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Sikhs are not Hindus - White House petition calls Obama to seek explanation from Modi.

At least it is not me whining about hindus on an Indian forum. It is you. So no "pot calling the kettle black" case here. :)

You definitely give a damn that's why you are answering it. :lol:

As I said. You guys are obsessed and no words of you can change that. It is as obvious like a natural phenomenon now. ;)

It is not my signature that says "Suck Fhariff" or "Muck F******". ;) That shows who has a pathetic obsession with a country that couldn't care less and has nothing to do with you.

You are free to believe what you need to. I am telling you Pakistan's internal matters and its' citizens political affiliations hold no interest for me. I just want peace between the countries (or at least no active hostility) so that we can focus on development for our poor people.

And I respond when some people get out of line. Else you are just another not so friendly country that shares nothing with us but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies.

We can just chose to ignore each other. That is the ideal scenario in my view.

We shouldn't have to mollycoddle someone just so that it doesn't send terrorists to blow up in our markets.
It is not my signature that says "Suck Fhariff" or "Muck F******". ;) That shows who has a pathetic obsession with a country that couldn't care less and has nothing to do with you.

You are free to believe what you need to. I am telling you Pakistan's internal matters and its' citizens political affiliations hold no interest for me. I just want peace between the countries (or at least no active hostility) so that we can focus on development for our poor people.

And I respond when some people get out of line. Else you are just another not so friendly country that shares nothing with us but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies.

We can just chose to ignore each other. That is the ideal scenario in my view.

We shouldn't have to mollycoddle someone just so that it doesn't send terrorists to blow up in our markets.

My signature is again on a Pakistani forum and not Indian. Do accuse me of obsession when you find me on Indian forums etc.

It is funny to see you write so many paragraphs despite you don't give a damn about us and our religion. :D

As for peace between the two countries,we also want that but then there are people of one country who are so obsessed with the other that it starts hindering the prospects of peace between the two. I hope the situation improves and the peace prevails.
Everyone knows hindus obsession with Pakistan. And i was just giving you history lesson on our region. Hindu is born in gutter and die in gutter (excluding brahmins), this is harch reality of your kin since thousands of years. As i said aryan invaders didn't even considered your kin worth converting, they just gave you dalit label to clean gutters.

Read some books and stop calling Pakistan dharmic land. There is only one dharmic land, ganga land.

Upper Caste People Are Foreigners, Says Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi

I understand your pathetic obsession but as I told you, you are just a do kaudi ka Ajlaf convert and that is what you will remain. You need to justify that every second and it doesn't change anything. The identity crisis is here to stay.

Na ghar ka, na ghat ka.

My signature is again on a Pakistani forum and not Indian. Do accuse me of obsession when you find me on Indian forums etc.

The forum remains on kaffir internet. Coded by kaffirs. ;)

Anyway, this being a "Pakistani forum" doesn't change the fact of your obsession with our internal political matters that have nothing to do with you.

It is funny to see you write so many paragraphs despite you don't give a damn about us and our religion. :D

Just repsponse. So that people can see the other side. Else we don't give a damn. ;)

As for peace between the two countries,we also want that but then there are people of one country who are so obsessed with the other that it starts hindering the prospects of peace between the two. I hope the situation improves and the peace prevails.

We don't want anything you have.

And won't give up anything we have. So peace has to be on the basis of realism. I do hope the reality will dawn one day, just hoping it won't be too late for our people.
I understand your pathetic obsession but as I told you, you are just a do kaudi ka Ajlaf convert and that is what you will remain. You need to justify that every second and it doesn't change anything. The identity crisis is here to stay.

Na ghar ka, na ghat ka.

This ajlaf thing is common in UP/Bihar, so you are indeed bhaiya hindu. When muslim invaded ganga land they divided themselves between ajlaf and ashraf. Same thing happened when aryans invaded, the reason is your kin is pathetic and low of low even in shit country like India. Where biharis are known as 1 bihari 100 bimari.

Ask yourself why your kin is so pathetic even in horrible 3rd rate country like India?
The forum remains on kaffir internet. Coded by kaffirs. ;)

Anyway, this being a "Pakistani forum" doesn't change the fact of your obsession with our internal political matters that have nothing to do with you.

But in the end it is Pakistani. with a .pk suffix.

By the way by bringing the "kafir" word you just gave another proof of your obsession with my religion. :lol:

Just repsponse. So that people can see the other side. Else we don't give a damn. ;)

Funny that you write so many paragraphs when you don't give a damn. People just move on and ignore when they don't give a damn. In obsessed India things are different I guess. :)

We don't want anything you have.

And won't give up anything we have. So peace has to be on the basis of realism. I do hope the reality will dawn one day, just hoping it won't be too late for our people.

We also don't want anything from anyone. Just want some problems plaguing this region to be solved instead of ignoring them. That is the real path towards peace and progress. :)
See you fail even in the basic understanding of Dharmic religions, millions as you say, lol, are avatars/incarnation of the various Devas not Gods :lol:. You guys cannot understand cause you have been Brainwashed into believing whatever that you believe, case in point Pakistanis who think that Muslims are more closer to Sikhs than the followers of Dharmic faiths.. :lol:

You are retarded plenty of Hindus even on pdf say there are millions of Gods, take Krait for example he explained much of Hinduism to me a while back and he said they are over 200 million Gods but it depends on the villages who may not worship all and just a select few.
Well, these people are obviously incapable of understanding the religion of their ancestors due to the self loathing and hatred fed with the ghutti from a young impressionable age.

But we understand their current religion very well. ;)

A certain Iranian Ex-Muslim has done a great job of explaining it, in addition to several others.

The debates on his site are particularly enlightening and shows how little most of them know about their own religion.
You are bhaiya or dravidian, so i can understand why you do not have any idea about our region people and history. By 17-18th century only 3 comunities in punjab were not muslim majority. Jats, khatris and chuhras/dalits. Other comunities like arain, rajputs, gujjars etc were muslim majority by then.

After rise of sikhsm jats started to convert to sikhsm in mass, along side chuhras and khatris. After british came then they converted many chuhras in to christinity.

Basically most docile and oppresive people i mean chuhras in punjab were last to convert, so you fucked up theory of forced conversesions will remain a theory.

Most Punjabi Christians were originally Sikh Mazhabi so you are correct in saying most Christians were Chuhre hence why Christian is synonymous with Chura in Pakistan Punjab.

As for his theory of forced conversions leading to the majority of Muslims is a load of crock. He posts a map of the Islamic world and it is assumed because his clown *** believes it to be so that everyone was forced to convert. Anyway historians say that any town or city that did not surrender in the middle ages were subject to pillage for three days, this policy was in force in all armies that took part in any sort of conquest. This did not apply to most cities which chose to surrender although at times cities were pillaged anyway the greatest example being the end of the first crusade. The weak Indian armies never doing anything outside of Bharat would obviously not have said policy since they were do busy fighting amongst themselves and being conquered by others.

It is well known that in Syria and Egypt most cities surrendered to the Rashiduns without a fight, only cities that had a Byzantine garrison put up a resistance. This was because in the case of the Syrians they were Arabs who followed a different Church then the Greeks who persecuted them. Another reason was that Syria often changed hands between the Greek and Persian empires and so they saw it as their Arab brothers saving them from the constant warfare. In fact that was the main reason Abu Bakr RA stated for why he went to war in Syria as they were Arabs who needed to be freed from Byzantine and Persian rule. Now for Egypt the conquest was just a by product of the continued war with the Byzantines. Conversions to Islam in Syria were faster than in other places because Syria was made the center of the Ummayad empire, with increased prosperity Damascus developed and more and more Syrians began converting to Islam. Egypt was not as fast as the copts had a Pope in place which the Syrian church did not so it took Egypt well over 500+ years before it became a Muslim majority. In fact the Fatimid dynasty which came a long time later did a lot more for Islam in Egypt than most dynasties before it, mainly because Egypt was the center of their empire. Another reason why it took Egypt so long to become Muslim was because the Ummayads as a policy did not encourage conversion as they were more interested in the cash flow from the taxes so they could live lavishly. This policy was also in effect during the duration of Ummayad rule in Persia following its conquest. In the case of Persia the Persians remained Zoroastrian until the emergence of an Iranian empire known as the Samanid Dynasty.

The Samanids were named after the first emir of their dynasty Saman Khuda who was a Zoroastrian noble who converted to Islam. He did so because he was impressed by the piety of the governor of Khorasan and even named his son in his honor. It was the Samanids who became the missionaries for Islam in Persia, up until that point the Persians were still mostly non-Muslims. The Samanids not only spread Sunni Islam to the Persians but they also proselytized to the Turks who accepted Islam in huge numbers and these Turkish Muslims were the precursor to the Ghaznavid empire who would then spread Islam to the rest of their Turkish brethren before invading Bharat.

That is why Islam from Persia to east of Persia was more influenced by Persian arts, literature, and overall culture instead of Arabians because it was the Persians whose influenced spread into Central Asia, China and eventually South Asia as well. That is also why the lingua franca of all Muslim groups in those parts was Farsi and not Arabic as the Samanids made it policy to only spread literature in Farsi which included the Quran.

Samanid Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saman Khuda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway a good book to read is the Preaching of Islam by Sir thomas walker arnold. He does talk about forced conversions but through his research concludes that to say forced conversions led to the widespread spread of Islam is incorrect. You can find a pdf online I believe.

My signature is again on a Pakistani forum and not Indian. Do accuse me of obsession when you find me on Indian forums etc.

It is funny to see you write so many paragraphs despite you don't give a damn about us and our religion. :D

As for peace between the two countries,we also want that but then there are people of one country who are so obsessed with the other that it starts hindering the prospects of peace between the two. I hope the situation improves and the peace prevails.

This vinod is a hilarious pagan, he goes out of his way to get abused and then claims that Pakistanis obsess with Indians when it is clear that Hindus like him live to fight Pakistanis. You can see it everywhere and pdf is the greatest example, even non-Pakistanis on pdf have commented about Indians obsession with Pakistanis and all things Muslim.

You would think if vinod did not care about Pakistan and was not obsessed he would not keep coming back after every ban only to get banned again and again. Like I said yesterday it is most likely a mental illness on his part.
This vinod is a hilarious pagan, he goes out of his way to get abused and then claims that Pakistanis obsess with Indians when it is clear that Hindus like him live to fight Pakistanis. You can see it everywhere and pdf is the greatest example, even non-Pakistanis on pdf have commented about Indians obsession with Pakistanis and all things Muslim.

You would think if vinod did not care about Pakistan and was not obsessed he would not keep coming back after every ban only to get banned again and again. Like I said yesterday it is most likely a mental illness on his part.

This is what is interesting. These hilarious fake Islamists doing reverse hijarat who don't know anything about Islam, think they can get away with haram liquor and that adultery is not punishable by death by stoning.

Yet they obsess with others religion and then wonder why they get contempt for their own.

Do not obsess with me. It is not about me.

And do read Ali Sina's website. It will clear up things for you that you really need to know. ;)
This is what is interesting. These hilarious fake Islamists doing reverse hijarat who don't know anything about Islam, think they can get away with haram liquor and that adultery is not punishable by death by stoning.

Yet they obsess with others religion and then wonder why they get contempt for their own.

Do not obsess with me. It is not about me.

And do read Ali Sina's website. It will clear up things for you that you really need to know. ;)

What's interesting is that a pagan has a problem with being called a pagan. :lol: Funny because most of the hijrat to the west especially in the states comes from "Shining India". Which is why Indians are now being caught on the Mexican border and being put into detention center in southern states along with the large number of H1B visa requests by Indians which far out matches most other countries combined. Google is your friend. :D

You seem to have a problem with Muslims who drink or fornicate and to that I would say nobody is perfect so you should let fellow Muslims worry about them. You should stick to controlling your hindnis who get wild the moment the leash is loosened. ;)

Funny you think that Muslims are not aware of Ali Sinas website when many of us have already read through that site and came out of it laughing. Ironically enough it was a Muslim from my mosque who first mentioned the site to me he specifically said it was hilarious stuff.

Please be Honest , Do you really miss Sikhs in your country
OR do you DREAM of a BIG Punjab and along with it Jammu and Kashmir WITHIN Pakistan :pakistan:

All this Love for Sikhs is just a DRAMA :D

Please be Honest , Do you really miss Sikhs in your country
OR do you DREAM of a BIG Punjab and along with it Jammu and Kashmir WITHIN Pakistan :pakistan:

All this Love for Sikhs is just a DRAMA :D

I already mentioned I do not care for sikhs today, I have sikh friends who are cool people but beyond that I was only making a historical note. I disagree with farhan saying they are default Pakistani and most Punjabi Muslims would agree with me. Farhan being a Pakhtun probably does not understand how many Punjabi Muslims still feel about the bloodshed of partition especially those that came from or had family on the other side. Take the bottom post for example.

believe me dear, the destruction that Sikhs brought on Muslims before & right at the time of partition has no comparison with that of Hindu's...they conquered Punjab & KPK areas from muslims & made examples of butchery. During 1947's rites the big numbers of attackers on the migration convoys were Sikhs.

Yes I know.
This is what is interesting. These hilarious fake Islamists doing reverse hijarat who don't know anything about Islam, think they can get away with haram liquor and that adultery is not punishable by death by stoning.

Yet they obsess with others religion and then wonder why they get contempt for their own.

Do not obsess with me. It is not about me.

And do read Ali Sina's website. It will clear up things for you that you really need to know. ;)

Hijarat, Ali Sina, Haram Liquor, Death by stoning. And then you say you are not obsessed with Islam. :lol:

By the way good to see you follow Ali Sina. That explains why you are a lunatic to this extent.

This vinod is a hilarious pagan, he goes out of his way to get abused and then claims that Pakistanis obsess with Indians when it is clear that Hindus like him live to fight Pakistanis. You can see it everywhere and pdf is the greatest example, even non-Pakistanis on pdf have commented about Indians obsession with Pakistanis and all things Muslim.

You would think if vinod did not care about Pakistan and was not obsessed he would not keep coming back after every ban only to get banned again and again. Like I said yesterday it is most likely a mental illness on his part.

lol yeah I know. And after all the posts about Pakistan, Islam and Muslims he claims that he doesn't give a damn about Islam, Muslims and Pakistan.
What's interesting is that a pagan has a problem with being called a pagan. :lol: Funny because most of the hijrat to the west especially in the states comes from "Shining India". Which is why Indians are now being caught on the Mexican border and being put into detention center in southern states along with the large number of H1B visa requests by Indians which far out matches most other countries combined. Google is your friend. :D

What is interesting is that these brainwashed Islamists choose names for others. But then as Ali Sina has shown, brainwashing is the very basis of this ideology.

When others choose name for these brainwashed Islamists, they seem to mind a little. ;)

You seem to have a problem with Muslims who drink or fornicate and to that I would say nobody is perfect so you should let fellow Muslims worry about them. You should stick to controlling your hindnis who get wild the moment the leash is loosened. ;)

Not me, it is your Islam. ;)

Your prophet has prescribed in great detail what needs to be done to these non-perfect Muslims and just because they ran away to kaffir lands should be no excuse to not implement the mandate. You can't half implement the stuff just because it is convenient. ;)

Funny you think that Muslims are not aware of Ali Sinas website when many of us have already read through that site and came out of it laughing. Ironically enough it was a Muslim from my mosque who first mentioned the site to me he specifically said it was hilarious stuff.

Yes, it is quite good. The comments by people like you there are indeed hilarious. ;)

And those debates prove the things quite clearly. No scope for any doubts left.

Amazing that's the best the Ummah could throw in the defense of the "final and perfect".
Hijarat, Ali Sina, Haram Liquor, Death by stoning. And then you say you are not obsessed with Islam. :lol:

By the way good to see you follow Ali Sina. That explains why you are a lunatic to this extent.

Ali Sina is not even a real person, there are multiple people who write as him. You can see it if you read the emails, "his" writing style tends to change and sometimes "he" sounds like a crazed atheist teenager while other times "he" comes off as an older person. Hence why "he" refuses to debate any Muslim scholar in person, "he" even refused to debate Zakir Naik stating that "he" fears for his life despite the organizers saying they would provide private security at no cost to "him". Imagine that this "Ali Sina" was scared of scrawny Dr. Naik. Zakir Naik is not even that great of a debater all he does is memorize everything. :lol:

At least the founders of other sites founders debated our scholars in person, they lost but heck they showed up. Like the founder of answering Islam for example.
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