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Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

srilankan muslims are always under threat from the buddhist extremist in srilanka.srilankans living in gulf eat halal meat .but in their own coutry they want to impose ban on halal products .double standars

Halal label is a religious standard based on one religion. It should not effect to other consumers in the country.
All the Religions are peaceful ,,,This peaceful is limited to the Holy Books,

dont know about religion.. but am talking about followers.. buddists have been generally peaceful for centuries..

Halal label is a religious standard based on one religion. It should not effect to other consumers in the country.

so why are buddists oppsed to halal then?
Please do not club other peace loving Buddhists with the Sinhala Buddhist Nationalists - The Sinhala Buddhist Nationalists are brought up under the notion that they are the chosen race to rule Sri Lanka.

It is the same notion as the Hindu are the chosen race of India.

so why are buddists oppsed to halal then?

Then why put Halal brand on most of the consumer product available to everyone. If Muslims want to consume Halal product then only they should pay for the fees on Halal brand not the non Muslims.
Karma is not working in your favor, looking at your countries condition.

atleast in our country bombs are not exploding on a daily basis :omghaha:

just a joke...dun take it seriosuly ;)
It is the same notion as the Hindu are the chosen race of India.

Nowhere in India it is taught in schools that the Hindus are the chosen race of India. It started in the 19th century when people like Dharmapala introduced this notion in many of the schools to counter the missionary schools in SL and we see the effects now.
Nowhere in India it is taught in schools that the Hindus are the chosen race of India. It started in the 19th century when people like Dharmapala introduced this notion in many of the schools to counter the missionary schools in SL and we see the effects now.

Nowhere in Sri Lanka propagate this notion. If you have a evidence about that please bring forward the evidence.
Sinhala Buddhist clergy is opposed to the halal ritual slaughter , which is necessary for Muslims to produce halal meat but the Buddhists feel its cruel to the livestock
Nowhere in Sri Lanka propagate this notion. If you have a evidence about that please bring forward the evidence.

Isn't Mahavamsa ideology taught in schools as the SL history? What does it point to?
Isn't Mahavamsa ideology taught in schools as the SL history? What does it point to?

No it doesn't.. It is not part of the national curricular.. Just another propaganda by separatist elements to further their pseudo grievances
Please do not club other peace loving Buddhists with the Sinhala Buddhist Nationalists - The Sinhala Buddhist Nationalists are brought up under the notion that they are the chosen race to rule Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka | From Sinhala-Buddhism to Civilized Buddhism

The Buddhism of practised in Sri Lanka is known as Sinhala or Mahavamsa Buddhism , a deviation from Theravada Buddhism of Thailand, Cambodia etc

Ven. Mahanama has created an imaginary link between the three elements, Country-Race-Religion and made it into one unit similar to the Holy Trinity, whereby Sri Lanka (Dhamma Deepa), Buddha's chosen people (Sinhalese), and Buddhism (Buddha Sasana) should be protected for 5000 years. This is known as the Jathika chintanaya or the Mahavamsa mindset and its outcome is the ‘Sinhala-Budda Deepa' and ‘unitary state'. Therefore, for the next 2500 years, a Sinhala Buddhist will never allow a federal state or any autonomy for others (non-Sinhala-Buddhists) in Sri Lanka.
Isn't Mahavamsa ideology taught in schools as the SL history? What does it point to?

Point 1 : There is no subject called Mahavansa in SL curriculum and Mahavansa is taught in the History class. Mahavansa is more than 80% correct in it's historical records therefore there is no harm in teaching it in the schools. That's how it's done and Mahavansa is not teach alone. It is backed by archeological reports and when appropriate Mahavansa is debunked in school books. Apparently you have no knowledge of Sri Lankan curriculum.

Point 2: Mahavansa is part of Sri Lankan culture and there is no harm in teaching it in schools. I think Ramayana and Mahabharata is taught in Indian school.

Point 3: In Mahavansa there is no such thing as Sinhalese are the chosen race and they should only rule in Sri Lanka. Mahavansa only stating the facts according to the Buddhist chronologists.
I'm afraid this will not exonerate the tactic support given to these Sinhala Buddhist extremists and their robed thugs by the regime, police and especially the security apparatus.. It is a tool used to divert the attention of the public on other atrocities that's happening around the country and a way to garner fear and support from the majority community at a period of increasing public agitation against the governing regime.. Thankfully the vast majority of the people have denounced the tactics

The parties involving in the Grandpass incident, where a newly built Muslim praying Centre had been attacked last evening, had agreed to solve the problem amicably and decided to develop the old Mosque and remove the newly built prayer centre, sources said.

The decision has been taken following a meeting held at the Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs Ministry, Colombo 02.

The meeting was attended by JHU General Secretary Champika Ranawaka, Western Province governor Alavi Maulana, Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister Rishad Badhiutheen, Minister Rauff Hakeem and Inspector General of Police N.K. Illangakoon.

Speaking after the meeting, JHU General Secretary Champika Ranawaka told reporters that the government and authorities would help rebuild and to develop the mosque that was damaged.

Parties had also agreed to remove a Bo tree that was near the mosque. However, the minister said a new mosque would not be built in the area.
Western Province governor Alavi Maulana said an outside gang had attacked an old mosque in Grandpas area making a threat to the harmony between the communities in the area.

Grandpass: parties agree to settlement | Breaking News

Point 3: In Mahavansa there is no such thing as Sinhalese are the chosen race and they should only rule in Sri Lanka. Mahavansa only stating the facts according to the Buddhist chronologists.

the mahavamsa promotes the notion that Sinhalas and Lanka are the chosen "race" and country to protect Buddhism

Due to their strong devotion to Buddhism and desire to consolidate and protect this religion in Sri Lanka they have decided to write the Pali chronicles Deepavamsa/Mahavamsa making Sri Lanka a Dammadeepa/Sinhaladvipa (chosen land of Buddha where Buddhism will prevail for 5000 years) and creating the Sinhala race by integrating all the Buddhists from different tribes/ethnic groups into one race and making them the sustainers of Buddhism (Gautama Buddha's chosen people) to protect Buddhism in Sri Lanka for 5000 years until the next Maithriya Buddha arrive.

The Mahavamsa author being a Buddhist monk and justifying the killing of around sixty thousand Tamils/Hindus (aka invaders) by Dutugemunu is one reason why others (non-Buddhists) think that Sinhala-Buddhism is somewhat of a violent barbaric form of Buddhism where killing Tamils is justified. The killing of Tamils in Sri Lanka by the Sinhala-Buddhists even today is due to this ehhno-religion known as Sinhala-Buddhism (or Mahavamsa-Buddhism).

Sri Lanka | From Sinhala-Buddhism to Civilized Buddhism

60,000 Tamil Hindus? Where did you take this BS? It is like saying 100,000 Tamils killed in the recent civil war. :woot:

Yes there was a clash between Dutugamunu and Elara. But that doesn't mean Elara was Hindu and Dutugamunu killed Tamils. Elara (some say he is Jain not a Hindu) was a adventurer who seized the throne from Sinhalese kings and Dutugamunu rose against this foreign invader to liberate his country. He there any wrong in that?

After all why is it wrong that Sinhalese people think they are the Gautama Buddha's chosen people. Sinhalese do not go rampaging to kill non Buddhists to protect Gautama Buddha's chosen people.

FYI Sinhalese have accepted Hinduism as their bother religion from the ancient times and there are many aspects of Hindu influence in modern Buddhism in Sri Lanka as there is a strong Hindu influence in Sinhala culture. The notion that Buddhist hate Tamils is propagated by LTTE supporters and some perverts living in Tamilnadu.
60,000 Tamil Hindus? Where did you take this BS? It is like saying 100,000 Tamils killed in the recent civil war. :woot:-

Dutugamunu own admission it should be millions not 60,000 !!

`How shall there be any comfort for me, O venerable sirs, since by me was caused the slaughter of a great host numbering millions?’

The Victory of Duttha Gamani - king Dutthagamani and Elara

Yes there was a clash between Dutugamunu and Elara. But that doesn't mean Elara was Hindu and Dutugamunu killed Tamils. Elara (some say he is Jain not a Hindu) was a adventurer who seized the throne from Sinhalese kings and Dutugamunu rose against this foreign invader to liberate his country. He there any wrong in that?

the army of Elara were Damilas(Tamils) , there were no invaders, the purpose of the war was to defeat the Tamils and unite the country

Phussadeva blew his conch shell, the army of the Damilas was scattered; nay, Elara turned to flee and they slew many Damilas. The water in the tank there was dyed red with the blood of the slain, therefore it was known by the name Kulantavápi.

When he had thus been victorious in battle and had united Lankã under one rule[21] he marched, with chariots, troops and beasts for riders, into the capital

source : The Victory of Duttha Gamani - king Dutthagamani and Elara
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