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Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later

But you forget it is their land and you oppress them. Killing protestors and people who want human rights. I'm not talking about terrorism done by some but about general Uighurs and Tibetians. Some might call that crimes against humanity. They should determine their own future and stop this occupation that started in the 40'ies.

We belong to the same nation, including all the people and land, you could find chinese people of any ethnic group in any part of China, the han majority regions belonged as much to the han as to any other chinese ethnic group, and its the same on the contrary. Thats is why you could see Han Chinese in Xinjiang and and Uighur Chinese in Beijing and make living in any parts of China. As we Chinese know best that when divided we fall, we should determine our own future together.
Chinese treat Tibetans and Uighurs humanely while the Japanese massacred,raped,stole,experimented and ransacked the Chinese.
What Japanese did to Chinese is equally bad what you are doing to Uighur and Tibetians. The difference is that what Japanese did was in the past and what communist China is doing is happening as we speak.
What Japanese did to Chinese is equally bad what you are doing to Uighur and Tibetians. The difference is that what Japanese did was in the past and what communist China is doing is happening as we speak.
Where are the Nanking massacres,Unit 731 and comfort women?

Oh wait,I forgot that trolls don't comprehend basic logic.
When someone goes into your house and beheads your father,rapes your mother,then proceeds to make your sisters a sex slave while stealing all your possessions I don't think you will ever forgot that either.

To rub salt in the wound the aggressor's son then decides to build a monument for his father's evil deeds and insists his father was only helping you,while whining about the punishment he receives from a judge.

For some reason Jews are always given a sympathetic outlook but when Chinese bring up WW2 or other wars they get called out for bringing out past grievances.

Those unfortunate thing happened all across the world but people moved on. You forgetting during the same time imperial Qing Army committed the massmurder of Dzungarians and Miao people, you mean there should be no reconciliation between different ethnic groups of China because they were fighting 150-200 years back.
Japan itself is a nation on decline I couldn't care less what they did in the past. It does offer some lessons on what China should not be.

But you forget it is their land and you oppress them. Killing protestors and people who want human rights. I'm not talking about terrorism done by some but about general Uighurs and Tibetians. Some might call that crimes against humanity. They should determine their own future and stop this occupation that started in the 40'ies.

Xinjiang is majority Han and the Han Chinese there aren't going to leave, basically Uighurs would lose any vote on it. The Soviet Union created a puppet state which was defeated in 1933 by the ROC's Muslim soldiers later by the PRC in 1949. Even a democratic China would never let them go because of the strategic value and Han Chinese living there. More Han are moving to Tibet and Xinjiang.
Your refusal to acknowledge the suffering that the Chinese had to go under Japanese aggression is appalling.

This is kind of attitude that keeps the Chinese hatred of Japanese alive.

Sadly that's the mentality of the Japanese in general including our nippon member. No proper apology, wish to sweep Japanese horrific past under the carpet so their generations of offsprings will be clueless of what truly took place. The truth hurts and it's a stain to their image which they rather don't want to be associated with. Therefor it's not a surprise to me he keeps saying put the past behind and move forward building a peaceful relation. He understands Diaoyu island and the issues i addressed are obstacles which prevent us from fostering friendly ties.
i do like Nihon's post-card style replies. poetic.

sometimes the hating has to stop -- was the concluding remark of colin and nicole's the railway man (2013) implying western superiority and paternalism. wonder whether such a poetic spectacle can be made on the china-japan war history
Hi @Huaren ,

Thank you for sharing your personal anecdote about the trials and ordeals your family , as i'm sure a great many Chinese families did, during the course of the war. Sorry to hear that your grandfather died still yearning to find relatives and friends.

My grandfather and his family, too, lived in times of peril. He had served in the Imperial Japanese Navy for most of the duration of the Pacific War, an officer in an Imperial destoryer. From his stories and personal anecdotes, he remembered many of his family and friends who served and died in the service of Japan. My grandfather told me that during the war he had both animosity and respect for the Americans. This animosity later was removed and in his last years of life he met with many American war veterans , many of whom even sent letters of condolences after my grandfather passed away.

I remember a time when I was in high school and asked him in depth about his experiences in war. It was the first time i've really seen him become emotional and cry deep tears. In the end, his greatest regret was that his 3 brothers (all of whom were younger than he, and all 3 died in the war) died and yet he lived. I still remember it like yesterday-- he took out his wallet, and opened a flap, and showed me a picture of him with his 3 younger brothers -- all in Imperial Navy uniform. It was taken before all of them set out to service. It was the last time all three were with each other. In the end, we all lament on our family, friends.

I am sorry for your family's loss. Thank you for sharing with me.

Take care.
Kind Regards,

Well If it gives you any comfort I would admit that my hatred for the old generation japanese is mostly limited to the ruling politicians and your "glorious" emperor, despite the fact that those who have commited most of crimes might be the common soldiers who have lost themselves in the frenzy, or were telling themselves to follow the order, with the support of common japanese people who could claim to be decieved by their leaders. I might even believe it if they are telling that they never wanted to be part of it to begin with. But on the contrary I despise the current generation japanese people or leaders alike for failing to face up the past, in a nation with all the sparkling progress, liberal demoncracy and rule of law, they let carcase remains of their past sins stay on their land, continue agonizing victims and all those who were close. Let politicians they have voted in getting back on apology and make new claims for deflections. Sorry but in my eye current generation of japanese people are as guilty as their choosen leader for being oblivious and insulting people across east asia. In my eye your people are also insulting yourselves and your ancestors, those who have faced the truth of sins and those who claimed to be innocent shall never find peace.
Well If it gives you any comfort I would admit that my hatred for the old generation japanese is mostly limited to the ruling politicians and your "glorious" emperor, despite the fact that those who have commited most of crimes might be the common soldiers who have lost themselves in the frenzy, or were telling themselves to follow the order, with the support of common japanese people who could claim to be decieved by their leaders. I might even believe it if they are telling that they never wanted to be part of it to begin with. But on the contrary I despise the current generation japanese people or leaders alike for failing to face up the past, in a nation with all the sparkling progress, liberal demoncracy and rule of law, they let carcase remains of their past sins stay on their land, continue agonizing victims and all those who were close. Let politicians they have voted in getting back on apology and make new claims for deflections. Sorry but in my eye current generation of japanese people are as guilty as their choosen leader for being oblivious and insulting people across east asia. In my eye your people are also insulting yourselves and your ancestors, those who have faced the truth of sins and those who claimed to be innocent shall never find peace.


Your post is filled with emotion and I can understand your position. Tho I may disagree with some points, I respectfully and honorably hear you, and thank you for sharing your viewpoint(s).

I want to share a poem written by the Emperor Meiji,


It is our hope
That all the world's oceans
Be joined in peace,
So why do the winds and waves
Now rise up in angry rage?

Kind Regards,
Those unfortunate thing happened all across the world but people moved on. You forgetting during the same time imperial Qing Army committed the massmurder of Dzungarians and Miao people, you mean there should be no reconciliation between different ethnic groups of China because they were fighting 150-200 years back.
What does this have to do with Japanese atrocities?

Two wrongs don't make a right and refusing to acknowledge Japanese ones is ridiculous.

The difference between the Zunghars/Miao and the Japanese is that the Zunghars and Miao often killed Qing subjects even before Qing demands thus causing retaliation while the Japanese waged a war of naked aggression.

Same massacres were done on Uighur and Tibetians. A crime is a crime and China is commiting many even up to very recently. Also what is comfort women? If Chinese women offered their bodies for food and shelter it is the choice of the women. No need to make propaganda over this.
Show evidence then of the atrocities of that magnitude modern day CCP commit on Uighurs and Tibetans.

Comfort women is hardly propaganda,its quite sickening seeing people trivialize the horror those women had to go through.

Sadly that's the mentality of the Japanese in general including our nippon member. No proper apology, wish to sweep Japanese horrific past under the carpet so their generations of offsprings will be clueless of what truly took place. The truth hurts and it's a stain to their image which they rather don't want to be associated with. Therefor it's not a surprise to me he keeps saying put the past behind and move forward building a peaceful relation. He understands Diaoyu island and the issues i addressed are obstacles which prevent us from fostering friendly ties.
Funny that the aggressor is demanding the victim to let bygones be bygones.

Imagine if modern day Germans told Jews that Hitler's policies were fake and that they have Jews have right to recognize the Holocaust.

It doesn't matter how flowery his language is,he distorts past events to put the least blame on Japanese people.
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What does this have to do with Japanese atrocities?

Two wrongs don't make a right and refusing to acknowledge Japanese ones is ridiculous.

The difference between the Zunghars/Miao and the Japanese is that the Zunghars and Miao often killed Qing subjects even before Qing demands thus causing retaliation while the Japanese waged a war of naked aggression.

Show evidence then of the atrocities of that magnitude modern day CCP commit on Uighurs and Tibetans.

Comfort women is hardly propaganda,its quite sickening seeing people trivialize the horror those women had to go through.

what do you think about kaigai shinwa?

It is an unfortunate event in Chinese history. The Opium Wars and the eventual unfair Treaties of Extraterritoriality.

Ironically, these events that had plagued China would be used as pretext for Japan to industrialize, in an effort to evade the unfortunate circumstances affecting Asia -- European Colonizations: British India, French Indochina, Dutch East Indies, Spanish Philippines et al.
It doesn't matter how flowery his language is,he distorts past events to put the least blame on Japanese people.

i think he is changing, he is gradually developing another character and not only him, everybody changes through interaction and dialogue, at least a bit, keep a close watch on him

I haven't read it so I can comment on its contents.

Whatever respect that the Japanese had for the Qing evaporated once they saw how they could colonize China.

china's weakness was japan's motivation, right
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