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Sikh To Death, a War nerd's tribute to Sikh warriors

Basic premise of the article - Sikhs being the coolest warrior dudes around itself is not so believable to me especially with my knowledge of the Gorkhas.

Sikhs mayb good fighters but definitely not the greatest.

Another nitpick - Sikhs being totally different from Hindus from the start.Yes today they totally maybe - even though I have personally seen many Sikhs coming to temples to pray and many Hindus going to Gurudwaras and witnessed many cross marriages between the two.

But when Khalsa was formed,the eldest son in every hindu family was raised as a Sikh.

And thirdly as Punjab being the only place where the Mughal rule was defeated in their peak..well remember the Marathas and the Tamilians who never were subjugated during the entire history of the Mughals.

Anyway this is just my personal opinion as the article was the Authors and lets respect that.

Dear Sir,

Don't you grow tired of spreading around disinformation?

Neither the Marathas nor the Tamils remained unconquered by the Mughals. The Tamils, in fact, were first conquered in 1311, when the Mughals had not yet come to India, by a general of the Delhi Sultanate. Where do you get your facts from?

Please get your facts straight before you start faffing.

They are in every province of north India(u.p, bihar, m.p, haryana, rajsthan, gujrat etc). however in less number than pakistan.

In pakistan even a ch.tia chammer or low caste when gets richs or settles somewhere else where nobdy knows him he either becomes a shah,jat or even a rajput....most of em cant even tell there gotra.And u can easily guess tht they r just faggots.

Its a shame.
I know there are muslim rajputs in hamachal but are there any muslim rajputs in punjab or other parts of india today?

Buddy, Let me tell you frankly in today's scenario ethnic and clans of every sects are so mingled in whole subcontinent that we may generalize some area but you can find somesect everywhere.. I have my friends whose roots were from Kirman, Iran other friend is Yusfzai whose roots are from Afghanistan so yes you will find Rajputs also in many parts of India... Even I was astonished to see so many Marwaris in Kanyakumari...
Balbir, While I find your post correct but still find tone offensive like your earlier post.. The notion which I found from my sikh friends and seniors that while Sikhism is primarily based on philosphy of Guru Nanak Sahib and subsequent Gurus, the Khalsa panth and army was created by Guru Gobind sahib to fight Mughals for fighting atrocities of Mughals...Hindu's eldest son has been given to Guru Gobind sahib not only for saving family from forced conversion of Hindus but to build a large Khalsa army to fight Mughals as one motive...Remember not all sikhs were Khalsa Sikhs like Bhai Nandlal and Bhai Kanhaiya..While all Hindu's were Khalsa Sikhs..

Yes all hindus raised as sikhs were as khalsa sikhs for fight, because sole motive was to fight against mughal rule and their oppression.
What i wrote down as reason (which you found offensive) was from hindu POV.

Rest read my post no 71.
I know there are muslim rajputs in hamachal but are there any muslim rajputs in punjab or other parts of india today?

Dear Sir,

Of course there are - all over. There were many in the old Indian Army, and they were called RMs, Rajput Mussalmans, in contrast to PMs.

They are still in Rajasthan, doing very well, thank you very much.

Another case in point: the Nawab of Chhatri, who was the Nizam's PM for some time, before he got sickened of what was going on and walked off. They were Rajputs till about six or eight generations ago, and remember their Rajput origin with great pride. The Nawab's son was Sales Director of TISCO, and a very great man, and a man to whom dozens of people sucked up, because he had the warmest personal relations among all the great musicians of the 30s and 40s, and an unmatched collection of tape recordings - nobody dared to say no to the Nawabzada Sahib. His son was my prefect in school, a hugely admired senior, and when I joined my first job in Tata's, found he was there six months senior. He was Khan in school but not when I met him at work as a colleague. His explanation was that Khan was peculiar to Pathans, and as a Rajput, he didn't want to use the title.

There are many more like him, but not all of the same rank.

In pakistan even a ch.tia chammer or low caste when gets richs or settles somewhere else where nobdy knows him he either becomes a shah,jat or even a rajput....most of em cant even tell there gotra.And u can easily guess tht they r just faggots.

Its a shame.

Just an advice, You should not use foul language about any caste.
btw what is your vansh & gotra?
Dear Sir,

Don't you grow tired of spreading around disinformation?

Neither the Marathas nor the Tamils remained unconquered by the Mughals. The Tamils, in fact, were first conquered in 1311, when the Mughals had not yet come to India, by a general of the Delhi Sultanate. Where do you get your facts from?

Please get your facts straight before you start faffing.


@ Karthic, I second on with the opinion of Joe.. Please dont spread anything with misinfo.. I found some post's tone offensive but this does not impact opinion of one's sect...

Once my Tamil and Telugu friends were discussing about history and telugu guy asked me why you northies are always aggressive and ready for fight? I said because it is in our genes.. we are fighting for some 3000 years.. My tamil buddy instantly thanked me and said .. you know what we were save because all attacks were stopped by these guys in north and hence it has least impact on us... not a superiority complex but yes buddy we were first always to get impact...
Yes all hindus raised as sikhs were as khalsa sikhs for fight, because sole motive was to fight against mughal rule and their oppression.
What i wrote down as reason (which you found offensive) was from hindu POV.

Rest read my post no 71.

That is what I am trying to convey you the point you raised I never said they were wrong but side by side adding your POV is actually distorting the fact... tell me once I am Sikh by accepting Khalsa panth and fought a war, will that you consider a superiority of Sikh or Hindu warrior?

Just to mention one more point, Guru Gobind sahib himself says he is a descendant of Lav and Kusha (son of Lord Rama) and that was in his blood.. should i add that some sort of superiority point?
Sir khan is used instead of singh by muslim rajputs.As both have the same meaning also we proudly follow our traditions n r very proud of our ancestors.
Almost all our traditions r like the hindu rajputs n we adore em and love them.
pride yousufzais r one of the most educated people n most of them live in pakistan not astan.

Actually you are supporting my point, This is what i am saying that today the ethnicity and clans can't be defined in regions as there are whole mingled society lives in subcontinent..
Oh is it..? Go read abt a certain race of ppl called "Tamils" and extent of the Tamil empire under the Cholas that spanned across Tamil Nadu to vast areas of present day Indonesia,Malaysia,SriLanka and Cambodia.

And remember were the only region in medieval India that was not conquered by any external power including the Mughals and even the British could only exercise a nominal rule upon us.

Again not true. You don't give up, do you?

1311: year in which Malik Kafur sacked Madurai.
1692: year in which Aurangzeb (Mughal, btw, in case your curious history book says something else) appointed a Nawab of the Carnatic, with his seat at Arcot. The family exists even today, and are known as the Nawabs of Arcot even today.

In between, since your base claim is that the Tamils have never been conquered, the Marathas not only conquered large parts of Tamil Nadu, but set up a cadet branch of their royal family, Shivaji's descendants, at Tanjore.

Tanjore is in Tamil Nadu, I believe?

I suggest you throw all your history books into the dustbin and start over again. You can't do worse.
Again not true. You don't give up, do you?

1311: year in which Malik Kafur sacked Madurai.
1692: year in which Aurangzeb (Mughal, btw, in case your curious history book says something else) appointed a Nawab of the Carnatic, with his seat at Arcot. The family exists even today, and are known as the Nawabs of Arcot even today.

In between, since your base claim is that the Tamils have never been conquered, the Marathas not only conquered large parts of Tamil Nadu, but set up a cadet branch of their royal family, Shivaji's descendants, at Tanjore.

Tanjore is in Tamil Nadu, I believe?

I suggest you throw all your history books into the dustbin and start over again. You can't do worse.

@Karthik, you were one of the best Indian poster here.. what happened to you today? No one here degrading anyone's clan/sect.. we are here discussing just the best of Sikh warriors and the representation of them in such BS article..
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