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Signs of Coming War!

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I do think that Indian army might be taking advantage of the internal situation in Pakistan.
Oh My God!!! We never thought about your secret weapon Pakhtun Jungjoo.... Please do not destroy India. We are sorry.

By the way, what d FCUK is that?

u will indeed be sorry :sniper: :lol: :wave:
Similar BS was being told in 2008...Why is Pakistan so desperate for war ?

I understand that you were 6 years old when 26/11 took place. It were you brainless pricks who used to mention "all options are open" in every press confrence they used to hold post mumbai attacks. In short, no one is desperate for war. India only needs a reason to SHOW OFF its military might but then again every one knows the consequences of escalating a war.
Wow till what time extend will you deny that 1971 was not your fault?

Air raid? Which internal goosebumps caused the jokers in your high command to be emboldened enough to launch a full scale invasion at over twenty fronts in the east, west and north of East Pakistan . Divisions attacked our brigade positions; brigades attacked our battalion, company and platoon positions, supported by your armour, artillery and the air force. Only IF you had minded your own effing business that episode would have never taken place.

Pehlay PAIDA ho jao phir batein kerna.

Come on guys you done a great genocide after WW II and Pakistani army raped millions after millions!

Great genocide after WW2? Pakistan wasnt even born yet F face. And what else did mommy tell about Pakistani army raping in WW2?

Even 1971 war was started by Pakistan by the Air raid!

Kill yourself for the good of humanity.

You saw India's ability to amass troops in 2002, The C17's are bought to bridge that gap! Be assured India will NOT attack till something very grave happens or India has credible ABM capabilities!

C-17s are brought to keep uncle Sam happy. Idiot
War is coming? My backside.

Both sides should send those who want war to fight on the border, naked mud wrestling to the death.

This cracked me up :rofl:
Similar BS was being told in 2008...Why is Pakistan so desperate for war ?
Pakistan has nothing to loose but india has everything to loose . :azn:
what both pak and india need is electricity not war ...first let both countries provide electricity to all its people then we can have this war ...this way everyone in both the countries will be able to watch the war updates on TV without interruption .
Humein kya kisi paagal kutte ne kata hai jo Jung karenge.... Jiasa chal raha hai , chalne do...

India does not need to do anything... These knucklehead Thinktanks are doing the job for us...
isn't this the brainchild of the brainless Zaid hamid?

Agreed. The above piece of news was a foolish analsys of the situation . Are they movie directors? this looked like an introduction to a movie . Again , a foolish idea by an utter fool .
I do think that Indian army might be taking advantage of the internal situation in Pakistan.

I dont think so..but even if we do, I think its understandable.
Air raid? Which internal goosebumps caused the jokers in your high command to be emboldened enough to launch a full scale invasion at over twenty fronts in the east, west and north of East Pakistan . Divisions attacked our brigade positions; brigades attacked our battalion, company and platoon positions, supported by your armour, artillery and the air force. Only IF you had minded your own effing business that episode would have never taken place.

Pehlay PAIDA ho jao phir batein kerna.

Great genocide after WW2? Pakistan wasnt even born yet F face. And what else did mommy tell about Pakistani army raping in WW2?

Kill yourself for the good of humanity.

C-17s are brought to keep uncle Sam happy. Idiot

You are wrong . if India had to keep uncle Sam happy , then it would have chosen f-16 or f-18 for its MMRCA project and not the french Rafael . Pakistan buys many US made weapons .......does it mean they do it to keep uncle Sam happy ??
You are wrong . if India had to keep uncle Sam happy , then it would have chosen f-16 or f-18 for its MMRCA project and not the french Rafael . Pakistan buys many US made weapons .......does it mean they do it to keep uncle Sam happy ??

Yes it did. And it is infact very interesting. Cant you see the monopoly?Su-30s from the russia, Rafale from France, C-17s, Apache's and P-8s from the US. If you believe everything is done on qualitative grounds then im sorry you're are misguided. IAF was offered the F-35 along with the Super Hornet and the F-16IN and everyone knows that nothing comes close to the Super Hornet in 4th generation fighters. What so ever the reasons of the election of Rafale, one thing is for sure that politics had a big part to play in the defense build up of India.

If C-17s and P-8s were never ordered then no American firm would have taken part in the future Defense Exhibitions and shows of India.
Yes it did. And it is infact very interesting. Cant you see the monopoly?Su-30s from the russia, Rafale from France, C-17s, Apache's and P-8s from the US. If you believe everything is done on qualitative grounds then im sorry you're are misguided. IAF was offered the F-35 along with the Super Hornet and the F-16IN and everyone knows that nothing comes close to the Super Hornet in 4th generation fighters. What so ever the reasons of the election of Rafale, one thing is for sure that politics had a big part to play in the defense build up of India.

If C-17s and P-8s were never ordered then no American firm would have taken part in the future Defense Exhibitions and shows of India.
mate i think you have got somewrong info.firstly U.S. never offered us F-35!they only said that if we buy F-18SH or F-16IN then only they would think about the possible selling of F-35 in the future.secondly Dassault Rafale was chosen after extensive trials and research and at the end it was Rafale which emerged frst in the competition.so i don't think politics played a part in choosing of Rafale for the MMRCA by IAF.thirdly we only bought C-130H Hercules and C-17 GlobemasterIII from the U.S. because they are the best aircrafts in their categories and the same logic also applies to the procurement of P-8I by the IN:coffee:!
No, war is coming sit down eat pop corns & enjoy the lunatic S.Asians engaged in proxy warfare when others are busy building their economies and educating their kids.
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