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Siddaramaiah's first move: Lifts ban on cow slaughter

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Is that it (as if other animals are clean!)?
Can somebody tell whether pork is banned in Pakistan?

it is NOT banned here. if anyone wants to eat and slaughter a pig he can. we have plenty of wildboars in Islamabad if you want we can supply you .

You can not get it anywhere in a Muslim majority country because they don't eat it and if you ask for it or slaughter it like they do openly for other animals you will be killed in the name of blasphemy for going against Quran/Islam and then they want cows to be allowed to be slaughtered in the Hindu majority country knowing very well that majority of them, even if they are non vegetarians, are against killing cows or eating Beef in India.

They get hurt at a drop of hat for jokes/cartoons and what not but then got guts to question if anyone else get hurt by their stupid actions for their own religious/spiritual/cultural reasons. Bunch high class hypocrites the followers of Islam are..

:lol: how ignorant some Indian hindus are. pig is considered dirrty hence we do not eat it. it eats shyt we aint going to eat some shyty thing.

first learn and understand what does blasphemy is , its not killing a dirrrty pig. we dont take offense at killing a dirrrty pig .

you can kill and eat as many as you want there is NO bar if a hindu wants to eat pigg but we Muslims Do not eat it.

the big difference between Indian Hindus and we Muslims is that majority of you do not eat beef and at the same time wants to impose it on others whereas we dont eat pig but we have no issue if the world wants to eat it and kill it.

NOTE: Which Hindu religious text forbid eating beef? can you quote some?

Rigveda mention eating of cow meat, sacrifice of cow to gods and NOT worship it.

is it Cow your god?
I like beef as well but don't like pork much other than bacon. Beef biriyani, bhuna, kabab and steak which we get in Kolkata are the best.
:lol: how ignorant some Indian hindus are. pig is considered dirrty hence we do not eat it. it eats shyt we aint going to eat some shyty thing.

first learn and understand what does blasphemy is , its not killing a dirrrty pig. we dont take offense at killing a dirrrty pig .

Nobody eats pigs from the street. They are raised in farms with best nutritious diet. So would you change your mind if you came across a healthy, clean and a beautiful piggy.. :lol:
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