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Sino-Japanese War still stings China 120 years later

hypocrisy Chinese screaming to the world that Japan committed crime on them and asking the world bring justice to them. What about the Chinese committed crimes on others? It is not China became huge at its birth. It conquered, enslaved, and subjugated, other ethnics to be Chinese. Looking at Tibetan and Ughi, they became minority on their own soil. Who would bring justice to them?
Which has nothing to do with the Sino Japanese War,diverting the issue isn't going to change that the Japanese were far worse.

The Tibetans and Uighurs are still the majority in their traditional lands,your posts reek of inferiority complex.
21 demands ring a bell?

The reason why the Imperial Government opened the present negotiations with the Chinese Government is first to endeavour to dispose of the complications arising out of the war between Japan and China, and secondly to attempt to solve those various questions which are detrimental to the intimate relations of China and Japan with a view to solidifying the foundation of cordial friendship subsisting between the two countries to the end that the peace of the Far East may be effectually and permanently preserved.

With this object in view, definite proposals were presented to the Chinese Government in January of that year, and up to today as many as twenty-five conferences have been held with the Chinese Government in perfect sincerity and frankness.

In the course of negotiations the Imperial Government have consistently explained the aims and objects of the proposals in a conciliatory spirit, while on the other hand the proposals of the Chinese Government, whether important or unimportant, have been attended to without any reserve.

Qing didn't annex Korea while Japan did,furthermore Qing suzerainty of Joseon was rather peaceful a tribute here and there and military intervention to save the dynasty when it comes under attack.

An unfortunate fact about the Japan-Korea relationship after the Meiji Restoration is that Japan emulated the United States’ “black ship diplomacy.” To open Korea for trade with Japan, Japan sent seven naval and nonmilitary vessels in 1876 and forced an unequal treaty on Korea — as the U.S. and other Western powers had done to Japan — to make that country open two ports, with extraterritorial jurisdiction provided for Japanese.

There is the view that Japan’s 35 years of colonial rule improved Korea’s infrastructure, education, agriculture, other industries and economic institutions, and thus helped Korea modernize. But one should not forget the discrimination and sufferings that the Korean people experienced under colonial rule.
LoL Chinese should looking to blame Koreans too for your defeat in First Sino-Japanese war, after all a lot of them turn to your back

The reason why the Imperial Government opened the present negotiations with the Chinese Government is first to endeavour to dispose of the complications arising out of the war between Japan and China, and secondly to attempt to solve those various questions which are detrimental to the intimate relations of China and Japan with a view to solidifying the foundation of cordial friendship subsisting between the two countries to the end that the peace of the Far East may be effectually and permanently preserved.

With this object in view, definite proposals were presented to the Chinese Government in January of this year, and up to today as many as twenty-five conferences have been held with the Chinese Government in perfect sincerity and frankness.

In the course of negotiations the Imperial Government have consistently explained the aims and objects of the proposals in a conciliatory spirit, while on the other hand the proposals of the Chinese Government, whether important or unimportant, have been attended to without any reserve.
Don't try to sugarcoat history,Japan only cared about itself(like every other country) not for the peace of East Asia.

The 21 demands were aimed at enriching Japan and destabilizing China.

It doesn't matter how well you try to negotiate with China today,your past intentions have shown that Japanese still have the same flame of ambition their ancestors did.

An unfortunate fact about the Japan-Korea relationship after the Meiji Restoration is that Japan emulated the United States’ “black ship diplomacy.” To open Korea for trade with Japan, Japan sent seven naval and nonmilitary vessels in 1876 and forced an unequal treaty on Korea — as the U.S. and other Western powers had done to Japan — to make that country open two ports, with extraterritorial jurisdiction provided for Japanese.

There is the view that Japan’s 35 years of colonial rule improved Korea’s infrastructure, education, agriculture, other industries and economic institutions, and thus helped Korea modernize. But one should not forget the discrimination and sufferings that the Korean people experienced under colonial rule.
Blaming Westerners again!?

It doesn't matter how much you helped Koreans the fact is they were annexed without their approval.
LoL Chinese should looking to blame Koreans too for your defeat in First Sino-Japanese war, after all a lot of them turn to your back


LoL Chinese should looking to blame Koreans too for your defeat in First Sino-Japanese war, after all a lot of them turn to your back


What's interesting is that how readily Koreans collaborated with Japanese in removing Chinese presence in the peninsula.

Readily, one cannot debate that during Japan's 35 years of colonial rule in Korea, the Koreans , as did the Japanese, experienced and benefitted from industrialization, increased health rates, and overall quality of life. Let me even show some statistical graphs:

Production In Korea during Japanese Rule:

Population in Korea during Japanese rule:


The number of schools (education) that had arisen in Korea during Japanese Rule:


In fact, the reasons why South Korea has succeeded in such a way is because we Japanese had introduced the Zaibatsu system of conglomeration, introduced free market economic theory to them during colonial days, introduced land reform, introduced western education and thought, introduced the importance of the railway system, and communication.

Before Korea was colonized, it was backwards, similar to many parts of Qing China. By the time Korea was liberated, she was far more industrialized that many parts of Asia. She was as industrialized and progressive as Japan.
Show me these atrocities that are equivalent to what the Japanese did.

If I was neglecting Chinese expansion I wouldn't have bothered criticizing the Qing.

Considering how some of minorities started claiming lands they never historically owned and attacked Chinese citizens they deserved to be conquered.

I already understood your logic. :coffee:
What's interesting is that how readily Koreans collaborated with Japanese in removing Chinese presence in the peninsula.

Readily, one cannot debate that during Japan's 35 years of colonial rule in Korea, the Koreans , as did the Japanese, experienced and benefitted from industrialization, increased health rates, and overall quality of life. Let me even show some statistical graphs:

Production In Korea during Japanese Rule:

Population in Korea during Japanese rule:


The number of schools (education) that had arisen in Korea during Japanese Rule:


i can't say it is good or not for the Koreans, after all i have tendencies not talking about it neutrally with my background as such. After all today Koreans still bitter about Japanese colonization and Japanese efforts to erasing their National identity with Japonization program.
i can't say it is good or not for the Koreans, after all i have tendencies not talking about it neutrally with my background as such. After all today Koreans still bitter about Japanese colonization and Japanese efforts to erasing their National identity with Japonization program.

Yes, they have the right to show their anger because they were effectively annexed into Japan proper.

There were negatives and positives for them. The negative is that they lost their identity.
The positive is that they enjoyed the investment and protection of Japan.
fortunately, dear Historian, in those days of Imperialism, such was the culture. One had to be strong, or else be subject to colonialism. Like what had happened to most of Asia.
Whatever floats your boat,the innocent Japanese were forced to colonize others because the evil Westerners did:woot:

Continue lying through your teeth that annexing Korea was because of Western influence,otherwise the Imjin War would have never happened.
Yes, they have the right to show their anger because they were effectively annexed into Japan proper.

There were negatives and positives for them. The negative is that they lost their identity.
The positive is that they enjoyed the investment and protection of Japan.

I doesn't agree with that

after all pride is the most matter element of all Nationalism in East Asia and South East Asia nations, surely the Koreans loose their pride during the Japanese colonization era. And the Korea we all knows is have a high emotional pride, same with the other Nation in Asia.

China loosing their pride as a big nation with those unprecedented humiliation blown by Japanese during this war, and giving much sentiments and anger for the peoples and accumulate it into Boxer rebellions pointed towards Manchus government. Maybe it hurts them much to be defeated by the another Asian Nation than the White peoples, the same Asia Nation the Chinese regarded as backward country and assuming the Japanese people as a barbarian folks.
Whatever floats your boat,the innocent Japanese were forced to colonize others because the evil Westerners did:woot:

Continue lying through your teeth that annexing Korea was because of Western influence,otherwise the Imjin War would have never happened.

Japan was forced to industrialize. In that time era, dear Historian, most of the world was ruled or under the economic, military and political clout of Europe. Africa was divided by the European powers, the Great Powers had taken advantage of the Ottoman Empire even calling our friend the noble turks as "Sick man of Europe", and had, by 1918, forced the Ottoman Empire to fragment its territorial holdings in the MIddle East. In Asia, it was worse. The British had carved a huge territory and named it the 'British Raj', effectively ruling over what is now present day Pakistan, Indian, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Burma. The British had also ruled over Malaya and Northern Borneo (Sarawak and Brunei). The French had French Indochina (present day Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam). The Dutch had controlled most of present day Indonesia. The Portugeues had controlled Goa, Timor Leste, and Macao. The Spanish had controlled the Philippines, Guam and the Mariana Islands. The Russians had controlled large parts of Liaodong peninsula, and Manchuria.

Japan had learned from the indemnity that China had to pay in its defeat to the Great Powers in the Opium Wars. With plethora of Treaties of Extraterritoriality. So thus we industrialized. We had sent out thousands of Japanese to the West to learn from them, and to bring it back to Japan. And within some 30 years, Japan, as the first Asian nation, defeated a "white" power. The Russian Empire during the Russo-Japanese War.
The Qing killed 20+ million people in its conquest of central Asia. Just saying, atrocities is not unique to one race.
I doesn't agree with that

after all pride is the most matter element of all Nationalism in East Asia and South East Asia nations, surely the Koreans loose their pride during the Japanese colonization era. And the Korea we all knows is have a high emotional pride, same with the other Nation in Asia.

China loosing their pride as a big nation with those unprecedented humiliation blown by Japanese during this war, and giving much sentiments and anger for the peoples and accumulate it into Boxer rebellions pointed towards Manchus government. Maybe it hurts them much to be defeated by the another Asian Nation than the White peoples, the same Asia Nation the Chinese regarded as backward country and assuming the Japanese people as a barbarian folks.

Yes, you are very right Ms. @madokafc . Pride is , definitely, an Unbearable Lightness of Being for many Asian societies.
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