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Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

Oh please Asim. They were perfectly good responses. You can't blame that on sleep deprivation.

Btw, I did not type the above. Asim alleges he made a "mistake".

This I did say though,
I did, honest! :P I posted my reply to you onto your post. Instead of clicking quote, I clicked the edit button we admins get...

Yakeen karein aap mera!
US govt should provide drone with loaded HELLFIRE, keep on flying over these mullahs head, so they keep on looking up in the sky rather stealing money from poor people in the name of Islam. Wherever these mullah site together deliver one HELLFIRE with extra jazia.
Well, nodoubt it sound like mafia raising fund for their purpose.
Again i would say thanks to Saudies, who exported developed these brain in their labs. Instead of paying too much attention in Afghanistan and Pakistan, US govt should kill the snake in Saudir royal palace...they need dose of HELLFIRE too.
I wish I had time to read all eleven pages of this thread.

I have some reservations about the first part of the last post (but when you pointed towards what cleverer men that me have called "the Wahhabist/Maududist/Qutubist popular discourse" you got me right onside.

Some people think it was some Jonny-come-lately called Huntingdon who set Islam (a religious tradition) against "the West" (a hemisphere of this planet or "modern civilisation"). I fear they, all of them westerners, Muslims, non-Muslims, agnostics, politicians and journalists, are wrong. I suggest all of them who give Huntingdon credit for expressing such a stupid dichotomy which is bound to lead to trouble like you've never known yet, should dig out the writings of Maududi.

While he was doing an excellent job of systemising Islam he was also defining it in opposition to "the West", don't believe me, check it out for yourself. You will also find that he remained in constant communication with Wahhabi scholars and particularly with Sayid Qutb. In fact, they influenced each other and were both impressed by Wahhabism and Communism and Fascism.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but did Maududi not write what he wrote long before Huntingdon was a gleam in his father's eye?

So this idea of "Islam against the West" then, should we credit or blame, those originally responsible for such an idea?
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But, of course, the US will never do what you suggest. Unless the so-called "Far Jihad" gets really out of hand and overtakes the so-called "Near Jihad" they are busy inflicting on Pakistan at the moment. Then all bets are off and the guys with the best technology are going to eradicate all sectarian, religiously-supremacists-tweakers of the tiger's tail.

But too many innocents will be taken with them, that's the problem.

And soldiers have to put their lives on the line to prevent all this crap, fighting for peace while taking it from all sides?
So where have the Sikhs disappeared in the thread discussion over here :undecided::what:
i just hope the sikhs are rehabilitated somewhere else...maybe even in india..
i remember reading about the jaziya in history books....
the journey back to the stone age has begun...

Sikhs in the Punjab province of Pakistan are doing just fine and they are also doing fine in some parts of NWFP, Azad Kashmir, and Sindh (I dont think any Sikhs are from Balochistan). Its just FATA thats a problem for Sikhs! FATA is not the only part of Pakistan.

I heard there are a few Sikh families in Afghanistan also, did they also have to pay heavy taxes in Afghanistan?
Well, nodoubt it sound like mafia raising fund for their purpose.
Again i would say thanks to Saudies, who exported developed these brain in their labs. Instead of paying too much attention in Afghanistan and Pakistan, US govt should kill the snake in Saudir royal palace...they need dose of HELLFIRE too.

Mecca is in Saudi, hence the last thing you want is an unstable Saudi. Imagine all the fights over Jerusalem through the history. If US bombs Saudi, that will trigger a war a magnitude larger than that. And Saudi king himself is pretty pro-US, his citizens on the other hand are not all so.

Anyway, that is off-topic. Let's get back to Sikhs.
Sikhs certainly do not want to live in the expanding Talibanistan.

The rapidly expanding Talibanistan is a fact.

This fact is very on topic to the safety of anybody who does not agree with the increasingly narrow, religiously paranoid, vision of Islam that is coming form your beleagered country.

To suggest that the converting of Islam into Islamism by Maududi and his various JI offshoots has nothing to do with Pakistan's present problems is just sticking your head in the sand.

According to my information.

If I am in error, c'mon, educate me.

But on reflection, while I do not want them or their supporters in my country (they act like idiotic, arrogant, ignorant, abusive recruiting sergants for the BNP), I take no satisfaction at what they are doing to your country.

But to the people who impress me on this board I say, with respect and for your benefit, that if you pretend a problem does not exist it will definitely get worse.

And remember, there would never have been a need for guru Nanak to have his mystic revelations, had it not been for the lumpen element of Islam which has always been present and has always fought for control of Islam from the wisdom of the more enlightened, the more educated and the more spiritually inclined of Islam.

Unless anybody here can teach me different - as the recitations wisely say, if you dispute this, please bring your evidence.
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so finally as i suspected..the govt dint intervene...to save the sikhs..from paying the 50 million annually that they were supposed to...and their homes have been finally destroyed in orakazai...
Taliban militants demolish 11 Sikh minority community homes in Pak :tsk:

New Delhi, April 30: Taliban militants in Pakistan on Thursday demolished 11 homes of the minority Sikh community in the troubled Aurakzai tribal region over their failure to pay tax in time.

The tax was earlier imposed by the Taliban on all non-Muslims including Sikhs living in the area as a 'protection money'.

The militants acted after a deadline set by them for payment of 'jiziya' (tax) by the Sikhs expired on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Sikhs held a meeting at Merozai to discuss the possibility of leaving the area but were could not reach a decision.

There are about 35 Sikh families living in Ferozkhel near Merozai in Aurakzai Agency area.
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it is not fair at all. where is the gov. where are we pakistanis whom Quaid-e-Azam told to protect our minorities. we were supposed to be their shields and here we are destroyin their houses...
shamefully act of taliban its really sad for me they follow Afghan taliban as they do with Sikhs.but we can give space in any city of Pakistan these few families.

Eleven houses of the Sikh community were demolished by the militants when they refuse to pay ‘Jazia’.—AP/File
The action was ordered by the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan chief for Orakzai Agency, Hakeemullah Mehsud, after the deadline given to the Sikh community for payment of Jazia passed on Wednesday.

Earlier, the Sikh community had postponed its decision about vacating the area following the demand of the Tehrik-i-Taliban for payment of ‘Jazia’ being non-Muslims for their protection.

They gathered in the Merozai area to finalise their decision for leaving the area, but a dispute erupted over the issue among them and the meeting was postponed till Thursday.

The Taliban had asked the Sikh community living in the tribal area for centuries earlier this month to pay annual Jazia because ‘Sharia had been enforced in the area and every non-Muslim had to pay protection money’.

The Sikh community comprising 30 to 35 families shifted from the Feroze Khel area to the nearby Merozai in Lower Orakzai Agency because they could not arrange Rs150 million demanded by the Taliban.

The Taliban had forcibly occupied shops of two Sikh businessmen, Sewa Singh and Kalak Singh, and houses of several Sikhs to force them to pay Jazia. Later, the Sikh community refused to pay Jazia and decided to leave Orakzai and settle in some other area.

Most of tribal families belonging to a particular sect have also migrated to different parts of Hangu and Kohat due to the fear of Taliban.
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