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Sir Muradk in Hospital

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Very nice :tup:

How about this one, this was written in just 6 minutes after I read above poem by "Salik"

The Man who has the Guts to Fly
The Man who took the Flying to Highs
The Man who showed Coward how to Fly
The Man who made the Enemy Cry
The Man who made the Courage so Shy
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My belated condolences, sir, and my fervant wishes for a speedy and complete recovery so that we may get back to our sparring.

I've missed your presence without seeing this thread. Having seen, it now explains much. God bless, sir and we'll chat soon ad def.pk.:usflag:
I do not understand: it has been weeks since Jabar 1 or anyone else has updated us.

Anyone know the status of Muradk????

Any hospital contact number? Please PM me and I will call and find out what is happening.
I do not understand: it has been weeks since Jabar 1 or anyone else has updated us.

Anyone know the status of Muradk????

Any hospital contact number? Please PM me and I will call and find out what is happening.

I m tying to contact him but unfortunatelly unable to talk to him.
well thats a good news...anxiously waiting for his return on PDF.
:yahoo: Sir Murad is online

We missed you alot and we were damn worried for you :cry:

Welcome back
i dont know much about u sir just tht u were a pilot but i have seen your posts and they are great.......i wish u a good health..... :)
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