverted any troops from LOC, working boundry or pakistani border. India and China are still not at war,, 14 Corps at Ladakh has been reinforced but not from kashmir based 15 and 16 Corps,,, care to tell us what is there to exploit and how, and which should be the point of application.
Exactly. Bajwa is coward to the core and he is merely wasting the opportunity for Pak which comes in decades.

Pak army is well discipline army otherwise Bajwa would have been kicked out by now. The blame also goes to another highly incompetent person aka Imran Khan who gave 3 years unnecessary extension to Bajwa after all incompetents like the company of incompetents.
Brother we as a nation should stand UNITED, as Pakistanis we all love our armed forces EXPONENTIALLY except for the handful few who manage to reach the top with personal agendas. Regarding BAJWA his extension was UNANIMOUSLY given by all citing the present Kashmir crisis. Give him a bit more time hopefully something good will come out of it. Although i agree his team should focus on the borders and not day to day affairs of the State. This impression is harming the reputation of our illustrious armed forces.
Marvelous.....its must have been pulled out from somewhere....either from reserves (Corps, Command) or from some dormant sector. Either way, its win-win for us.
Inshallah with the grace of Almighty Allah Kashmir shall be liberated and our armed forces will be bestowed upon honor for times to come.
Marvelous.....its must have been pulled out from somewhere....either from reserves (Corps, Command) or from some dormant sector. Either way, its win-win for us.

Just wondering, how so?

Would there need to be a counter-deployment to respond?
Pay attention.to the words said in during the too much noise of enemy. A Wiseman Said "Siachen is ours and we will take back all". Well to me, that's just a starter.

Quote - unquote
Air Land battle is the only way to fight offensively in this terrain. IMO, if PAF and PLAAF can win local air superiority over Kashmir/Ladakh then the IA is deep 💩 . Any heights or passes they control will be pounded by manned or unmanned aircraft. I would defer to local on ground commanders as to what paths on the ground make the most offensive sense. Liberating the valley and assisting the PLA in Ladakh from the north would be the priorities.
Pay attention.to the words said in during the too much noise of enemy. A Wiseman Said "Siachen is ours and we will take back all". Well to me, that's just a starter.

Quote - unquote

Who is the wiseman!!

When I uttered the name of General Bajwa, my post is deleted as "Trolling".
Now many are saying the same thing, but their post are untouched. Forum should have uniform policies for everyone.

Anyway PA have to move, have to have their priorities sorted out.
General Bajwa, better have his strategy sorted out by now. We have been saying that the "War is eminent" since Feb 2019.

India would open up Pakistani borders, to placate its public opinion, when seeing a tougher opposition at LAC. Reinforcement at LoC are pointing to it.
Pakistan must be ready to deliver devastating blows. Not the proportionate response like Feb 19. Otherwise we will lose the opportunities yet again and let the Kashmiris suffer for decades again.
India is mobilising in slow motion as usual but where is Pakistan's fast mobilisation that usually follows? Are we waiting for the Chinese to move through Tibet first and then attack? Or are Bajwa and Imran afraid of Int'l community's opinion on the matter?
Air Land battle is the only way to fight offensively in this terrain. IMO, if PAF and PLAAF can win local air superiority over Kashmir/Ladakh then the IA is deep 💩 . Any heights or passes they control will be pounded by manned or unmanned aircraft. I would defer to local on ground commanders as to what paths on the ground make the most offensive sense. Liberating the valley and assisting the PLA in Ladakh from the north would be the priorities.
India is mobilising in slow motion as usual but where is Pakistan's fast mobilisation that usually follows? Are we waiting for the Chinese to move through Tibet first and then attack? Or are Bajwa and Imran afraid of Int'l community's opinion on the matter?

what will be your goal for attacking india ? will
you be able to take kashmir ? :D
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