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Similarities of NAZI Germany under Hitler & forthcoming HINDUTVA India under Modi

Nazi Germany and Modis India are really different.

Nobody should compare Nazi power to useless Hindu bullcrap.
I agree with @Nein that you cannot compare Nazi Germany Hindutwas. They both exist/existed on entirely diferrant planes. Hindutwa should NOT be seen as a exotic, revolutionery idea being imposed on India. Rather it should be seen as India returning to it's normative state with the artificial interregnum imposed top down by British influence in the form of Nehru and other colonial Indian elites educated and brought up with British traditions slowly being replaced by the real India that always existed. I read a great article about this on Dawn [sometimes that paper can surprise you] but can't now find it. If somebody does please post it here. The thrust of the writer was that secularism, minority rights etc were exotic ideas transplanted on India by wafer thin ruling elite like Nehru who managed to do so because of the gravitas they enjoyed on account of their role in independance.
I agree with @Nein that you cannot compare Nazi Germany Hindutwas. They both exist/existed on entirely diferrant planes. Hindutwa should NOT be seen as a exotic, revolutionery idea being imposed on India. Rather it should be seen as India returning to it's normative state with the artificial interregnum imposed top down by British influence in the form of Nehru and other colonial Indian elites educated and brought up with British traditions slowly being replaced by the real India that always existed. I read a great article about this on Dawn [sometimes that paper can surprise you] but can't now find it. If somebody does please post it here. The thrust of the writer was that secularism, minority rights etc were exotic ideas transplanted on India by wafer thin ruling elite like Nehru who managed to do so because of the gravitas they enjoyed on account of their role in independance.

Modis india will not able to take on anybody unlike Nazi Germany.

Nazi Germany was a military power not to mention they caused ww2 also did lots of military advancements.

I dont admire or like Nazi Germany but India will never come close apart from racial and cultural views.

Because the Hindu facists want India to be a pure Hindu country while Hitler wanted Germany to be pure German and terrorised minorities.

Thats the only similarity they both have.
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Hindutva is just warming up!!! You haven’t seen anything of it yet!!! And, conversely you haven’t seen anything of an emerging strong Pak leadership yet!!! Just wait and see...
The comparison of this Indian regime is not only to nazi Germany but also to isreal.
Isreal is a state based on religion and nazi Germany is a nation full of nationalism..
India today is a mixture of both.
That is a deadly combination..
Nationalism and religion combined is very bad for any country with so diverse background
Retarded thread with a retarded comparison. Such comparisons are only made by the historically ignorant or deliberate liars.

Had Hitler not ruled Germany , it would have been one of the greatest power of our time. But he broke the backbone of an economically and militarily powerful country because of war mongering and hatred.

When Hitler came into power Germany was a broken, economically and militarily subdued nation where fathers pimped their own children to feed the family, where one billion reichsamarks couldn't buy a loaf of bread, and where 6 million strong communist party attempted violent revolutions and succeeded in many regions of the country while foreign armies occupied Germany's industrial region and confiscated all of its resources for themselves.

Within 4 years Hitler turned all of this around and made Germany a powerhouse of Europe.

Western Democratic powers could not tolerate this so they decided to initiate aggressive policies against Germany under retarded and false pretexts.

Blaming Hitler for Western aggression is like blaming Saddam for GW Bush's invasion of Iraq or blaming Palestinians for Israelis occupying their land.

Hitler is just an easy scapegoat, that's the only reason why people use him as an example.

@Psychic @Nilgiri @Taimur Khurram @OsmanAli98 @LeGenD
Had Hitler not ruled Germany , it would have been one of the greatest power of our time. But he broke the backbone of an economically and militarily powerful country because of war mongering and hatred.

Jokes aside, German militarily was mere symbolic and German economy was fragile when Hitler took over and turned things around.
Looks like all things are going towards that direction.

Today, even though the political autonomy of Indian occupied Kashmir is just a farce but BJP has said that they will remove this special status of Kashmir as well. Which means that they will do settlement of Hindus in Kashmir and remove Kashmiris from their lands just like Israel is doing in occupied Palestine.

India removed Article 370 today and now they will revoke Article 35A as well and will settle Hindus in Kashmir to offset local Kashmir population.
@Mangus Ortus Novem
3) Hindutvas want to create a Hindu Rashtra which is only for Hindus similar to Nazi Germany only for Germans

So what's the problem if India becomes a Hindu Rashtra? If Pakistan can be an Islamic state, so what if India becomes a Hindu one? I don't know what's worse here: the comparisons to Nazi Germany or the hypocrisy of those living in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Similarities of Nazi Germany under Hitler & forthcoming HINDUTVA India under Modi

The last 5 years and especially forthcoming scenario after coming elections of India is very similar to Nazi Germany under the time of Hitler.

The situation can be
ascertained by the recent BJP tweet in which the BJP tweet indirectly yet quite explicitly said in clear terms that they will remove Muslims from India after coming into power.


1) RSS was founded in 1925 after being inspired from Nazi party. It's political arm is the current ruling party of India i.e. BJP. RSS is similar to paramilitary organization of Hitler's SS.

2) SS used to terrorize anyone who opposed Hitler. They used to do riots, beat people and even murder them on the streets even before Hitler came into power. Today, the same thing is happening in India under Modi where Hindutva gangs are beating/murdering Muslims on the streets under Modi.

3) Nazis installed its members after coming into power in bureaucracy, judiciary and military. Modi in India has done the same thing by installing RSS thugs in bureaucracy,
judiciary and military.

4) SS used to recruit, brainwash and train youth to use weapons and physical force. Today in India RSS is doing the same thing by running gangs of Shakhas.

5) Hindutvas present India’s Hindu majority as a victim by stoking fears of being outnumbered one day, and claiming that Hindus are under threat and attack from the country’s minorities. They use this pretext to justify violence and exclusion as "self- defense".
Nazis used to do the same thing.

6) After Hitler came into power in 1933, he gave all his attention to Nazification of Germany. Today, the Hindutva-fication of India will be completed after Modi gets his second term.

7) Education was Nazified during Hitler's era and false and bullshit history used to be taught to students. Today in India, education has been completely under the spell of Hindutvas who have erased the entire history of India under Muslims. While bullshit history lessons like ancient 5000 year old spacecrafts invented by Hindus is being taught.

8) Media in Nazi era used to be nothing more than propaganda tool for Nazis who used to brainwash their nation into hating Jews. Today, Indian media is nothing more than propaganda tool propagating hate against Muslims and Pakistan.

9) Nazis and Hitler were helped and funded by industrialist tycoons like Krupp etc. Today, industrial tycoons like Ambani are helping BJP and Modi in India.

10) During the reign of Hitler, German nation hated Jews to the core. No matter whether they are professors or highly educated people or masses. Today in India, almost every Hindu-even the ones who call themselves liberal-hates Muslims, their history, their religion fundamentally.

Future Plans

1) Hitler after coming into power sent military forces and annexed Rhineland permanently. Today, even though the political autonomy of Indian occupied Kashmir is just a farce but BJP has said that they will remove this special status of Kashmir as well. Which means that they will do settlement of Hindus in Kashmir and remove Kashmiris from their lands just like Israel is doing in occupied Palestine.

2) Hitler after coming into power removed Jews from their posts, banned their businesses and started revoking their citizenship. Today, BJP is saying that it will also revoke the nationality of Muslims in India. Which would mean all Muslims in India would end up without a country.

3) Hindutvas want to create a Hindu Rashtra which is only for Hindus similar to Nazi Germany only for Germans.

4) Hitler and Nazis believed in ideology of Greater Germany. They waged a war and burned Europe and Germany in trying to achieve their dream. Hindutvas under Modi also believe in ideology of Greater India from Myanmar to Bamyan (Afghanistan). And they know that as long as Pakistan is standing, their dream of Greater India will only remain a Hindu's wet dream. To create Greater India, BJP/RSS wants a final war with Pakistan.

Pakistan should be ready as war is coming for us whether we want it or not........

@Rashid Mahmood
I mean you can compare a crow and an elephant in many ways, but they are different.
Hitler polished Germany, but German reactions against Jews were somewhat not legitimate, as the Jews who attacked Germany were sitting in USA. Nazis were fair in many ways. Just look at their treatment with the women in occupied areas.
On the other hand, RSS graduates have more in common with Mongols than Nazis.
Same destructive power, without any sense. But RSS guys are even worse, they have plans, along with destruction of others, a full fledge one for own self as well.
So all we have to do is to save ourselves from them. They will destroy their own selves automatically.
Let's start with a quick history lesson

There are 2 different(not always opposing) viewpoints in India, one is the Congress party, and one is the RSS.

RSS = Hindu Nationalist organization, long time proponent of an exclusively Hindu India, that has been banned as a terror outfit 3 times.

Congress = previous status quo Indian ruling party that ran Indian government for 49 years.

BJP = India's current ruling party, founded in 1980 as the RSS's political wing (on the ideology of RSS).

Coming to RSS:

There are three characters who have inspired the RSS ideologically, V.D Savarkar, Keshav Hedgewar (1925-1940), and M.S. Golwalkar (1940-1973). Hedgewar translated the ideology of Savarkar while Golwalkar took it ultimate level of Nazism.

Savarkar was a convicted criminal turned racist, militant, Hindu supremacist. He was reported to have a homosexual relationship with the assassin of Gandhi, Godse.

Savarkar was a great admirer of Hitler and Mussolini who were the symbol of Nazism and Fascism respectively in that era. He openly supported the agenda of racial supremacy and cultural nationalism.

These are direct quotes from the biggest Hindu nationalist leaders, who's words and writings found the basis of RSS and other Hindu nationalist movements:

If we Hindus in India grow stronger, in time these Muslim friends of the League type will have to play the part of German-Jews instead - Savarkar

There is nothing wrong if Muslims are treated as Jews were in Nazi Germany - Bal Thackeray

If you take Mein Kampf and if you remove the word 'Jew' and put in the word 'Muslim', that is what I believe in - Bal Thackeray

German race pride has now become the topic of the day. To keep up the purity of the race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic Races - the Jews ... a good lesson for us in Hindustan for us to learn and profit by - Golwalkar

The admiration of the genocidal agenda of the Hitler is very much intact in the ideological foundation of RSS till today.

How is RSS relevan today? This is the group Narendra Modi(India's current PM) has been a member of since age 10, rose through its ranks, and joined the political branch of the RSS: BJP, which is India's current ruling party. Today, the RSS has branches in more than 50,000 villages, runs thousands of schools, and is part of mainstream society.

Modi writes in his biography that Hedgewar & Golwalkar were the ultimate inspiration for him after joining RSS in teenage. Modi called Golwalkar the "Guru worthy of worship".

Narendra Modi is said to have turned a blind eye, if not actively supported, the pogroms in Gujarat that killed ~2000 Muslims.

Narendra Modi was banned from entering the US UK, and several European countries due to his involvement in the Gujarat 2002 riots and remained banned until his election as prime minister.

India has had 134 internet shut downs in 2018. The second highest country had 12.

12.5 million people of Kashmir have been under total blackout, no internet, phone, TV, and curfew for over 12 days. Reports of mass attacks on Kashmiris, protests of a massive scale were videotaped by BBC while Indian govt. keeps saying everything is peaceful. Over 1300 academics, politicians, teachers, journalists arrested from Kashmir and many sent to different states in the country.

Rights groups in Kashmir say 90-100,000 Kashmiris have been killed since 1989.

17-45,000 Kashmiris have been blinded by pellett guns in recent years.

The Indian military has systematically used rape as a tool in Kashmir

“The ICRC is forced to conclude that the government of India condones torture”

Yet, the Indian armed forces are protected under AFSPA, a special powers act that has resulted in full immunity for indian army, meaning 0 Indian soldiers have ever been convicted or charged with war crimes.

RSS's ideologies have seeped through modern day India and are present in every facet of society. Once you understand the ideology of the RSS, all the moves of their current government start to make more sense including removal of article 370, upcoming population control initiatives which are expected to be aimed at Muslims, India's recent warmongering against Pakistan, etc.

The BJP does not have a single Muslim Member of Parliament among its 303 lawmakers.

The BJP is planning on implementing NRC(National Register of Citizens) and CAB(Citizenship Amendment Bill) across the country to create a Muslim-free India.

This is the result until now:

Propaganda in India.

India has more fake news than anywhere else in the world, report says | Evening Standard

Nationalism is a driving force behind fake news in India | BBC

Propaganda in India is on another level.

Many political groups use WhatsApp to distribute pure propaganda. Consider the description of BJP Cyber Army 400+, a WhatsApp group whose five administrators include Amit Malviya, the head of the BJP’s information-technology division: “This Group is Nationalists Group With Hindu Warriors Working To Save Nation From Break India forces Led politically by congress, communist And religiously by Islam and Christianity.

Nazi Germany had one Leni Riefenstahl. Hindu nationalists have most of Bollywood. Here is one of the biggest Indian actors calling for a "Kashmir solution." Here is another major actor saying he supports Modi govt move on Article 370, says anyone speaking against Govt is doing propaganda. Most of the biggest bollywood stars are pro-BJP and are active in spreading party agendas. Here's a good article on the issue. It's not just bollywood, the biggest Indian cricketers regularly put out hyper-nationalistic tweets and have sometimes even wear Indian military insignia to international cricket games.

There are also many recent songs that are famous in political and religious rallies, and have millions of views on YouTube that have lines such as "Cut the heads off those who refuse to chant Jai Shri Ram" among other blatantly anti-minority lines, which I can link here but they are not in English so you wouldn't understand them.

A media house accidentally reported the truth regarding Kashmir. What happened next is what you expect to see in the dystopian Netflix's Leila:

Complete Subversion Of Media Freedom In Action Against NDTV Founders NDTV literally had to come out and provide a certificate of patriotism because of ONE(1) single video where the reporter was being honest.

And the propaganda isn't limited to normal citizens' lives, there are serious doubts over India's GDP growth rate that the figures have been inflated. Here is an ex-Indian Chief Economic Advisor saying the real Indian GDP growth rate is 4.5% in a paper published at Harvard.

The largest Indian media houses toe the government's line, either due to monetary benefits or massive societal pressures. Try putting a slightly critical video of either India, Indian government, or Narendra Modi on YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook and watch it get immediately swarmed by mass dislikes and hate comments. Even on reddit, go to r/worldnews and click the controversial tab, and you will see all Kashmir related news are downvoted. r/Pakistan also gets regularly swarmed and many posts hovering around the 60-70% upvoted mark.

Multiple Indian cities with Muslim-sounding names have been renamed to Hindu names.

To give you an idea of what the situation on the ground is like, here's some news from India:

6 accused in lynching case of Muslim man acquitted. The lynching was caught on video, with the accused being visible. Before dying, the victim named all the attackers. A local TV channel even did an undercover sting operation, where all the accused accepted the crime.

In 40 of 41 Muzaffarnagar riot cases, including murder, all accused are acquitted

Every single Kashmiri political leader, including pro-India leaders, have been put under house arrest.

A Harvard graduate Indian government worker-turned politician gave this interview to BBC the other day. Next day, he was arrested from Delhi airport and sent to Kashmir in house arrest. 125 Harvard alumni have asked for his release

India has passed a law that allows any person to be designated a terrorist on seemingly broad and ambiguous grounds. It authorises police to detain such suspects for 180 days in judicial custody without legal justification

In Bihar, there were at least 12 incidents of Mob Lynching in last 2 weeks.

Tens if not hundreds of thousands of Hindu nationalists lie in wait in my replies. Have threatened to rape my wife, daughter and mother for writing on Kashmir - CJ Werleman

Editor of one of the largest news agencies in India says dissent is "not okay" and "detrimental to a democracy"

Mainstream Indian news channels regularly refer to Pakistan as terroristan.

Press club of India denies permission to display photos/videos collected by fact-finding team that traveled to Kashmir.

And finally, I got banned from Hindu nationalist subreddit /r/bakchodi and received this message from the sub's mods: Go to Porkistan and cry that india has martyred another jihadi. it is the destiny of your people to only get killed. if you won't die of hunger, you will be killed by our bullets.

It's not in English, so reporting it to Reddit admins won't achieve anything.


The only question in my mind is that will the world appease Modi as they did Hitler at Munich? Modi isn't the Trump of India. He is the Hitler from the East.

Here's some more readings if you're interested:

Hitler’s Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India’s Nazi-loving Nationalists | Haaretz

India is being ruled by a Hindu Taliban | The Guardian

In Modi's Gujarat, Hitler is a textbook hero | Times of India

Incident of Mob Lynching/Cow Related Violence/Hate Crime against Muslims & Activists under 5 years of Modi Govt | Twitter mass thread

The Powerful Group Shaping The Rise Of Hindu Nationalism In India | NPR

The RSS is at war with India’s past | The Hindu

By rewriting history, Hindu nationalists aim to assert their dominance over India | Reuters

Hindutva & Nazism: A Revised Perspective | Twitter mass thread

India has more fake news than anywhere else in the world, report says | Evening Standard

Nationalism is a driving force behind fake news in India | BBC

UN Report on Abuses in Kashmir | UN Office of High Commissioner Human Rights

Anti-National RSS: Documentary Evidences From RSS Archives | Counter Currents


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