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Sinovac's vaccine general efficacy less than 60% in Brazil trial - report

One thing for certain on PDF is Chinese bots defending anything and everything to do with anything Chinese. 😂😂
They are quick to quote Global times when it suits them but start giving lame arguments when GT doesn’t suit them.
It has become part of their DNA due to continued lack of free speech over many decades. Called genetic mutation.
The post was regarding a simple fact of Sinovac having a little lower efficacy. Is there anything wrong in that? No. It can still be used.
But look at the CCP bots. Hilarious. I pity there capability to see reason in anything.
One thing for certain on PDF is Chinese bots defending anything and everything to do with anything Chinese. 😂😂
They are quick to quote Global times when it suits them but start giving lame arguments when GT doesn’t suit them.
It has become part of their DNA due to continued lack of free speech over many decades. Called genetic mutation.
The post was regarding a simple fact of Sinovac having a little lower efficacy. Is there anything wrong in that? No. It can still be used.
But look at the CCP bots. Hilarious. I pity there capability to see reason in anything.

Only indians think that a claim is equivalent to a fact.

That is why India is India, and why China is China.
what's there to be proud of?
India is India, China is China, Taiwan is Taiwan, Pakistan is Pakistan......... The list is very long if I mention all the countries the way you mentioned. Have you learnt to accept a valid argument?
Don’t need to explain the reason for my pride in my nation. 🤣🤣 Hahaha. Again a laughable question.
What kind of person asks a question about a citizen having pride in his nation?
You wouldn’t understand. Why wouldn’t you understand? People who stay under authoritarian regimes become subservient and start believing in whatever their regimes teach them. Unflinching blindness without any capability to reason or question their beloved dictator. Anyone who questions their dictators becomes an enemy to them. Maybe decades of suppression causes genetic mutation.
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haha Golden words are spoken. Precisely the reason nobody should buy this "100%" effective vaccine either.
Hey it was the turks who said it was 91% effective not us, at the time of trials, it was 100% against serious infection, and how do you define old symptom, are they infected or just symptoms? What are the criteria used to define the other vaccines? If you don't like this vaccine, then go for Sinopharm
Hey it was the turks who said it was 91% effective not us, at the time of trials, it was 100% against serious infection, and how do you define old symptom, are they infected or just symptoms? What are the criteria used to define the other vaccines? If you don't like this vaccine, then go for Sinopharm

Actually these are the results of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine trials carried out in UK, S Africa and Brazil with two full doses given:

1. 62% effective at stopping infections, including asymptomatic.
2. 100% effective at reducing hospitalisations and deaths.

All age groups were tested, including the elderly.

It is the cheapest vaccine available and can be stored in a household fridge.

By far the best vaccine to be in public use so far.
Actually these are the results of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine trials carried out in UK, S Africa and Brazil with two full doses given:

1. 62% effective at stopping infections, including asymptomatic.
2. 100% effective at reducing hospitalisations and deaths.

All age groups were tested, including the elderly.

It is the cheapest vaccine available and can be stored in a household fridge.

By far the best vaccine to be in public use so far.
Sinopharm is the best so far. Sinovac needs more info, the test set up for Brazil was very different.

Effiacy increases when 2 doses are taken further apart, for Sinovac they purposely reduce it to 14 days to test it to the extreme. Even the test subjects were selectively front liners to maximise risk of exposure.

I remember reading Pfitzer 90% claim was based on doses taken more than one month apart and alot were infected in the first month. This is a classic case of marketing failure, for scientific purposes Sinovac exposed the vaccine to the harshest regime, short duration dosage intervals and highest risk group of medics. But they forget that ppl only look at efficacy numbers. What the use if a bscvine which is only 30%effective for first dose and the second dose will need to be taken a month later to reach 90%, medics need to work daily. So they need the criteria to be shortest duration possible.
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Sinopharm is the best so far. Sinovac needs more info, the test set up for Brazil was very different.

Effiacy increases when 2 doses are taken further apart, for Sinovac they purposely reduce it to 14 days to test it to the extreme. Even the test subjects were selectively front liners to maximise risk of exposure.

Only approved Chinese vaccine is Coronavac and only China has approved it so far.

UK, India, Argentina, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico and Morocco have also given emergency authorisation to the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine and it costs 1/7th of the Chinese vaccine.

Once other countries also approve your vaccine then confidence grows massively.

AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine will be the No 1 vaccine for Covid-19 around the world this year and the rest will be just supporting actors.

PS - When the interval between 2 doses of the UK vaccine is 12 weeks then efficacy goes up to maybe 80%

PSS - I hope that the Chinese vaccines also succeed as the more safe and effective vaccines available, the better.
Only approved Chinese vaccine is Coronavac and only China has approved it so far.

UK, India, Argentina, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico and Morocco have also given emergency authorisation to the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine and it costs 1/7th of the Chinese vaccine.

Once other countries also approve your vaccine then confidence grows massively.

AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine will be the No 1 vaccine for Covid-19 around the world this year and the rest will be just supporting actors.

PS - When the interval between 2 doses of the UK vaccine is 12 weeks then efficacy goes up to maybe 80%

PSS - I hope that the Chinese vaccines also succeed as the more safe and effective vaccines available, the better.
You are wrong, China approved Sinopharm vaccine first and hesitated to approve Sinovac. Oxford test in Brazil did not include asymptomatic people.

So far Sinopharm has highest efficacy absx is used by more countries than Sinovac.
You are wrong, China approved Sinopharm vaccine first and hesitated to approve Sinovac. Oxford test in Brazil did not include asymptomatic people.

So far Sinopharm has highest efficacy absx is used by more countries than Sinovac.

Let us come back when anyone else approves a Chinese vaccine and starts injecting them into their populations.

Like I say, only when other countries approve Chinese vaccines then real confidence will grow in them.

UK vaccine has been approved by the most countries so far and that says a lot. It is cheap, can be stored in a normal fridge and produced by the billions and so will be the vaccine of choice for most developing countries.
Let us come back when anyone else approves a Chinese vaccine and starts injecting them into their populations.

Like I say, only when other countries approve Chinese vaccines then real confidence will grow in them.

UK vaccine has been approved by the most countries so far and that says a lot. It is cheap, can be stored in a normal fridge and produced by the billions and so will be the vaccine of choice for most developing countries.
I agree but please check how many countries approved sinopharm vaccine. Btw, 4 people alrwdy died due to Pfitzer vaccine. That does not include the facial paralysis side effect
Hey it was the turks who said it was 91% effective not us, at the time of trials
Brazil also said it's found around70% effective, then vaccination is a long term solution. It takes years for results to be out. You bringing up crap like 100% effective, 90% effective are just irrelevant. The one's used in large numbers will be the one that shows effectiveness, as far as Chinese stuff is concerned, lets see if countries are willing to buy them for mass vaccination of the public. Only then you can be conclusive about the effectiveness of the vaccine. All those 100% successes is just shit nobody is going to buy
I agree but please check how many countries approved sinopharm vaccine. Btw, 4 people alrwdy died due to Pfitzer vaccine. That does not include the facial paralysis side effect

Ok looks like my information was incorrect and some other countries have also approved the sinopharm vaccine like UAE and Bahrain.

Do you know how much 2 doses cost and can it be stored in a household fridge?
Brazil also said it's found around70% effective, then vaccination is a long term solution. It takes years for results to be out. You bringing up crap like 100% effective, 90% effective are just irrelevant. The one's used in large numbers will be the one that shows effectiveness, as far as Chinese stuff is concerned, lets see if countries are willing to buy them for mass vaccination of the public. Only then you can be conclusive about the effectiveness of the vaccine. All those 100% successes is just shit nobody is going to buy

No need to argue as looks like all vaccines are quite effective. Long term safety is the only unknown.

The more that succeed the better.

India is in a good position as it can manufacture hundreds of millions of doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine over the next 3 months to vaccinate its 300 million or so vulnerable population. It is cheap and logistics are easy as it can be stored in a household fridge for months.
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