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Situation is on the brink in Depsang-DBO axis, can Pakistan Army tilt the balance for a common goal

As both IA and PLA have both deployed armoured divisions in these harsh conditions, there may be a possibility of PA looking to deploy some Tanks in this region!. Our good old T59 has never let us down in the North West.

Meanwhile, the Indian T-90s and T-72s would likely break down before reaching such rugged places :enjoy::tup:
A lot more of them are deployed along the 4000km of LAC this time. Surely our planners can see many voids in their defences. If hostilities do break out India will be short of manpower not us!

one thing India will never be short of is manpower.. 4 million military and para military is sufficient for taking care of any threat... India do have police special forces like NSG also in case of internal unrest also...

m more worried abt depleting Air force squadrons
Meanwhile, the Indian T-90s and T-72s would likely break down before reaching such rugged places :enjoy::tup:

fyi ... India has deployed both T-90 and T-72 in much higher reaches... from a decade or so...
Bajwa is not the entire institution, he is just one man who is not above criticism. Let us stop making holy cows here specially for those who had completed their tenure and would had been replaced, instead they took an extension.
Besides when will so called ground realities ever be favorable? How long do you think Pakistan should wait, a decade, maybe another 7 decades.
Let me quote you someone whose signature i kept for a while " A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week".
Do you seriously believe that China India will remain engaged like this for ever or do you think China and India will nuke each other out and that is the favorable condition we are reminded off again and again? The reality we have wasted opportunities before 62,99 and we will waist another one in our quest to find that perfect opportunity rest assured.

I 100% agree , General Bajwa and before him General Raheel Sharif and General Kiyani have to take the blame. Not only on military fronts, but also on political fronts. They have no business to shape Pakistani future by appeasing and supporting thugs who have looted Pakistan.

General Kiyani overseen, negotiated and implemented NRO which had given "Baris" to the thugs of PMLN and PPP to loot Pakistan red and blue.

I love Pakistan and its army, but I and you have every right to criticise Pakistani generals for their weak leadership and their hand in the destruction of Pakistan.

After Bajwa and Raheel's calls to Shahbaz Sharif recently, I have come to the conclusion that these Generals have learned nothing from the past. They are ready to scarify the future of Pakistani kids to support a thug who had been involved in money laundering using names of innocent poor people.
He has lied about his Corona infection , for which no medical evidence had ever been produced.
Instead of us, the Generals should be learning that they shouldn't be interfering in the politics of Pakistan.
We have every evidence available now that Nawaz was taken out of the country on fake medical report so he can avoid the jail term.

There had been enough evidence available that the thug Shahbaz Sharif had been meeting Pakistani generals for decades in the dark of the night. Why!!

This is absolutely a no no for any nation.

Pakistani nation has to wise up and understand who is done what, and who is doing what to destroy Pakistan.
You are talking as if Bajwa is sitting in office with a "NO" sign on his forehead as a reply to all the plans put forward by DGMO and Corps Commanders during meetings :coffee:
Janab! facts speak louder than words. The spike in Indian sponsored terrorism and the loss of our soldiers in 2020 alone should tell you a thing or two but only if you are willing to listen. There is a clear difference between his approach and Gen Raheel.
I am surprised how anything against one man is considered as some sort of blaspheme against an entire institution. Let me repeat Bajwa is another Kyani and we have seen how things went during the time of Kyani from soldiers getting killed by US and NATO bombing to that of terrorism. In 2020 alone how many soldiers have we lost from Iran Pakistan border to Pak Afghanistan border? Forget with India. Where is Bajwa, any reaction to anything at all? Celebrating EID for photo ops isnt what you refer to as leading from the front. So yeah Bajwa is sitting with a "NO" sign on his forehead as is PM Khan. Just because i support Khan does not mean i dont see his short coming and will stay silent. Pakistan comes first everything else is replaceable including Bajwa and Khan.
You need hawks like Zardaree,Nawaz Shareef or even mulla Fazloo:D
Zardari and Nawaz can go **** themselves as can their supporters. If you even bothered to read my signature you would not have come with such childish remarks. Having said that does not mean i should stay silent like a patwari on the shortcoming of Khan.
I 100% agree , General Bajwa and before him General Raheel Sharif and General Kiyani have to take the blame. Not only on military fronts, but also on political fronts. They have no business to shape Pakistani future by appeasing and supporting thugs who have looted Pakistan.

General Kiyani overseen, negotiated and implemented NRO which had given "Baris" to the thugs of PMLN and PPP to loot Pakistan red and blue.

I love Pakistan and its army, but I and you have every right to criticise Pakistani generals for their weak leadership and their hand in the destruction of Pakistan.

After Bajwa and Raheel's calls to Shahbaz Sharif recently, I have come to the conclusion that these Generals have learned nothing from the past. They are ready to scarify the future of Pakistani kids to support a thug who had been involved in money laundering using names of innocent poor people.
He has lied about his Corona infection , for which no medical evidence had ever been produced.
Instead of us, the Generals should be learning that they shouldn't be interfering in the politics of Pakistan.
We have every evidence available now that Nawaz was taken out of the country on fake medical report so he can avoid the jail term.

There had been enough evidence available that the thug Shahbaz Sharif had been meeting Pakistani generals for decades in the dark of the night. Why!!

This is absolutely a no no for any nation.

Pakistani nation has to wise up and understand who is done what, and who is doing what to destroy Pakistan.

Pak Army is protector of this corrupt rotten system and it benefits from it. You will see major resistance from army apart from judiciary and political elite if nation or someone else tries to overthrow this corrupt system.
Pakistan Army does not evolve around one person or there is no one man show. You are totally misguided in this regard. Just read the recent meeting of COAS with retired Generals. The institute functions on a set of doctrine. Those old days are long gone.

No one is making a holy cow instead, it is the matter of ethical calling, manners & not to spread demoralizing among people. He didn't look for an extension rather a decision made by Premier and approved by President though, you can call it whatever you want. Lest have a room then instead of blaming. The ground realities turns into favour only if people strive and work as a nation instead of divided like this for unknown reasons. Furthermore, these opportunities are created and takes years of planning. Mind you, just look at the pocket and how these moves costs and then look at economic situation since decade at-least. Not to forget the political sabotages and sellouts as well. A plan needs resources as well.

You cannot just throw your men without proper gun & more bullets. What's wasted in past is not the part of current war games. Who said that we believe into what is happening between China & India. In-fact the planners will look at every possibility and so will avail opportunity and will be taking the chances with care. After all, as I said, 62 & 99 had its own set of political failure as well and Pakistan was not in position like today. How come one can ignore all the factors as such.
So than how come calling out one person meant demoralizing an entire institution? Something you accused me off?
You and I can have a long debate over how Bajwa got the extension however if he was man of principle he could have simply refused just like his predecessor Gen Raheel did. But no he did not and because of that capable men who could have lead the institution will now move towards retirement.
And just so you know when i blame Bajwa i never blame him solely but in the same sentence i always mention Khan whom i have supported and voted for because Khan was the one who endorsed his extension whether it was through arm twisting or something else, i wlll keep that for another debate.
As for pockets why do you forget that by the time your pocket will get strong if it ever will, so will India's in fact many folds owing to its size. Where will that leave us than? Do you seriously believe that Pakistan economy at any point in time will surpass India? If not than bringing pocket into every debate is a non relevant point because the difference will only increase. There was a time when we could have India by its throat but our continuous non action on one pretext or the other brought us to this stage where india is way ahead from us.
I can only hope that the planners are indeed looking at this situation and if and when the time is right, Pakistan strucks rather than waiting and letting another opportunity slide.
as I said, 62 & 99 had its own set of political failure as well and Pakistan was not in position like today. How come one can ignore all the factors as such.

After few years, you’ll probably rephrase your same comment with:

“as I said, 62,99 and 2020 had its own set of political failure as well and Pakistan was not in position like today”

A person sitting on the top must have some ethics. If PM offering you a extension, you have Both options (accept it or reject it). Bajwa was directly involved in this extensions there was no reason for the extension technically that was purely a political decision. When you give extension to someone, you’re literally fuckdp the entire hierarchy and moral values of the organization and that was also said by this twitter PM in his part 22 years of so called struggle.

If a man unable to change anything in his correct slot, he can’t change anything in extension. India took advantage of Bajwa’s and Khan’s “Defensive Approach” to deal with Indo-Pak matters.
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Well said. We are used to comparing ours and Indian equipment head on and some how convincing our selves that things are in our favour, be it MBTs, ATGMs, SAMs, Airplanes etc. Now imagine half of the Indian equipment is gone.

Be inventive, make the first move and grab the escalation ladder by its neck. e.g. ground-ops only with PAF to only establish no-fly zone over the battle field.

It will start of war like 1965, India and China will not fight but India will attack Pakistan if we do any miscalculated adventure.

US may also like to see that war to give some punishment to Pakistan for going with CPEC and China.
Time has changed..china is here to protect its life line CPEC.pakistan will not be left alone this time to fight.so we should grab this opportunity.
Movement of troops can be done within 24 hours.all commanders are told to be ready.check last meetings statement.airforce is already on alert.skardu qadri AB are examples.so dont be in panic...more the IA army assests will be stretched better for us.
Capturing Kashmir valley in case of two front war will be matter of weeks only.
Siachen will be first to be recaptured in first.
It will start of war like 1965, India and China will not fight but India will attack Pakistan if we do any miscalculated adventure.

US may also like to see that war to give some punishment to Pakistan for going with CPEC and China.

No. The situation is different at the moment. India has committed a big size of its army and air force on Chinese border from LAC to Aurnacchal Pardesh currently and no way India can bring them to Pak border in case of any Indo Pak war at this time. But this India China stand off will not last for ever. You have to take risk otherwise stop this drama of Kashmir 24/7.
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