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Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later

First of all you said every country moved on except China. So why did Israel complain about a simple Hitler store?
Secondly Chinese don't hate Germans
Thirdly the Diaoyu island issue has been explained plenty of times here

As I said Israelis are sensitive to Holocaust but never heard of them bringing it to teach their future generation to hate German people till eternity. Here the Indians are too very sensitive to colonial history and in case won't tolerate any insult to that but still we don't use it to hate British, Portuguese or French people.
We don't bring the colonial history while dealing with the European countries like Britain, France or Portugal. As for 1962, it was the direct outcome of Chinese obsession of reclaiming the so called historical Chinese land. If you believe Senkaku and Ryukyu aren't the Japanese territories, why you didn't get it done in 1945 when China was the part of the victorious Allied forces, everyone took what they wanted from the defeated Axis powers.
For you indian, 1962 war is Chinese fault, so you hate China and hype it again and again, so you dont' move on from it, hehe, Indian!

In 1945, USA and Britain admit KMT is legal government, and at that time, China still is in civil war, who Diaoyu islands and Ryukyu blong to, has judged in cairo declaration and Potsdam Declaration.

That was one dumb guy who opened that store, anti-Semitism is not the part of Indian culture. But Israelis unlike the Chinese don't go on hating the German till eternity.
You don't hurted by Nazi heavily, so you can't understand, it is apply to Japanese invasion for you.

Israelis can stand that German pay homage to killer in that war? you know sh!t, hehe!

As I said Israelis are sensitive to Holocaust but never heard of them bringing it to teach their future generation to hate German people till eternity. Here the Indians are too very sensitive to colonial history and in case won't tolerate any insult to that but still we don't use it to hate British, Portuguese or French people.
How China teach Chinese hate Japan? let Chinese know the history is teaching people hate Japan?
As I said Israelis are sensitive to Holocaust but never heard of them bringing it to teach their future generation to hate German people till eternity. Here the Indians are too very sensitive to colonial history and in case won't tolerate any insult to that but still we don't use it to hate British, Portuguese or French people.
Israelis are sensitive to holocaust... and Chinese are not? How many Jews died compared to the > 20 millions Chinese?
For you indian, 1962 war is Chinese fault, so you hate China and hype it again and again, so you dont' move on from it, hehe, Indian!

In 1945, USA and Britain admit KMT is legal government, and at that time, China still is in civil war, who Diaoyu islands and Ryukyu blong to, has judged in cairo declaration and Potsdam Declaration.

You don't hurted by Nazi heavily, so you can't understand, it is apply to Japanese invasion for you.

Israelis can stand that German pay homage to killer in that war? you know sh!t, hehe!

How China teach Chinese hate Japan? let Chinese know the history is teaching people hate Japan?

The border dispute is still alive based on your obsession of reclaiming so called historical Chinese land of some Ming or Qing dynasty. This thread is about a Sino-Japanese war that took place 120 years ago, how is that event relevant to current Sino-Japanese relations.
The border dispute is still alive based on your obsession of reclaiming so called historical Chinese land of some Ming or Qing dynasty. This thread is about a Sino-Japanese war that took place 120 years ago, how is that event relevant to current Sino-Japanese relations.
Yest it is not relevant to the topic, but when you like a idiot attacking Chinese for "hate" to Japanese, see it is Chinese fault, speaking up for Japanese, it is relevant to your igorant and idiotic comments.

When you hate China for you so-called reason, how could you condemn chinese, but know sh!t the history between China and Japan!
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Yest it is relevant to the topic, but when you like a idiot attacking Chinese for "hate" to Japanese, see it is Chinese fault, speaking up for Japanese, it is relevant to your igorant and idiotic comments.

When you hate China for you so-called reason, how could you condemn chinese, but know sh!t the history between China and Japan!

Just ignore that moron, he thinks it's okay for Israel to criticize India because some shop owner used Hitler as store name and since Israelis are sensitive people it's okay to do so. Chinese has no right to be sensitive that's what he is saying. Also note how he used the word "Holocaust" which in his opinion gives Israel the privilege to get angry over a simple matter such as a Hitler store or prince Harry wearing a nazi costume. Jews are excused because of the Holocaust (only 6 mln jews perished) but China with over > 20 mln cannot be sensitive about it.
Yest it is relevant to the topic, but when you like a idiot attacking Chinese for "hate" to Japanese, see it is Chinese fault, speaking up for Japanese, it is relevant to your igorant and idiotic comments.

When you hate China for you so-called reason, how could you condemn chinese, but know sh!t the history between China and Japan!

I know about the history and also know what goes on between China and Japan. But the hate its firmly established, there is no chance of changing it.
I know about the history and also know what goes on between China and Japan. But the hate its firmly established, there is no chance of changing it.
You know? hehe!

Cairo Declaration Archives : Writings and Rants

The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed.
I know about the history and also know what goes on between China and Japan. But the hate its firmly established, there is no change of changing it.
When someone goes into your house and beheads your father,rapes your mother,then proceeds to make your sisters a sex slave while stealing all your possessions I don't think you will ever forgot that either.

To rub salt in the wound the aggressor's son then decides to build a monument for his father's evil deeds and insists his father was only helping you,while whining about the punishment he receives from a judge.

For some reason Jews are always given a sympathetic outlook but when Chinese bring up WW2 or other wars they get called out for bringing out past grievances.
When someone goes into your house and beheads your father,rapes your mother,then proceeds to make your sisters a sex slave while stealing all your possessions I don't think you will ever forgot that either.

To rub salt in the wound the aggressor's son then decides to build a monument for his father's evil deeds and insists his father was only helping you,while whining about the punishment he receives from a judge.

For some reason Jews are always given a sympathetic outlook but when Chinese bring up WW2 or other wars they get called out for bringing out past grievances.

The younger Japanese wish that accountability for the war will end with the passing of those involved. Unfortunately for them, Chinese have very long collective memories.

Japanese brutality brings upon their nation shame of biblical proportions, the depravity of the Japanese on the Asian mainland was on a level that disgusted even the Nazis.

How do they deal with such shameful forefathers?

Delusions of grandeur have bought them onto the Asian mainland throughout their history and their brutality in the 16th century Imjin war is still remembered, let alone ww2.
The younger Japanese wish that accountability for the war will end with the passing of those involved. Unfortunately for them, Chinese have very long collective memories.

Japanese brutality brings upon their nation shame of biblical proportions, the depravity of the Japanese on the Asian mainland was on a level that disgusted even the Nazis.

How do they deal with such shameful forefathers?

Delusions of grandeur have bought them onto the Asian mainland throughout their history and their brutality in the 16th century Imjin war is still remembered, let alone ww2.
The Germans are sincere for their grandfather's acts(Holocaust denial being a crime) while to this day we still have Japanese denying Nanking Massacre,Unit 731,comfort women then claiming they were liberating Asia.

All they do is whitewash their past and bring up Mao Zedong for no reason.

Hideyoshi was a megalomaniac,his contemporaries all disagreed with him while his troops were already bogged down by Korean militias and Yi Sunshin's genius so how can they say they even had chance to conquer Ming?

Ming defeats in the Imjin War had to do with incompetence of generals and situations out of their control ie the Korean court couldn't even provide enough food despite promising so and an explosion of artillery.

While in pitched battles such as Battle of Jiksan the Japanese were easily beaten.
The Germans are sincere for their grandfather's acts(Holocaust denial being a crime) while to this day we still have Japanese denying Nanking Massacre,Unit 731,comfort women then claiming they were liberating Asia.

All they do is whitewash their past and bring up Mao Zedong for no reason.

Hideyoshi was a megalomaniac,his contemporaries all disagreed with him while his troops were already bogged down by Korean militias and Yi Sunshin's genius so how can they say they even had chance to conquer Ming?

Ming defeats in the Imjin War had to do with incompetence of generals and situations out of their control ie the Korean court couldn't even provide enough food despite promising so and an explosion of artillery.

While in pitched battles such as Battle of Jiksan the Japanese were easily beaten.

During the second invasion, the Japanese were restricted to a very small section of Korea and were penned in by Ming forces. They attempted to press further in towards Seoul but was defeated by a small Ming force (2000 Ming cavalry on first day, reinforced with another 2000 at night) at Chiksan.

I would argue that at the final battle at Noryan point, Chen Lin was the main figure, not Yi Sunsin. The Ming fleet from Southern China dwarfed the Korean contributions.

So second Invasion - they came, they cowered in a few captured fortresses, then they tried to leave and got jumped.

Ming cannons > Samurai + Arquebuses.
Oh please the only reason its a matter than history lesson is because the nazi party in china keeps reminding the people no fogiveness at all
I guess the "Century of Humiliation" still lives on...and I wonder, when will the Century of Humiliation will end?
Japanese tried to achieve their ambitions many times before, although they have always failed, neverthless their nation has gained progress; Like after the battle of Baekgang when Japanese faced first defeat at the hand of foreign powers, Yamato started intensive study to learn and adopt anything from the continent which might be useful for them,

Or after the imjin war when japanese again were forced to retreat after trying to keep their holdings on the korean peninsula from their prolonged invasion, while japan has gone into isolation after their failure, the shogunate managed to consolidate their rule and stabilise the country, after all those japanese warrior who were still battle hungry from the warring states period burnt out their fire in the failed invasion. If those people who knows nothing other than fighting and killing werent kept in check, Japan might fall back into chaos after hard fought unification.

And It is the same with their most recent failure, while devastated by the millitary defeat including the atomic bombs, their structure at home remained mostly untouched, and the modernisation of Japan which took place ever since meiji era were not destroyed or halted. On the contrary, Japan gained support from the western world powers which have proven to be critical for Japan rebuilding their nation into economic powerhouse.

In conclusion those past ambitions of Japan which never achieved their original goals did bring japan many benefits, they helped japan to catch up with outside world and progress even further, at the same time japan has always managed to prevent paying the "unaffordable" price no matter what kind of crimes they have commited, being protected as an island nation and be seen as useful for at good position to keep continental powers(east asia) in check. Japan is a unfortunate country for being constantly plagued by natural catastrophes but at the same time also a lucky nation being at a good position protected from the foreign human nations. Sadly this also blinded them, for they have only learnt the benefits of taking risks, not the price which they should pay, and thats the reason they will repeat their past "mistakes"(in the eyes of their victims) again and again in the future.

At first your post was very elucidating and I thought that you would bring about an open minded discussion. Then, towards the end, your unwarranted inclination of Japanese imperialism makes itself apparent. Why is it that all Chinese fear our Imperialism? No need to fear, no need to be so concerned. We are a liberal democracy, centered on the rule of law. Peace has always been Japan's objective, the good and prosperity of ALL Asia is in our visage.


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