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Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

surprising how you demand for links when you have failed to provide any relevant links to support your racist theory. The Mahavamsa (inspired by Mahabharata / Ramayana) is full inconsistency and contradiction, its only meant for Sinhala Buddhist consumption. Your whole premises can be demolish using the Mahavamsa , with no necessity for relevant links.

It was you who have brought the Tamils settlement of Elara times theory. Therefore it is your responsibility to prove your theory. Then I will accept it debunk it with my resources.

Moreover Mahavansa is full of inconsistencies and contradictions no one denies it. That's why everyone takes Mahavansa stories with archeological facts to support their arguments.

However you are contradicting yourself here. It was you who quoted from the Mahavansa and it is you now saying Mahavansa is full of inconsistencies and contradictions. So whose premises are demolished here?

I will provide you the links as and when the need arises ..

You do not need to because you cannot provide any.

Tamilnadu is separated from Lanka by 30 km, , so it isn't hard for them to settle in Lanka even before thug Vijaya and his gang usurped the land from the natives. With Sinhala govt/buddhist clergy backing, you can manipulate and re-write your history and pass it off with relevant links .

Indeed true. Tamils may well have settled here way before the Vijaya. But can you prove that those Tamils had a independent homeland until the British took it over?

The real issue is that those early Tamils lived in Sri Lanka has acknowledged the authority of Sinhalese kings on the land. They never fought for a separate country. They lived and fought side by side with the Sinhalese of the early days. But nowadays there are people like you who tries to create a mythical story about independent Tamil country in Sri Lanka due to the sheer racist hatred and self hatred of the inability of your people to create a independent homeland in India.
when muslims do they are terrorist when you do you are freedom fighters
@Skyline, why do (some) SL Buddhists feel threatned by Muslims? Do Muslims do anything to tick them off?
Is it conversions? Then aren't the christians doing it very very successfully in SL compared to Muslims?
I always thought SL Muslims were totally chilled out (just like most SL ppl). Heck they even happily sing Namo Namo Matha as part of your anthem, something Indian Muslims just won't do. Or are they also getting influenced by the pure wahhabi strain lately and if yes, to what degree?
You can expect these things in any multi ethnic culture, nothing more
Nowhere in India it is taught in schools that the Hindus are the chosen race of India. It started in the 19th century when people like Dharmapala introduced this notion in many of the schools to counter the missionary schools in SL and we see the effects now.
Dharmapala started schools to counter Christian missionary. Dharmapala himself was born a catholic. For ur information he started schools in Bihar, india cos he thought children of Buddha’s land should not perish and should get opportunities. He was more of Buddhist lover not a Sinhala racist.
And no, In SL schools nowhere it is taught Sinhalese are a chosen race
Isn't Mahavamsa ideology taught in schools as the SL history? What does it point to?
Mahavamsa is Not an ideology, it is a BOOK. It has historical accuracies and inaccuracies like any book of that age. The thing is it has much accuracy and they can be proved using archeological sites.
Actually u too learn Mahavamsa at indian schools. :D
It is a shame Indians don’t knw the service Mahawamsa has done to india.
the mahavamsa promotes the notion that Sinhalas and Lanka are the chosen "race" and country to protect Buddhism
Where? Actually it is more of an epic of King Dutugemunu.
Dutugamunu own admission it should be millions not 60,000 !!
the army of Elara were Damilas(Tamils) , there were no invaders, the purpose of the war was to defeat the Tamils and unite the country
So? Isnt it a WAR and how is he wrong in defending his country? Didn’t Chola kings waged wars and try to control SL? So how is wrong for Lankans to fight back?
thats your concoction, however in the Mahavamsa, Dutugamunu had to conquer 32 Tamil Chieftains in Anuradhapura. If there were 32 Tamil chieftains in the Anuradhapura region, it proves the existence of Tamil settlements. This logically implies Tamils were not invaders
How can the Tamil chieftains not be invaders. Don’t u think ur point is vague?
The problem lies more with SL buddhist monks than Lankan muslims. You will notice this phenomenon in countries with Teravada buddhism . They are more extremist and involved in politics. Eg: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia.
Theravada Buddhism has nothing with this
We expected this gud news .....more about to come,wait and see.
So attacking muslims is gud news for u ? strange!
India is the best place to be Muslim after America :yahoo:
After Gujarat? Bombay? There hasn’t been anything like that against Muslims in recent past. Muslims do well here actually
tell me first, have you ever seen any muslim converting in India .. even 1 person converted will start a wildfire. How the hell such a minority will convert in lanka.
muslims are weakers than even tamils.
Buddists are dominating majority there, they take offense to smallest of things, first they attacked minority tamils and now muslims.
No Buddhists aren’t dominating things in SL
surprising how you demand for links when you have failed to provide any relevant links to support your racist theory. The Mahavamsa (inspired by Mahabharata / Ramayana) is full inconsistency and contradiction, its only meant for Sinhala Buddhist consumption. Your whole premises can be demolish using the Mahavamsa , with no necessity for relevant links.
I will provide you the links as and when the need arises ..
Tamilnadu is separated from Lanka by 30 km, , so it isn't hard for them to settle in Lanka even before thug Vijaya and his gang usurped the land from the natives. With Sinhala govt/buddhist clergy backing, you can manipulate and re-write your history and pass it off with relevant links .
Mahavamsa was not inspired by Mahabharatha. Mahavamsa is the story of Lanka. It has inconsistencies for a book of 100 years old. Are u that much stupid? Mahavamsa wasn’t even written in Sinhala. If it was for Sinhala Buddhist consumption why was it used to decode history of India? :D
The first translation of Mahavamsa was into German, then English and then to Sinhala. Talking abt things having no idea of it! Fool

Between I asked u to prove sri lanka genocide claims but u backed off then…..
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