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Simorgh class drones > ashes of the beast


You might be able to fool people on this forum into thinking you have some “secret” knowledge on iran’s military program.

But I remember you when you were on IMF quiet well!

Please stop this act


Then we have to wait and see ! :)
I wonder whether the IRGC-ASF was confident enough to use relay drones for long range communication or the Simorgh/Saeghe were taken over from autopilot once near the target area.

I mean this type:

A low payload relay drone like this can reach 10-20 hours endurance. 12 or less of this cheap to operate small and stealthy drones could establish a com link up to Syria. They would circle on station for hours (8-12) and are hard to detect. Their low price and operating costs would make such a 12-swarm cheaper than some may think. Plus easy and robust to operate if automated with a swarm automation/AI.

This is the lowest end solution for such a drone relay communication. Larger Saeghe based relays with high gain directional communication antenna could reduce the numbers necessary for 600km to 4-5.

I believe that the IRGC-ASF is innovative enough to make such a concept operational for RQ-170 based airpower. That technological jump would justify such investments.
I wonder whether the IRGC-ASF was confident enough to use relay drones for long range communication or the Simorgh/Saeghe were taken over from autopilot once near the target area.

I mean this type:

A low payload relay drone like this can reach 10-20 hours endurance. 12 or less of this cheap to operate small and stealthy drones could establish a com link up to Syria. They would circle on station for hours (8-12) and are hard to detect. Their low price and operating costs would make such a 12-swarm cheaper than some may think. Plus easy and robust to operate if automated with a swarm automation/AI.

This is the lowest end solution for such a drone relay communication. Larger Saeghe based relays with high gain directional communication antenna could reduce the numbers necessary for 600km to 4-5.

I believe that the IRGC-ASF is innovative enough to make such a concept operational for RQ-170 based airpower. That technological jump would justify such investments.

Saegheh's were likely on auto pilot to remain undetected

But I would say since we don't have our own Sat's building relay com's for UAV forces are the best economically sound option for long range com's although the best option for attack would still INS with a user friendly software so the commander of the UAV unit can use a simple touch screen to draw out the rout either towards a fixed target or towards an area for search and destroy of a set of parameters in a designated diameters and to prevent different UAV's from attacking the same target you can assign them parameters based on intel you receive on the shape of the targets one attacks SAM's, one radar or coms, one APC/IFV or Tanks,....

Even with 100kg payload per bay Iran can potentially put 10 X 10kg Guided ordnance on them each gas launched out of small vertical tubs allowing you to hit 20 soft targets ~5kg shape charged can disable anything a TOW can! Hell it would even be better than an F-16 firing a single CBU-97.... In the future you can launch swarms of 100 2kg guided munitions from over 40km out powered by electric engines and clever programing with ~500g warhead that can fly inside an aircraft bunker or takeout coms, radar and sensor capability of a ship.....
Even today IRGC can launch a bunch of small unguided small bombs from them.

I'm totally in love with the one they showed!!!!!!!!!!! Truly proud of the IRGC aerospace forces!!!
I accidentally found this four year old (1393) Video and watch it again.
G. Hajizadeh answer many questions about homemade RQ170 and it's material and price and engines and ....
Watch it again guys
Saegheh's were likely on auto pilot to remain undetected

But I would say since we don't have our own Sat's building relay com's for UAV forces are the best economically sound option for long range com's although the best option for attack would still INS with a user friendly software so the commander of the UAV unit can use a simple touch screen to draw out the rout either towards a fixed target or towards an area for search and destroy of a set of parameters in a designated diameters and to prevent different UAV's from attacking the same target you can assign them parameters based on intel you receive on the shape of the targets one attacks SAM's, one radar or coms, one APC/IFV or Tanks,....

Even with 100kg payload per bay Iran can potentially put 10 X 10kg Guided ordnance on them each gas launched out of small vertical tubs allowing you to hit 20 soft targets ~5kg shape charged can disable anything a TOW can! Hell it would even be better than an F-16 firing a single CBU-97.... In the future you can launch swarms of 100 2kg guided munitions from over 40km out powered by electric engines and clever programing with ~500g warhead that can fly inside an aircraft bunker or takeout coms, radar and sensor capability of a ship.....
Even today IRGC can launch a bunch of small unguided small bombs from them.

I'm totally in love with the one they showed!!!!!!!!!!! Truly proud of the IRGC aerospace forces!!!
LMFAO... auto pilot to remain undetected... seriously?
LMFAO... auto pilot to remain undetected... seriously?

yea because any type of 2 way wide band radio frequency needed to guide at long distances (600km way) would allow for easier detection and it's quite doubtful that the U.S. isn't monitoring all frequencies moron!!! This is why even normal fighters go radar off and radio silent during combat operation over protected enemy territory and fly with radars OFF and less detectable directed shortwave frequencies lack the range! Why do you think a fighter become easier to detect when they go radars on moron?? It's because of the Radio frequency being admitted by the freaking radar MORON! WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE!

And what exactly would be the point of building a stealth UCAV that emits radio emissions at long ranges????? Only a MORON like you doesn't know this stuff!!!!

And US UAV's use communication Sat's in orbit because the world isn't FLAT! and use directed dishes that emits upwards MORON

And your autopilot would at the very least have to work with your INS and most likely another sensor for countermapping to be able to program it to go where it spose to go! Although if have the right equipment and personal on the ground a simple INS can easily get you to within 10km of a targeted location and your guys on the ground can do the rest.....
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yea because any type of 2 way wide band radio frequency needed to guide at long distances (600km way) would allow for easier detection and it's quite doubtful that the U.S. isn't monitoring all frequencies moron!!! This is why even normal fighters go radar off and radio silent during combat operation over protected enemy territory and fly with radars OFF and less detectable directed shortwave frequencies lack the range! Why do you think a fighter become easier to detect when they go radars on moron?? It's because of the Radio frequency being admitted by the freaking radar MORON! WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE!

And what exactly would be the point of building a stealth UCAV that emits radio emissions at long ranges????? Only a MORON like you doesn't know this stuff!!!!

And US UAV's use communication Sat's in orbit because the world isn't FLAT! and use directed dishes that emits upwards MORON

And your autopilot would at the very least have to work with your INS and most likely another sensor for countermapping to be able to program it to go where it spose to go! Although if have the right equipment and personal on the ground a simple INS can easily get you to within 10km of a targeted location and your guys on the ground can do the rest.....
Another f*cking armchair engineer... Your ignorance is just mind bugling. Your pretensions flabbergasting. You are a f*cking pro IRI blogger/commentator, a sh!ty one at best.
Another f*cking armchair engineer... Your ignorance is just mind bugling. Your pretensions flabbergasting. You are a f*cking pro IRI blogger/commentator, a sh!ty one at best.
Wow you really proved him wrong with all your "facts" and your well thought out "counter argument". Bravo!!!
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Another f*cking armchair engineer... Your ignorance is just mind bugling. Your pretensions flabbergasting. You are a f*cking pro IRI blogger/commentator, a sh!ty one at best.

And your an uneducated trailer trash MORON hillbilly with an IQ equivalent to that of Forest Gump whos been commenting on a military forum for years and still doesn't even know what frequency is and after all these years is still shocked to learned that emitting frequency at long ranges can be detected and triangulated back to the point of origin and no country is going to invest in a stealth designed airframe that requires the platform to emit frequency at long ranges to the ground for guidance for what would be the point of that! MORON!
And your an uneducated trailer trash MORON hillbilly with an IQ equivalent to that of Forest Gump whos been commenting on a military forum for years and still doesn't even know what frequency is and after all these years is still shocked to learned that emitting frequency at long ranges can be detected and triangulated back to the point of origin and no country is going to invest in a stealth designed airframe that requires the platform to emit frequency at long ranges to the ground for guidance for what would be the point of that! MORON!
Sure Mr. Pro-IRI commentator, engineer, expert, with access to secret developments, master stealth designer (enough accolades to fancy your ego? Oh wait I forgot supreme-leader kiss-*ss) Whatever you say, blink blink.
Sure Mr. Pro-IRI commentator, engineer, expert, with access to secret developments, master stealth designer (enough accolades to fancy your ego? Oh wait I forgot supreme-leader kiss-*ss) Whatever you say, blink blink.

Another brilliant hard hitting critique chuck full of facts and undeniable data. You are a real credit to this discussion and are in no way a troll!
Sure Mr. Pro-IRI commentator, engineer, expert, with access to secret developments, master stealth designer (enough accolades to fancy your ego? Oh wait I forgot supreme-leader kiss-*ss) Whatever you say, blink blink.

Pro IRI sure I am Iranian after all so why wouldn't I be? Only a delusional person like you thinks that vast majority of Iranian who show up to vote election after election going on for 40 years now some how magically turn anti IRI once they go home! FYI Every election Voice of America tries to get people not to show up and yet they do!
Engineer well at least in my opinion a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Texas Tech & a Master in Management from ……….. qualifies.
Export, well that depends on what but it is debatable I guess.

Access to secret development & master stealth designers. Again, I don't need top secret clearance nor do I have to be a master stealth designers to know that no country is going to put resources towards a platform that "requires" long range frequency for guidance and control on a stealth platform!

You think an INS is something special? Before even computers existed the Germans used a mechanically controlled autopilot to get their V1's to land within ~7km of their target from over 200km away!
So yea putting autopiloted navigation system on a stealth UCAV is common sense and really not that difficult for a country like Iran and I don't need access to secret data to know something as basic as that! Nor do I need access to secret data to know that frequency being emitted for long range guidance to the ground can most definitely be detected and traced back and that's fairly common sense and it's decades old tech that's been around since long before GPS came around so there is NOTHING TOP SECRET about it MORON! Only a fool like you thinks something as basic as NOT emitting long range transmissions from a stealth platform is TOP Secret info that only stealth designers know about
Sure Mr. Pro-IRI commentator, engineer, expert, with access to secret developments, master stealth designer (enough accolades to fancy your ego? Oh wait I forgot supreme-leader kiss-*ss) Whatever you say, blink blink.
Saegheh's were likely on auto pilot to remain undetected
How would you know? Nobody (from the other side) will tell you whether the drone was being watched or not. Keep in mind that USAF is up there patrolling Syrian airspace very often. They have a good view of the activity over Syrian airspace (hint: electro-optical equipment), and even F-22A Raptors are known to patrol Syrian airspace.

Ample clue in this revelation:

"US satellite surveillance last week had shown mobile missile launchers were moving into positions in Iran where missiles were fired from, the official said. The US is closely watching those launchers and any potential movement, the official added."

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/01/middleeast/iran-syria-missiles/index.html

IDF shot down a similar drone in 2018 as soon as it infiltrated Israeli airspace. This is not possible without a particular sensor system alerting IDF to its presence. This also show that Iranian RQ-170 derivatives are not VLO.

USAF have shot down Iranian drones in Syria when they got really close to American troops on the ground, twice in 2017. FYI: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zon...drone-as-tehran-warns-of-more-missile-strikes

The only conclusion we can derive is that US did not interfere with the Iranian operation.
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