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Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

True. But I think its our Government Job to provide them safety. Remember Hindus & Sikhs don't have another other country to support them Religiously.

DNA: India: India should snap ties with Israel: Muslim organisations

Kashmir protests over assault on Gaza, 50 injured | Reuters

Indian Muslims protest against the siege of Gaza

Muslims in New Delhi protest against Gaza attack

Majority of the Muslims in India don't even know where Israel or Gaza is located on the Map still they were protesting.

I don't think it is the Indian 'government's job' to provide them safety. It becomes Indian 'government's job' only if the sikhs and hindus of Pakistan ask the GoI for safety and Pakistan accepts Indian intervention. As long as they are Pak citizens and Pakistan is opposed to Indian intervention, GoI has no legal right to interfere in their affairs.

Even in the worst case scenario if some thing has to be done by India, it can't be done unilaterally but through international organizations like UN etc. Let s hope things don't come to that stage.
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Even in the worst case scenario if some thing has to be done it can't be done unilaterally but through international organizations like UN etc. Let s hope things don't come to that stage.

Lets hope that our Pakistani Friends kick the Taliban's out of their country.
I don't think it is the 'government's job' to provide them safety. It becomes 'government's job' only if the sikhs and hindus ask the GoI for safety and Pakistan accepts Indian intervention. As long as they are Pak citizens and Pakistan is opposed to Indian intervention, GoI has no legal right to interfere in their affairs.

Even in the worst case scenario if some thing has to be done it can't be done unilaterally but through international organizations like UN etc. Let s hope things don't come to that stage.

I have to disagree.......the sikhs-hindus of india have every right to rattle the war sabre and threaten attacks on pakistan if the lifes of hindus and sikhs are not protected.....the least the hinus-silks should do is get the indian govt to pressure pakistan using back door channels.

Sunday, May 03, 2009
The horrendous predicament of the Sikhs of Orakzai is all before us. They are being persecuted under the garb of 'jiziya', or tax that minorities pay in Islam to a Muslim state in exchange for state protection and security of life and property. From several reports that have appeared of late, first in the Pakistani press, and now in the foreign press, the situation comes across as most startling and worrying. The Sikhs of Orakzai have lived in the agency for decades and by their own admission have never faced any problems or harassment from the tribes. However, for the past few months, and especially after Hakeemullah Mehsud and his men descended on Orakzai and established their own rule, the Sikhs of the agency have lived a terrified existence. They have been veritably held at gunpoint and forced to pay 'jiziya' but given the environment that this has happened in, it is nothing but ransom money. The Sikhs were told that either they all convert or they pay the tax. And this is reinforced by published accounts of some of the Sikh family elders, one of whom was kidnapped and tortured by the Orakzai Taliban. The Sikhs, who number not more than a few dozen households, were fast asked to pay over a hundred million rupees – an astronomical amount for any one – but this was scaled back after 'negotiations'. Elders of the community are now reportedly in Peshawar and have raised less than half the money that was agreed upon (or rather that has been extorted from them). And as they do so, some in their community continue to be held hostage by the Taliban and will be released only once the money is paid. And if they try and do it any other way, the consequences will be that the men will be killed and the women and children converted.

That the state has chosen to do nothing about this is revolting but not altogether surprising given that it has chosen to do nothing also about the way that the Taliban have gone about slaughtering their fellow-Muslims, especially in targeting the Shias of Kurram and Dera Ismail Khan. Also, it has to be said – and rather unfortunately – that this kind of Talibanization (perhaps one of its more grotesque forms) has been happening in the rest of the country of late, albeit in a slightly different manner. Hindu communities in Sindh have in recent years complained of several cases where their young women were more or less abducted and forced to convert and marry non-Muslims. No wonder then that the rest of the world sees Pakistan – notwithstanding official proclamations to the contrary – as a place minorities live with a great degree of trepidation. In fact, it is not just minorities now, but women as well given what has been happening in the Talibanized parts of NWFP and FATA.

Not only are we listed among countries whose governments are unwilling or unable to stop religious violence by their citizens and/or groups against minorities, we are also marked because some of our laws are seen as anti-minorities – the most controversial of these being the much-abused blasphemy law. Sectarian violence continues unabated and is directed against Shias, Ahmadis and Christians, Hindus and Sikhs. The government rarely responds in a positive way to the pleas for help from the minority communities who lead increasingly terrorized and fearful lives. Our minority groups and communities are at risk, and like the endangered species of the world require and deserve our care and protection. The only issue is that how and when this protection will be accorded to them. Who will go to Orakzai and take the Sikhs of Orakzai from the clutches of the Taliban?
The Sikhs of Orakzai
Swat Sikhs - Down but surely not out (Part-1)
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Mariana Babar

Under normal circumstances Gurdwara Sri Panja Sahib, Hasanabdal (0ne of the holiest Sikh shrines) remains empty this time of the year, barring the few permanent resident families of caretakers. But then, these are hardly normal times for the people of Swat and Orakzai. The hallways of Panja sahib are resounding with the laughter of rosy cheeked children running around without the slightest care for their crumbling world as over a hundred families of displaced Sikhs try settling down in their temporary new home. And this number, unfortunately keeps growing by the hour.

The men sitting on charpoys appeared relaxed, and looking around. I may well have been peering through the window of a Hujra of my native village Pir Pai. Clad in typical Pashtun style shalwar kameez, they were clean shaven, spoke excellent pushto, which they also write and read effortlessly. In Pir Pai neither I nor these complete strangers would be so relaxed and custom would not even permit me to sit with them.

So no surprise, that we are inside Gurdawara Siri Panja Sahib, Hasanabdal, a cool oasis in this hot and dusty town of Punjab, just an hour’s drive from Rawalpindi. Security was not too stringent either except that the lady police ‘groped’ my handbag and the young policeman pretended to be interested in my NID card, not bothering to match the photograph and the woman before him! Maybe it was the fatigue of having to deal with the ever-growing queue of the displaced families, which appear to be trickling in almost without any break. And the mix too is hardly what you would have expected.

Dr M Kumar, 46, a freshly shaven Sikh, was a medical specialist who studied in Peshawar and went for higher studies to the UK and US. He is amongst the one hundred plus families that reached the Gurdawara a few days ago. As we spoke , more Sikh families from Buner and Swat continued to trudge into the Gurdawara with nothing but small bundles in their hands, while young children ran excitedly towards the new arrivals.

So now that he has fled his native village of Pir Baba, was Dr Kumar thinking of returning to the UK? “ Never. I returned to serve my community and will continue to do so. And if you are wondering why I look different from the Sardarjees across the room, (admittedly, it was somewhat of a surprise to see a clean shaven Pushto speaking Sikh from an otherwise conservative region) well, every Sikh is not a Khalsa. The Khalsa is a complete Sikh, and that is why I do not look like the traditional one”, said Kumar.

Soon the red turbaned D. Suran Singh, with a flowing beard, also joined us. Spotting his sprained leg, a young doctor from the Gurdawara immediately attended to him, applying ointment and slipping on a crepe bandage. You could feel a strong sense of communal bondage in this displaced lot.

“What is this propaganda that we have been forced to flee Swat and Buner because of the Taliban’s oppression? Please, the media has to distinguish between what happened to the Sikhs in the Orakzai agency, and why we have come here”, he pleads. On April 28-29, the Pakistan army started a military operation, and these Sikh families along with Muslim ones and the Afghan refugees got caught in the crossfire.

“It was not only the Sikhs but others too in the villages that decided that it was not safe for us to remain as the fierce fighting would have blown us to smithereens. We Sikhs are very peaceful people and have traditionally lived in the most peaceful areas of Pakistan. We are not armed. Our ancestors have lived in Buner for thousands of years and it was the fear of the “uncertainty” ahead that made us flee”, Singh tells us.

Soon other youngsters, mostly non-Khalsa, squeezed on to the charpoys while the younger ones kept peeping through the door.

But why come here? I asked. These Sikhs appeared relaxed and comfortable and say that they would have been a burden on their relatives in Peshawar and other towns. “We come often to this Gurdawara and our families are familiar with the surroundings, and all the men and women pitch in for the daily chores. We pray that unlike the Afghan refugees we can return home soon. For now, we are unified under the Panja of the Guru Nanak in this Gurdawara”, he adds.

When quizzed about the soft tone he adopted when he spoke about the Taliban and whether he did it out of fear, he responded, “Look, I am sitting inside a Gurdawara where I bow my head to the ground in prayers. Could I lie at such a holy site? The heavily armed Taliban came to our village , stopped their vehicles in the bazaar and greeted us. We too greeted them and offered them cold drinks. They said they would pay but we insisted. They have been around for quite some time now, but have left us alone. After all, we are not a threat to anyone. The sunnis and shias call each other kafir. We call everyone believers. It was simply fear that made us leave our hearth and homes”.

Other voices also chimed in, and admittedly a bit confused, I quickly made a call to my colleague Behroze Khan (Geo News) in Peshawar who has been reporting about the atrocities that the Sikh community faced at the hands of the Taliban. “Those are the ones from the Orakzai agency and have mostly gone to the Gurdawara in Peshawar,” he clarified. Meanwhile Singh carried on with his own take of the situation: “God only knows whether the ones in Orakzai who are victimizing the Sikhs, are even Taliban or not. They could be someone else in the guise of the Taliban. We are getting a lot of calls from our brethren from abroad fearing our safety and we reassured them that the government is facilitating us in every way possible. But I have just been told that Habib Bank in my village has been looted”, he bemoaned.

The others heard this breaking news in silence, but visibly shifted uneasily on the charpoy. “Who knows who looted the bank, whether it was the army or the Taliban? Right now we have no way of knowing. The Taliban have been around for three years but we were never under pressure”, says one of them. Why this need to repeatedly steer clear of any Taliban controversy, one wondered, was it fear of the obvious or a fact that for many of us is simply unacceptable?

Lunch had already been served, and as expected the dishwashing chore had been taken over by the dozens of women and young girls. Some things never change, whether its swat or Hasanabdal, or even Islamabad for that matter.

The head Granthi, Harindar Singh, who has been overseeing the Gurdawara for the last fifteen years, says that he has just received Rs50,000 from the Aquaf Department in Lahore.

“They have assured me on telephone that there is more once this sum is finished. All I have to do is call them”, says the Granthi.

These doctors have left behind flourishing clinics as have the engineers in the room, and they all think about whether their homes still remain or what has happened to their property. “The communication system has been cut down by the army, but sometimes in early morning we get a call from someone who has remained behind. It is hell there. Property worth millions, fields with harvesters, tractors, everything is there. We came with these clothes on our backs”, says Dr Suran Singh.

(to be continued)
Swat Sikhs - Down but surely not out (Part-1)
I don't think it is the 'government's job' to provide them safety. It becomes 'government's job' only if the sikhs and hindus ask the GoI for safety and Pakistan accepts Indian intervention. As long as they are Pak citizens and Pakistan is opposed to Indian intervention, GoI has no legal right to interfere in their affairs.

Even in the worst case scenario if some thing has to be done it can't be done unilaterally but through international organizations like UN etc. Let s hope things don't come to that stage.

If sikhs need help other sikhs should help them not goi but some sikh charities or aid workers or something as long as theres not linked to the indian government it's not interfering if you only doing it for humantarian reasons.Actually i'm surprised indians would say this and be reluctant about interfering it's true but only non-sikhs should say this i thought the indian sikhs would like to get inolved coz it's their people and therefore their business too even if they're pak citizens.
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I don't think it is the 'government's job' to provide them safety. It becomes 'government's job' only if the sikhs and hindus ask the GoI for safety and Pakistan accepts Indian intervention. As long as they are Pak citizens and Pakistan is opposed to Indian intervention, GoI has no legal right to interfere in their affairs.

Even in the worst case scenario if some thing has to be done it can't be done unilaterally but through international organizations like UN etc. Let s hope things don't come to that stage.

stop with ur bullshit. we can say that muslims in inda are being targeted by hindutva men.did GOP ever sayed something to india????
why u indians have always to interfare..

read this

TAXILA: About 300 Sikhs, who have left their homes in Buner district because of the military operation against militants there, have taken shelter at the Gurdwara Punja Sahib, one of their holiest sites, in Hassanabdal.

The deputy administrator of the Shrines Evacuee Trust Property Board, Syed Faraz Abbas, told Dawn that the board with the help of the Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee had made elaborate arrangements to assist the 115 displaced Sikh families.

Evacuee Trust Property Board chairman Syed Asif Hashmi said the government would provide all resources for better care of the displaced families.

The Sikh families told this reporter that they had left their homes on their own and the Taliban had got nothing to do with their displacement.

‘All these reports and claims are false and baseless. Sikhs as well as many Muslim people left Buner for safety because of the military operation.’

‘The Taliban did not raze our houses nor did they demand money from us,’ Dr M. Kumar, who runs a clinic in Buner bazaar, said.

He said the Taliban had arrived in Buner on April 4 and ‘we left the area on April 30, after the operation was launched’, adding that the Taliban had assured the Sikh community that their life and property would be protected.

Engineer Ravinder Singh, who hails from Peer Baba in Buner, said Sikhs were living in Peer Baba, Daggar, Dewana Baba, Jhangi, Gogga, Sawari, Changli and Ghourgohsti areas. ‘We will return to Buner after the situation there improves,’ he said.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | 300 Sikhs from Buner reach Hassanabdal
I cannot understand what all this is about.

10 Million Hindus and Sikhs Migrated to India in 1947. Again 10 Million Muslims Migrated from India to Pakistan.

Pakistan is an Islamic Country and I cannot for the life of me appreciate why these 40 or so Sikhs insist on living in a Place, State or Country where they are either not wanted or their Existence is near to impossible due to difference of Religion.

They should pack their Bags and Baggage and migrate to India and not waste further Time and Efforts where they are not wanted.

HUTCHROY....for 60 years they lived in this area no one cared no one even knew....and all of a sudden a common enemy of pakistan and sikhs does something and poor INDIA COMES to its aid...i say first try JAGDISH TYTLER....and all those responsible for 1984 sikh killings...
& i say to all my indian friends that men blamed for the Babri masjid as well as gujrat riots are running for top poistions in elections...ADVANI,MODI,VARUN GANDHi...are just a few so please....stop complanning talk about stones and glass houses...
If sikhs need help other sikhs should help them not goi but some sikh charities or aid workers or something as long as theres not linked to the indian government it's not interfering if you only doing it for humantarian reasons.Actually i'm surprised indians would say this and be reluctant about interfering it's true but only non-sikhs should say this i thought the indian sikhs would like to get inolved coz it's their people and therefore their business too even if they're pak citizens.

There is a big difference between the Indian public getting involved and the government getting involved. I am not against charitable trusts and NGO's in India helping the Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan with due permission from the GoP. In fact this seems to be the most plausible solution in the present situation.

But official intervention from India would be equivalent to questioning the authority of GoP. This will make them defensive and could end up doing more harm to the Sikhs.
True. But I think its our Government Job to provide them safety. Remember Hindus & Sikhs don't have another other country to support them Religiously.

DNA: India: India should snap ties with Israel: Muslim organisations

Kashmir protests over assault on Gaza, 50 injured | Reuters

Indian Muslims protest against the siege of Gaza

Muslims in New Delhi protest against Gaza attack

Majority of the Muslims in India don't even know where Israel or Gaza is located on the Map still they were protesting.

you are veering off course here. that is their previlige ... like they were talking about nuke deal. ask anyone what is the use of nuke deal and they said "electricity will come" ..... yet to see even one nuclear project come up in states with heavy demand like Punjab UP Delhi Haryana etc post deal.

indian masses in general are ignorant. and also we are no ones moral police. and frankly I could not care less. they stay in those two countries out of own wish not for our cause. they are citizen of those countries ..... let the respective governments look after them and they are doing that .....
you are veering off course here. that is their previlige ... like they were talking about nuke deal. ask anyone what is the use of nuke deal and they said "electricity will come" ..... yet to see even one nuclear project come up in states with heavy demand like Punjab UP Delhi Haryana etc post deal.

indian masses in general are ignorant. and also we are no ones moral police. and frankly I could not care less. they stay in those two countries out of own wish not for our cause. they are citizen of those countries ..... let the respective governments look after them and they are doing that .....

I completely agree. They're Pakistani citizens, not our business or our problem. Pakistan can take care of them. Or not. Up to them. How are they a concern of ours?
pakistani public should stand up and ask our gov to take care of our minorites in these troubled times. media needs to come fwd and become voice of these Sikh brothers. today i read two articles on this same issue in The News. i hope GoP will realise how difficult this time is for Sikhs. also heard that Sikh community took out protest in peshawar today. so i guess there is a voice which is building up... but yes one also needs to keep in mind that these are troubled times not only for any minority group but also for whole of pakistan. they are not the only ones suffering. we all need to be patient and united.
I had feeling that Hindutva forces will use this as an election issue to thier advantage.

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Ya its their fault why should we care. It was their mistake they decided to stay in Pakistan. You guys have solved the Kashmir Issue...:victory:

As we dont like anyone commenting on Kashmiris, the same applies to other countries concerning our comments on their citizens.
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