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Sikh families leave Orakzai after Taliban demand jizia

State within a state

Friday, May 01, 2009
The Taliban in Orakzai Agency are reported to have occupied three homes and ten businesses belonging to Sikhs, to press for their demand that 'jaziya', a tax imposed non-Muslims, be paid. The militants had previously demanded a sum of Rs50 million, which they later reduced to Rs15 million. This of course is extortion. There is no other name for it. Over the past weeks it has become obvious the Taliban are engaged in a game of plunder. This too is how they inspire desperate young men to join them. The motive is base greed and not religious zeal. In Swat there are already stories of Taliban members who have -- almost overnight -- accumulated enormous amounts of wealth. Rugs, chandeliers and other items taken away from the homes of wealthy families forced to flee now adorn the homes of militants everywhere. This then is what the struggle is all about. Extortion is of course not new to the Taliban. For years, Maulana Fazalullah was reported to have collected money and jewellery from women in Swat to fund 'jihad'. Threat and coercion underlay these efforts.

The tiny Sikh community still based in our tribal areas has often done well in terms of business and trade. The action against them is just another means to amass money. It is sad our legislators have not spoken up for the rights of the minorities who live in Taliban-controlled areas. Even in cities still outside Taliban rule, they have been targetted for violence and victimized. These most vulnerable of citizens need to be protected. The Taliban's efforts to create a state within a state, to set up their own rules that deviate from state laws, work against the interests of many not able to defend themselves. The question is if anyone will move in to help them and prevent the kind of abuse to which a peaceful community has been subjected to in Orakzai.

New Delhi May 1, 2009,

Amid reports of demolition of homes of Sikhs in parts of Pakistan, India today said it had taken up the matter of treatment of minorities in that country with the government in Islamabad.

"On seeing reports about Sikh families in Pakistan being driven out of their homes and being subject to 'jiziya' and other such impositions, the Government of India has taken up with Pakistan the question of treatment of minorities with the government of Pakistan," External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vishnu Prakash said here.

According to reports, Taliban militants have demolished 11 homes of members of the minority Sikh community in Pakistan's troubled Aurakzai tribal region after they failed to pay 'jiziya' or a tax levied on non-Muslims.

The militants acted after a deadline set by them for payment of 'jiziya' by the Sikhs expired on April 29, the reports said.

The Sikh had discussed the possibility of leaving the area at a meeting of the community but were unable to reach a decision.

Though the Sikhs have been living in Aurakzai Agency for centuries, the Taliban asked them earlier this month to pay Rs 50 million a year as jiziya.

The militants claimed this was being done as Shariah or Islamic law had been enforced in the area and all non-Muslims have to pay "protection money".
I cannot understand what all this is about.

10 Million Hindus and Sikhs Migrated to India in 1947. Again 10 Million Muslims Migrated from India to Pakistan.

Pakistan is an Islamic Country and I cannot for the life of me appreciate why these 40 or so Sikhs insist on living in a Place, State or Country where they are either not wanted or their Existence is near to impossible due to difference of Religion.

They should pack their Bags and Baggage and migrate to India and not waste further Time and Efforts where they are not wanted.
I cannot understand what all this is about.

10 Million Hindus and Sikhs Migrated to India in 1947. Again 10 Million Muslims Migrated from India to Pakistan.

Pakistan is an Islamic Country and I cannot for the life of me appreciate why these 40 or so Sikhs insist on living in a Place, State or Country where they are either not wanted or their Existence is near to impossible due to difference of Religion.

They should pack their Bags and Baggage and migrate to India and not waste further Time and Efforts where they are not wanted.

As was mentioned in another post above , the Sikh communities have lived there for centuries and it's not like Pakistan is not protecting them as a matter of State Policy , when thousands of Pakistani people are being harassed by the Taliban in their own area why would they stop conducting atrocities against Sikhs.

Taliban have no agenda and they don't differentiate much between Muslims and non-muslims , if they can shoot and behead muslims in public , demanding Ransom for Sikhs is like Charity.

The community has to brave this storm as Pak tries to flush out Taliban and restore normalcy.
Religious laws will always be interpreted in 10,000 different ways by 10,000 different people... personally I am not a big fan of religion the reason being i am a bigger fan of a Proper Constitution which consists of strict codes and conducts that apply to EVERYONE under it rather than being discriminatory to one group than the other... and even if its not, it doesn't confuse people with different names like Jizya for one group and Zakat for another.. one being a form of strict tax for non Muslims and the other being a form of Charity tax..pretty absurd if you ask me.

Fact is Religious clergy as the head of state has failed time, time again over the past 1000 or so years and there are some places even today where the state is being run by a religious clergy... you only have to see how pathetic those countries are. Heck the last time religion was in power all over Europe was known as the Dark Ages pretty much from the mid 13 to start of the 17 century.. The Inquisition, the thirty year war, the witch hunts, imprisoning people for the most ridiculous reasons, complete immunity to any forms of criticism... i am still confused whether luthers reformation was positive or negative

You can criticize and curse America day in and day out.. but i personally find it to be tone of the BEST constitutions in the world if you really look and read it carefully... Even better is the Canadian Constitution which pretty much copies the American one and just makes it so much Better..

Power to the people i say!!! ;)
The Sikhs of Orakzai

The Sikhs of Orakzai
Sunday, May 03, 2009
The horrendous predicament of the Sikhs of Orakzai is all before us. They are being persecuted under the garb of 'jiziya', or tax that minorities pay in Islam to a Muslim state in exchange for state protection and security of life and property. From several reports that have appeared of late, first in the Pakistani press, and now in the foreign press, the situation comes across as most startling and worrying. The Sikhs of Orakzai have lived in the agency for decades and by their own admission have never faced any problems or harassment from the tribes. However, for the past few months, and especially after Hakeemullah Mehsud and his men descended on Orakzai and established their own rule, the Sikhs of the agency have lived a terrified existence. They have been veritably held at gunpoint and forced to pay 'jiziya' but given the environment that this has happened in, it is nothing but ransom money. The Sikhs were told that either they all convert or they pay the tax. And this is reinforced by published accounts of some of the Sikh family elders, one of whom was kidnapped and tortured by the Orakzai Taliban. The Sikhs, who number not more than a few dozen households, were fast asked to pay over a hundred million rupees – an astronomical amount for any one – but this was scaled back after 'negotiations'. Elders of the community are now reportedly in Peshawar and have raised less than half the money that was agreed upon (or rather that has been extorted from them). And as they do so, some in their community continue to be held hostage by the Taliban and will be released only once the money is paid. And if they try and do it any other way, the consequences will be that the men will be killed and the women and children converted.

That the state has chosen to do nothing about this is revolting but not altogether surprising given that it has chosen to do nothing also about the way that the Taliban have gone about slaughtering their fellow-Muslims, especially in targeting the Shias of Kurram and Dera Ismail Khan. Also, it has to be said – and rather unfortunately – that this kind of Talibanization (perhaps one of its more grotesque forms) has been happening in the rest of the country of late, albeit in a slightly different manner. Hindu communities in Sindh have in recent years complained of several cases where their young women were more or less abducted and forced to convert and marry non-Muslims. No wonder then that the rest of the world sees Pakistan – notwithstanding official proclamations to the contrary – as a place minorities live with a great degree of trepidation. In fact, it is not just minorities now, but women as well given what has been happening in the Talibanized parts of NWFP and FATA.

Not only are we listed among countries whose governments are unwilling or unable to stop religious violence by their citizens and/or groups against minorities, we are also marked because some of our laws are seen as anti-minorities – the most controversial of these being the much-abused blasphemy law. Sectarian violence continues unabated and is directed against Shias, Ahmadis and Christians, Hindus and Sikhs. The government rarely responds in a positive way to the pleas for help from the minority communities who lead increasingly terrorized and fearful lives. Our minority groups and communities are at risk, and like the endangered species of the world require and deserve our care and protection. The only issue is that how and when this protection will be accorded to them. Who will go to Orakzai and take the Sikhs of Orakzai from the clutches of the Taliban?

Sunday, May 03, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan said on Saturday that the Sikhs living in a tribal area in its troubled north-west region are of no concern to India as they are Pakistani citizens.

The statement came after India’s official communication of concern to the Pakistan government and also public expression of anxiety at reports of hardships that a small group of Sikhs living in the Orakzai tribal area had to face at the hands of Taliban militants.

“When asked to comment on India’s verbal demarche with Pakistan in Islamabad and New Delhi yesterday [Friday] about Sikh families in Orakzai agency, the spokesman said that India was told that Sikhs living in Orakzai agency were Pakistani citizens and hence of no concern to India. The government of Pakistan was fully cognisant of the situation and looked after the welfare of all its citizens particularly the minority community,” the Foreign Ministry said.

According to reports from Orakzai, 60 to 65 Sikh families living in the Ferozekhel area of lower Orakzai fled their homes after the Taliban forcibly began occupying their shops and houses. Reports also said the Taliban set fire to a dozen shops and houses.

A television channel reported that the militants auctioned off the properties. It is unclear where the families have gone, presumably to neighbouring areas where other Sikh families continue to live.

The Orakzai Taliban reportedly wanted the Sikhs to pay a ‘jazia’ of Rs.12 million. The ‘jazia’ is a medieval tax that was imposed on non-Muslims living under Islamic rule and virtually amounts to protection money.

Earlier this week, the Sikhs living in the region held a ‘jirga’ to decide on whether to pay the tax but the community was divided over the issue. One report said the community offered to pay half the amount. The Taliban are said to have rejected that offer.

Small numbers of Sikhs are still present in areas around Orakzai agency – in Hangu and Kohat districts to its south, Khyber tribal agency to the north and Kurram agency to the west.

The Hindu : International : Sikhs in Orakzai are not of concern to India: Pakistan
^^ IMO this is an apt reply. India should not interfere in these matters. After all they are Pakistani citizens, even if they are Sikhs.
^^ IMO this is an apt reply. India should not interfere in these matters. After all they are Pakistani citizens, even if they are Sikhs.
The Sikhs of Orakzai

Hindu communities in Sindh have in recent years complained of several cases where their young women were more or less abducted and forced to convert and marry non-Muslims.

And if they try and do it any other way, the consequences will be that the men will be killed and the women and children converted.

Screaming Skull,

You are absolutely right we should not interfere in these matters because we don't have the concept of Brotherhood.

We never cared when Hindus were Killed in Kashmir, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.

Why should we care NOW if Hindus are Killed in Pakistan by the Taliban's because those people were Hindus.

The Sikhs of Orakzai

Hindu communities in Sindh have in recent years complained of several cases where their young women were more or less abducted and forced to convert and marry non-Muslims.

And if they try and do it any other way, the consequences will be that the men will be killed and the women and children converted.

Screaming Skull,

You are absolutely right we should not interfere in these matters because we don't have the concept of Brotherhood.

We never cared when Hindus were Killed in Kashmir, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.

Why should we care NOW if Hindus are Killed in Pakistan by the Taliban's because those people were Hindus.



I don't think its about brotherhood anymore. The sikhs in Pakistan are Pakistani citizens just like the muslims in India are Indian citizens.

If you point fingers at GoP for the treatment of sikhs in their homeland then you mustn't complain when GoP raises issues like Godhra & Babri Masjid.

Anyway, IMO the concerns raised by GoI were only symbolic and were meant to assuage the concerns of Indian Sikhs. I am sure that the GoI won't pursue this issue any further.

I don't think its about brotherhood anymore. The sikhs in Pakistan are Pakistani citizens just like the muslims in India are Indian citizens.

If you point fingers at GoP for the treatment of sikhs in their homeland then you mustn't complain when GoP raises issues like Godhra & Babri Masjid.

Anyway, IMO the concerns raised by GoI were only symbolic and were meant to assuage the concerns of Indian Sikhs. I am sure that the GoI won't pursue this issue any further.

Nobody is reporting about the Hindus that's what I fear the most. I have seen reports about Christian & Sikhs but no one is talking about Hindus.

Worthy Christian News NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Taliban Executes Christian
Nobody is reporting about the Hindus that's what I fear the most. I have seen reports about Christian & Sikhs but no one is talking about Hindus.

Worthy Christian News NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Taliban Executes Christian

Unlike Pakistan, India is a nation that was formed on the principles of secularism. Hence, for India the nation comes before any religion. Are those people killed in Pakistan, Indian nationals? No! So, India has no business there. Hindus or Christians or Muslims might be killed in Pakisan, US or Uganda. As long as they aren't Indian nationals, India shouldn't bother.

Killing people is the most deplorable act. India must raise its voice over such humanitarian crisis in Pakistan, Afghanistan, SL and even within India but it shouldn't be on the basis of religion.
Nobody is reporting about the Hindus that's what I fear the most. I have seen reports about Christian & Sikhs but no one is talking about Hindus.

Worthy Christian News NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Taliban Executes Christian

and what have you done about the same in India where the present PM says that Muslims have first right to national resources and opportunities? What have you done to prevent changing of demography in Assam which is the root cause of all problems there as more and more Bangladeshis are being allowed to stay put and given official protection and even issued ration cards just to garner additional votes?

Quit bothering about Sikhs there, they can move to Punjab (Pakistani) and be safe there. Its not as if GoP is perpetuating these acts of Talibs against them. Infact there is a particular member of PA, an officer, who is a sikh which goes onto prove that Pakistan is not into genocide and inspite of being Islamic Nation is not anti-others.

The problem is purely GoP and PAs concern and India should have stayed out of it. Only coz PM is a Sikh (as per SGPC he is not) he is shouting.
Honestly shravan, we shouldn't care about minorities in Bangladesh or Pakistan, they are the concern of Bangladesh and Pakistan, not India. If we were to comment, what difference would there be between us and those Pakistani members whose entire existence is based on talking about India's treatment of the minorities? Let them worry about their own citizens, we'll worry about our own.
Unlike Pakistan, India is a nation that was formed on the principles of secularism. Hence, for India the nation comes before any religion. Are those people killed in Pakistan, Indian nationals? No! So, India has no business there. Hindus or Christians or Muslims might be killed in Pakisan, US or Uganda. As long as they aren't Indian nationals, India shouldn't bother.

Killing people is the most deplorable act. India must raise its voice over such humanitarian crisis in Pakistan, Afghanistan, SL and even within India but it shouldn't be on the basis of religion.

True. But I think its our Government Job to provide them safety. Remember Hindus & Sikhs don't have another other country to support them Religiously.

DNA: India: India should snap ties with Israel: Muslim organisations

Kashmir protests over assault on Gaza, 50 injured | Reuters

Indian Muslims protest against the siege of Gaza

Muslims in New Delhi protest against Gaza attack

Majority of the Muslims in India don't even know where Israel or Gaza is located on the Map still they were protesting.
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