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Sikh Light Infantry & Sikh Regiment - Indian Army

I can only imagine what the battles must been between Pathans and Sardars.
if i seriously tell u then in this sub continent i only luv two ppl. one is pathan and second is sardars. both of them dont compromise when it comes to honour but otherwise fulltime mussttttt:partay:

You must have forgotten gorkha and maratha regiments.

in first world war ww1 Sikhs constitute 20% of British Army .

Sikh soldiers guard Queen Elizabeth II

The Associated Press

7:33 a.m. July 31, 2009
Lance Corporal Sarjvit Singh, left, of The Army Air Corps, and Signaller Simranjit Singh of the Royal Signals, pose together at Wellington barracks in London, Thursday July 31, 2009. (AP Photo/Tim Hales) - AP

LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II has switched bearskin hats for turbans outside Buckingham Palace, where Sikh soldiers have begun guarding the monarch and her treasures, Britain's defense ministry said Friday.

Signaler Simranjit Singh and Lance Cpl. Sarvjit Singh are the first Sikhs to take part in patrols outside the queen's residence and to stand watch over the Crown jewels at the Tower of London across town.

Guard duties are usually carried out by the Guards of Household Division, famed for their bearskin hats and crimson coats that attract picture-taking tourists in their thousands. The ministry said the Sikh soldiers instead wore turbans and blue uniforms.

Other army regiments often help carry out guard duties at Britain's Buckingham Palace when the Household Division is on operations. The ministry said the two soldiers are the first of the 90 Sikhs in Britain's army to be handed the task.

"It's purely a coincidence that this has happened now," said a defense ministry spokeswoman, on condition of anonymity in line with policy. "Regiments take it in turn to stand in for the Household Division and it just happens that two of the soldiers this time round are Sikh."

Sarvjit Singh, who was born in India and is a member of 3 Regiment Army Air Corps, said he was thrilled to have had the opportunity to guard the queen.

"My experience being a Sikh on the queen's guard is beyond words," said the 28-year-old. "It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I feel privileged to have this honor."

"Being in London and parading in front of hundreds of people has been brilliant. Being Sikh hasn't made any difference," said Simranjit Singh, 26, from Coventry in central England, who is attached to the 21 Signal Regiment (Air Support).

"It's been hard work, but definitely worth it," he said.

He said the toughest part of the role is keeping perfectly still when on sentry duty outside the queen's home.

Sikhs routinely guarded Queen Victoria – a colonial ruler of India. At the time of World War I, Sikhs formed about 20 percent of the British army, but numbers dwindled following India's independence.

I can only imagine what the battles must been between Pathans and Sardars.

the battle of saragarhi ( North west frontier )
copy paste - "The Forgotten Battle - Battle of Saragarhi" on youtube
Sikhs have always been a noble people and excellent soldiers.They look Handsome, even with the beards ! :cheers:

But gorkha's are all mean and ruthless,never seen them smiling ! :devil:
“The major reason for our defeat are Sikhs. We are simply unable to do anything before them despite our best efforts. They are very daring people and are fond of martyrdom. They fight courageously and are capable of defeating an army much bigger than them.”

On 3rd December 1971 we fiercely and vigorously attacked the Indian army with infantry brigade near Hussainiwala border. This brigade included Pakistan army’s Punjab regiment together with the Baloch regiment. Within minutes we pushed the Indian army quite far back. Their defense posts fell under our control. The Indian army was retreating back very fast and the Pakistani army was going forward with great speed.
Our army reached near Kausre-Hind post (Kasure). There was small segment of Indian army appointed to defend that post and their soldiers belonged to the Sikh Regiment. A few number of the Sikh Regiment stopped our way forward like an iron wall. They greeted us with the ovation (Slogan) of ‘Bolé-so-Nihal’ and attacked us like bloodthirsty, hungry lions and hawks. All these soldiers were Sikhs. There was even a dreadful hand-to-hand battle. The sky filled with roars of ‘Yaa Ali and Sat Sri Akal’. Even in this hand-to-hand fighting the Sikhs fought so bravely that all our desires, aspirations and dreams were shattered.
In this war Lt. Col. Gulab Hussain was killed. With him Maj. Mohammed Zaeef and Capt. Arif Alim also died. It was difficult to count the number of soldiers who got killed. We were astonished to see the courage of those, handful of Sikh soldiers. When we seized the possession of the three-story defense post of concrete, the Sikh soldiers went onto the roof and kept on persistently opposing us. The whole night they kept on showering fires on us and continued shouting the loud ovation of ‘Sat Sri Akal’. These Sikh soldiers kept on the encounter till next day. Next day the Pakistani tanks surrounded this post and bombed it with guns. Those, handful of Sikhs got martyred in this encounter while resisting us, but other Sikh soldiers then destroyed our tanks with the help of their artillery. Fighting with great bravery they kept on marching forward and thus our army lost its foothold.
Alas! A handful of Sikhs converted our great victory into big defeat and shattered our confidence and courage. The same thing happened with us in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In the battle of Jassur, the Singhs opposed the Pakistan army so fiercely that our backbone and our foothold were lost. This became the main important reason of our defeat; and Sikhs’ strength, safety and honour of the country, became the sole cause of their victory.

-Maj. Gen. Fazal Muqeem Khan, author of book "Pakistan's Crisis of Leadership"
“I will not be slightly worried or reluctant to leave my wife and young daughter under protection of any Sikh soldier.”

- General Bardwood
"When they take up a musket in hand at the time of battle, they come to the field fiercely springing and roaring like lions and immediately split many a breast and make they blood of many others spill in the dust. ''

''You may say that this musket was invented by these dogs (Sikhs). Though guns are possessed in large numbers by others, yet nobody knows them better.''

''These bad-tempered people discharge hundreds of bullets on the enemy on the right and left and in front and on the back. If you disbelieve in what I say, enquire from the brave warriors who will tell you more than what I have said and would have nothing but praise for their art of war. The witness of my statement are those thirsty thousand heroes who fought with them."

-Qazi Noor Muhammad, Jang Namah (Battle Chronicles), 1765

Qazi Noor Muhammad while talking about the various aspects of highly moral lives of Sikhs says that Sikhs have never learnt to commit any theft or robbery and they never dishonour any woman. Such a type of character has been imbibed by their religion.
These are the people of morality and character. They do not company plunderers and bechelour people. Truth is their religion and they do not sacrifice it any cost. They do not harm wives and children of their enemies, rather they try to save the life of innocent people.
Sikhs have always been a noble people and excellent soldiers.They look Handsome, even with the beards ! :cheers:

But gorkha's are all mean and ruthless,never seen them smiling ! :devil:

while chivalry is trademark of Sikhs soldiers ,nobody match Gorkha's loyalty.Both are essential qualites of a good soldier.
while chivalry is trademark of Sikhs soldiers ,nobody match Gorkha's loyalty.Both are essential qualites of a good soldier.

Yes,They cant be compared with each other , they of different type !
Yes,They cant be compared with each other , they of different type !

To be honest,i've always prefered Gorkha troops with unique hat/cap they wear,they look like bunch of automated war machines , thorough professions at ur disposal.And no doubt they are the best.
As far as Indian Army is concerned all Regiments are at par... whether u talk abt Sikh Regiment... Jatt Regiment..... Rajputana... or Maratha.... they all are soldiers at the end of the day.....

During the Kargil War..... JhunJhunu District From Rajsthan was the Highest contributer......Both in terms of Recruit posted at the Frontline as well as those who lay their life for the nation......

and In Rajasthan u can find mainly....Rajput and Jatt...

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