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Siddaramaiah's first move: Lifts ban on cow slaughter

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If am the majority,i can and i would like to see if pussies like you ll show up in front of us.

:cuckoo: you cant stop me or anyone from enjoying a good beef steak. Giving threats on the internet is one thing, actually carrying it out is another.

And it's people like you who disgrace my country and religion.
Ok guys everyone needs to chill this is going way :offpost:
Bhagava didn't walk this Earth in the time of pussies like us! Beef consumption was pretty normal then. We eat all that we may kill and that which does not have the limbs of a man- whichever caste that maybe- and may not consume all that feast on refuse (dogs).

And then the Kuleen Brahmins, Jainis, even Buddhists whom we had protected perverted us..no more vajramusthi for the bhumihar..and now that art is dead unlike kalari...no more the wootz blade that our brothers in the south forged..sharp so sharp..that the Persian's had a saying " to give a reply from across the river"- referring to our sharp steel from across the Indus. They feared us once..the same Persians would go onto invade this land but by then we were goat eating and leaf chewing weaklings. If you are a Bhumihar then you are not the Brahmin of piety and bhiksha..you are a Brahmin of the sword and blood. How can you not know of Bhargava and our history.

abe chutiye,sab jaanta hain aur beef main bassey rehta hain?

itna tak nahi jaanta ki mutton beef se zyaada healthy hain aur beef khaake agriculture khraab karega?
I guess personal insults are not far behind if these insults dont work. but i guess congratulation are in order to indians cause clearly the fact that India has corruption under control since you are making fun of me for government corruption in pakistan plus what does this has to do with topic. Stay on Topic

Ya this post of urs was related to the Topic...

Ahhh so you are India Taliban?
Highlighted part is not correct. Only in few states.. not in entire India.

Ofcourse it's based religious belief. But my point is.. how does it make one non-secular by banning the slaughter?

OK.. let me break it down & make it simple...

Slaughtering cow & eating beef is against Hindu beliefs. Is not slaughtering & not eating beef is against any religion?

Is India a secular or religious state ?
well, there are many aspects to it...most of us who talk about our love and respect towards cow do not actually own or look after a COW. For livestock farmers, cow is an animal, once it becomes unproductive for them it becomes a liability challenging their limited source of income…

So, for all cow lovers, why don’t you come forward and adopt/buy an aging cow...or do you expect government to make such laws to take care of aging cows!!! (We already have SCs, STs, etc.. so COW to the list?)

lets not compare cow with pig!
:cuckoo: you cant stop me or anyone from enjoying a good beef steak. Giving threats on the internet is one thing, actually carrying it out is another.

And it's people like you who disgrace my country and religion.

please,your country?

can you tell me your name and more?

My family has IAS/IPS and even Army men?

You giving nationalistic **** to me?

I can,We can and we will,if not you your kids and if not your grandkids and we ll make you pay.

we ll dig up ur grave and pee in it,when we do so.
please,your country?

can you tell me your name and more?

My family has IAS/IPS and even Army men?

You giving nationalistic **** to me?

I can,We can and we will,if not you your kids and if not your grandkids and we ll make you pay.

we ll dig up ur grave and pee in it,when we do so.

Yeah OK. Carry on, I always knew sanghis were mentally challenged.

"I will do this, I will do that" screaming like an impotent little donkey :omghaha:
Is India a secular or religious state ?

A secular state where every religion is allowed to practice & treated equally..

Now... coming back to the original question..

Slaughtering cow & eating beef is against Hindu beliefs. Is not slaughtering & not eating beef is against any religion?
Because a Hindu cant stand watching a Mleccha Killing his mother & serving her meat... just like any one who loves her mother...

I dont need to prove a Mlechha anything about my religion ... & its teaching ... do even know what Geeta is ... first go & learn that Geeta is not the only principle book of Hindus ...

You call muslims mlecha dirty,barbaric people... but the word kufir (which literally means non believer) burns ur ar$e! :lol:

You non-Hindus will ever understand our culture & religion ... thats why we need a Hindu Rashtra ... its the our Hindu leaders who betrayed us by letting u people stay here ...

U dont have respect for the sentiments of 80% population ... then cry when we do something violent out of Anger ... u people are making us do it ...
All u Non-Hindus & Pseudo- Seculars dont cry tomorrow when a Hindu mod attack people who practice cow Slaughter & Consume Beef ... cause thats what gonna happen soon...

This is our answer ... we will take weapons ... if no one cares about our sentiments ... Tumhara Secularism aur Bhai chara gaya Tel lene...

Only pussie$ support the killing of innocent people..

Mlechha means Barbaric people like u who dont understand local Culture & religious sentiments ... & dont care for life of other living things ... who dont follow Dharma...

Ur an idiot.
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@bronxbull, if you are vegeterian, thats your choice, you cant force the rest of people. I dont see anything wrong if people want to eat beef in India, and banning cow slaughter but allowing other animals to be killed for food is arbitrary.
People eat beef here too, and there is no shortage of milk product as well.
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This attitude of minority is the main reason they are getting wooped by Hindu Majority... who dont respect our sentiments ...

this video is from Hyderabad ... u people has left us with no other options other then Violence ...

Sick lil shyt!
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