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Siachen tragedy could trigger demilitarisation

Should Siachen to be demilitarized .

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 36.1%
  • No

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
Yes those 140 soldiers died in Sahara desert...................
2012 Gayari Sector avalanche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you guys literate? The wikipedia link you posted has a map of siachen glacier. It is entirely to the north east of saltoro range, which is the AGPL. Meaning there are no pakistani troops on siachen glacier. None. Zero. Nada. That is why you will not be able to point out where on siachen glacier the avalance happened. Show me on this map, or chose to remain a victim of pak army propaganda forever.

Also as part of continuous education for pakistani fanboys, do read time magazine reports on who started provocations on siachen by launching and permitting expeditions first, or who planned to take over the glacier only to be preempted by India. For added fun read about bana post for material on your new piece on the worlds best SSG.
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I am not wrong, please call The Hindu and ask for the clarification. I posted the source link also.

@MaarKhoor See I do not know what your aim on this forum is, but then understand that if there are people who have the idea of something, then try and imbibe information from them. Also try and understand what you have been quoted on. Your contention on launching a counter attack and stalling India .... if you believe bullshit then do so ... I quoted an Indian forum member for calling you a liar for posting India took Siachen doing Kargil first .... it is the truth ... and so I told him also ...read my quote above. But when you say your army stopped us .... first read the geography of siachen glacier and then talk... ALL Pakistani posts are west of Saltoro ranges, they are not even ON Saltoro ranges, hell they can not see Siachen glacier from where they sit. The Saltoro range abounds Siachen glacier on its west and Karrakorum ranges on East. Its a triangular configuration with Sia La pass being the northern most tip! You are way away from Siachen glacier. You are sitting on ancillary western glaciers which are interspersed in between the saltoro ranges .... and these glaciers are divided roughly half and half
Sorry to say ,
But these unfortunate incident wont compell our GoI and military to evacuate that area .
Siachen is a strategic area .India wont leave that .
Perhaps now they can think and can fund for viable remote automated systems to patrol those areas .
They should go for a JV with Israel .

Sorry to see most of the Indian members rabid by extreme right wing Hinduvta ideologies and war mongering media. Even they don't feel for the soldiers and their families. believe me if Modi and Hinduvta policies remain few more years India will be worse then Afghanistan. Just because of the oppressive attitude many Indian joining ISIS.

Wrong .

Crores of youths in India will sacrifice for every bit of our land .
Siachen is must for India .
Crores of youths in India will sacrifice for every bit of our land .
Siachen is must for India .
Then Azad Kashmir is also yours come and take it......there is no cure for delusion that you people are suffering....
India has never attacked any nation i past 1000 years............... you need to ''admit'' that before debating them.........
Pakistan was aggressor in 1948
China was aggressor in 1962
Pakistan was aggressor in 1965
Pakistan was aggressor in 1971
China forced India to get nukes
Pakistan was aggressor in Siachin
Pakistan was aggressor in Kargil
Pakistan will be aggressor in future...................... Same case with China...................

So Pakistan occupy not an inch of Siachin...................?

You can say whatever you want .But we wont trust you .
You always betrayed your own words and honour .Kargil was the last example .

Gosh your leaders dont even have shame to reject the bodies of brave soldiers that fought for their motherland Pakistan .
How can we trust bunch of rulers and citizens that dont even have a morality to accept the courage of their own soldiers ?

Then Azad Kashmir is also yours come and take it......there is no cure for delusion that you people are suffering....

If situation demands ,if the country asks those crores of youths will also in front line to reclaim that rightful land to us .
You can say whatever you want .But we wont trust you .
You always betrayed your own words and honour .Kargil was the last example .

Gosh your leaders dont even have shame to reject the bodies of brave soldiers that fought for their motherland Pakistan .
How can we trust bunch of rulers and citizens that dont even have a morality to accept the courage of their own soldiers ?

If situation demands ,if the country asks those crores of youths will also in front line to reclaim that rightful land to us .
Acha nice then these short, dark and handsome youth should try for Akhand Bharat also, since you people are ready to sacrifice CRORES of youth i believe in this quest you can bear 100 + nukes. no further replies.
Acha nice then these short, dark and handsome youth should try for Akhand Bharat also, since you people are ready to sacrifice CRORES of youth i believe in this quest you can bear 100 + nukes. no further replies.

We have our own technological and diplomatic tools to deal with your nation.
You did something in 1948 and so we also repayed that in 1971.
Mard i momin with long attire is already a laughing stock in front of this world because of their basic instinct to compare with India in each and every thing .:D
What happened in Kargill is the same what happened in Siachen.
This is the basic issue due to which there will not be pull out from Siachin ever. We were always there in kargil with administration claim, where were your military ever on Siachin with claim rights???

Indian Chief of the Army staff Gen VK Singh has said that General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani's remarks on Siachen's demilitarisation could not be taken seriously.

Source: India rejects Siachen demilitarisation

Pakistan offered ceasefire India rejected. Pakistan always first to offer peace initiatives.
And Indian general were correct, we know why Pakistani military Establishment can not be trusted. Yeah Pakistan offered one way offer without any factual check on ground status, so that in future same area can be occupied by them. Sorry we can't take that risk.
Acha nice then these short, dark and handsome youth should try for Akhand Bharat also, since you people are ready to sacrifice CRORES of youth i believe in this quest you can bear 100 + nukes. no further replies.
World famous nuke bullies. (nobody takes you guys serious anymore)

Perhaps NK might.
Cocked up stories, India launched attack on Siachen to bargain Kashmir but failed miserably as soon as they reach there pakistan launched counter attack and stopped them since the situation is same. just because of ill mentality of Indian policy makers many people are dying in Kashmir and Siachen even all over India.

And welcome to my ignore list, keep bark me not gona listen you any more.
Oh yeah it's cooked up story that is why we are willing to vertify the ground status. Are we not??? So who is running from the current situation?

Then Azad Kashmir is also yours come and take it......there is no cure for delusion that you people are suffering....
Sorry we don't intend to go for more areas at present until and unless there is ground support for it. We have to manage what we have in our plate currently and we are more than happy in that. No superman wishes.
Sorry to see most of the Indian members rabid by extreme right wing Hinduvta ideologies and war mongering media. Even they don't feel for the soldiers and their families. believe me if Modi and Hinduvta policies remain few more years India will be worse then Afghanistan. Just because of the oppressive attitude many Indian joining ISIS.

God has given an organ in the head, kindly use that.

For my all Indians members, its not the Siachin Glacier whose hieght above sea level is 17000 feet above sea level where the Indians faces pakistan because all the Siachin Glacier is under the control of India, and the hieghts around the Siachin Glacier, whose max hieght is 21000 feet above sea level is what we called slitazo Ritz where we have around 150 posts, and around 10,000 soldiers deployed, and we are clear by our order and our motive, that we will not allow any inch to be taken by the enemy, because these are not very strategic location but also could become a good supply route for the Militants and their weapons supplied across border for cross border terrorism.

As far as the history of the Siachin militarization is concerned, it was the Pakistan who started all because because the LOC was never marked beyond a point(I don't remember right now) because earlier it was thought that it is useless to mark those boundries because of extreme location, but Pakistan started showing This region in its map and started allowing the foriegn expedition and mountaineers and started planning to send its forces to the hieghts in this region, but the firm they asked for the supply for the equipment and the clothes needed for this operation discloses the plan, and India capture those region before Pakistan could implement the plan.

As far as the Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, the whole region including pakistan occupied kashmir, its Indian as far as legality is concerned, thats why UN can mentioned P0K but not IOK (This term only belong to Pakistan not any where else) and all Pakistan moral and legal rights ends in 1971 period.

And what is this MOdi Hindutva policies, why not checked, why always playing victim card when weak, and agressor when strong. e.g Al-kaida , taliban, ISIS -- they are not muslim, but when Osama bin Laden is killed he is Martyr.

The latest tragedy in Siachen could be an excuse for an all-out effort by both India and Pakistan to demilitarise the inhospitable glacier. File photo
‘Intense Army deployment should be replaced with verifiable technological solutions’
The latest tragedy in Siachen could be an excuse for an all-out effort by both India and Pakistan to demilitarise the inhospitable glacier where India and Pakistan have sacrificed hundreds of soldiers over the last three decades.

In fact, some in the military establishment believe the death of 10 soldiers of Madras Regiment could be a trigger for New Delhi to convince Islamabad to go back to the negotiation tables, where a roadmap for demilitarising Siachen is already available.

One senior Army officer pointed out that the Pakistan too has a compelling reason to consider the demilitarisation of the glacier, where over 2,000 soldiers of both nations have died since 1984. He pointed out that after 140 Pakistani soldiers were killed in an avalanche in April 2012, the then Pakistan Army Chief, General Parvez Kayani, issued a statement favouring demilitarisation of the region. “The intense military deployment should be replaced with technological solutions that are verifiable,” the senior officer said. It is an opinion echoed in private by many within the security establishment, given the harsh realities of the glacier and the growing challenges of frequent avalanches.


“We have often come so close to finding a solution to the troop deployment, but somehow we never clinched it,” he added.

In June 1989, both sides announced that “there was agreement by both sides to work towards a comprehensive settlement, based on redeployment of forces to reduce the chance of conflict, avoidance of the use of force and the determination of future positions on the ground so as to conform with the Simla Agreement and to ensure durable peace in the Siachen area.”

Endorsed by Prime Ministers Benazir Bhutto and Rajiv Gandhi in Islamabad, the declaration has been the basic spirit of the bilateral approach towards the Siachen conflict. But no government has shown the political courage to clinch the deal.

In 1992, the two sides held discussions that narrowed down differences. Since then, India has had an almost consistent set of proposals. The contours of the Indian proposal include delineation of the Line of Control north of NJ 9842, redeployment of troops on both sides to agreed positions after demarcating their existing positions, a zone of disengagement and a monitoring mechanism to maintain the peace.

Over the years, Pakistan has suggested that troops on both sides should withdraw to a point south of NJ 9842, to the pre-1972 Simla Agreement positions. However, it has been reluctant to authenticate ground positions.

Many reports have suggested that in 1992 the two sides had agreed on the Indian points but a final agreement was not signed.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2005 suggested that the world’s highest battlefield be converted into a “peace mountain” without the redrawing of boundaries. For the Narendra Modi government, in its effort to bring a new vigour to its engagement with Pakistan, demilitarisation of Siachen could be one of the low-hanging fruits to pluck. Otherwise, more soldiers will be killed by avalanches as the world battles rising temperatures and glaciers become more unpredictable.

Tragedy could trigger demilitarisation - The Hindu

The loss of 10 lives is a tragedy but it won't trigger anything of the sort. To do so now would be an affront to all those scores of lives that have been lost over the years serving in that hell hole to defend their nation.

Who wants a repeat of Kargil? That will cost a lot more than just 10 lives.

A significant amount of lives are lost each year but the media remains silent, it is only when it happens in one incident that they speak up?

Sorry to see most of the Indian members rabid by extreme right wing Hinduvta ideologies and war mongering media. Even they don't feel for the soldiers and their families. believe me if Modi and Hinduvta policies remain few more years India will be worse then Afghanistan. Just because of the oppressive attitude many Indian joining ISIS.
What Hinduvta ideologies?? Honestly, this is utter BS.

Stop pointing fingers at India, the absurdity of saying the world's fastest growing nation will be "worse than Afghanistan" whilst Pakistan is effectively the Somalia of S.Asia is just too much to swallow. Think about where you are getting your information from because it is woefully inaccurate but then I guess you guys have to spin the fact that in a few years India will be adding one Pakistan to its economy on an annual basis. So "evil Hinduvta India" (where minorities are equals in every sense of the word) just makes you feel better.
Then Azad Kashmir is also yours come and take it......there is no cure for delusion that you people are suffering....

Now you are trolling your own thread by deviating yourself from your own topic. Let emotions be. Let statements lie in the context they are made. Just an advice since I see enthusiasm in your posts and have also complimented you on your fictional work. Chill.

Let us be clear on one thing, and here military professionals on either side of the border will agree, neither India nor Pakistan are in position or have the will to take each others areas in Kashmir. Sanity dictates that both sides demarcate the LC as permanent IB and work on it. See, I am bereft of the tag military professionals, but knowing the situation and speaking out of own experience, am telling you the facts as they stand.
My heart says Yes!!!!! But my brain says No!!!!!!

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