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Army said no to Gujral’s order to vacate Siachen

and the Indian Trolls talk about Pakistani Army defying our Civilian Government and how their Army always stays subservient to their Civilian Rule.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
U are proffesional? Defying? Army and its opinion is being taken into account. Pure relationship between the army and civilian government unlike urs where the PM doesnt have any idea what the army is doing

So you accep

So you accept whatever Musharaf says. He also says Pakistan won Kargil war. So then it is settled we won the Kargil war.
Mussy is your general, we dont care what he says now. It was u guys who bring him when u want .....
Still your army defied an elected prime minister who wanted to settle a useless military adventure.

Isn't it strange that when your army defies an elected government it was coordination and when our army defies they control every thing.

So you accept whatever Musharaf says. He also says Pakistan won Kargil war. So then it is settled we won the Kargil war.

As far as I am concerned you could say that 1971 was the grandest victory of all for Pak! I dont think India should care. One of the reasons (and your politicians have mentioned it too) the world is scared of Pak nukes is their mindset. Not the actuals arms since several others have. Same applies to NK but to a lesser extent.

Why do you think Kargil occured? Because you were (mis)using the nuclear shield. People have even come up with scenarios where some mad Pak general is threatening n. war if Kashmir not handed over to them. Remember US-SU had a detente but the basis was rationality. Desire to live. As the world has now come to understand that your ideology actually ENCOURAGES you to die for your cause so we can't scare you with anything (death being the ultimate punishment)! Right? And given the lure of the 72 virgins in "heaven" along with the sexual repression, ban on drinks etc. etc., when you can't get in this life what you want; hey if I were you I would do the same! Be a suicide bomber. Kill several birds with one stone. Get the 72 reward, contribute towards the ideological demands I have been drilled into me ever since I was born (look at the the curricula of your schools), get rid of Kafirs (being defined more and more finely with even Shias as Kafirs), the list goes on and on ......

I hope you can see why the world would prefer you did not have the fingers on the nuclear button.
Still your army defied an elected prime minister who wanted to settle a useless military adventure..
The word "defied" is not the correct word to use.Gov. just asked to vacate the positions.Army gave a valid reason that it will be a strategic blunder and demanded some gurantees.This cannot be termed as "defying the gov."
Isn't it strange that when your army defies an elected government it was coordination and when our army defies they control every thing.
Dont compare India with Pakistan.There is no parallel bw the two incidents hppened in the two countries.Musharraf openly made a mockery of your constitution and throwing the democratically elected gov. and this article is based on a book and the author has just some sensalionist words to promote the book.Nothign wrong in that.
IK Gujral was the biggest moron of the century

He ended RAW operations in all surrounding NAtions making a lot of enemies with organizations which were depending on our help...

He was a good man----Nawaz Sharif was his buddy---Nawaz would tell him all the pakistan millitary secrets---Gujrals wife was my uncle's patient when she use to visit england for her dental work.

Pakistan "issued" permission to foreign tourist without Indian consent when that area was not demarcated. And RAW found out, PA was procuring the high altitude gears from one company in London, which incidentally, was the only company supplying sophisticated equipments. This sowed a doubt in IA, and we see the results.
Had Pakistan not tried kargil, Siachen might have be demilitarised now, with tourist from both countries enjoying the benefit. Its really tough to imagine the life of Indian soldiers there. Its a hell. :(


You know what---damned if you do it and damned if you don't.
Before Pak action, India was sending its troop in every summers. Pak responded by send its own troops before you. So telme who started first?

Lol...! It was Indian area ...! We had build our bunkers and for 50 years was using it. Suddenly your country send soldiers, and tells internationally they are "terrorist" and refused to claim their own soldier bodies. It cant get so low than that for any soldier.
For me this news has substantiated two facts:

1. India is not at all a pure democracy and civilian rule as portrayed (especially by some idiots here in Pakistan)
2. Indian Military establishment is still in the driving seat when comes to foreign policy matters.

Little correction the military has its say in matters of national interest..not foreign policy..
How can your Army refuse orders of an elected prime minister?

Well this is not a dictatorship its Democracy every subject expert has the right in the decision making process. How can a politician who dose not know anything about the strategic importance be allowed to make a decision unilaterally ?

The military has and should have its say when it comes to such matters after all it is they who paid the price for securing the national interest.
Well this is not a dictatorship its Democracy every subject expert has the right in the decision making process. How can a politician who dose not know anything about the strategic importance be allowed to make a decision unilaterally ?

The military has and should have its say when it comes to such matters after all it is they who paid the price for securing the national interest.

Your military can suggest or tell their PoV, but in a democracy certainly they cant refuse an order of the PM who is elected by 700 million voters. Gujral was also holding the portfolio of the Foreign Minister then, so it must have worked on by Foreign ministry. Isn't it?
Your military can suggest or tell their PoV, but in a democracy certainly they cant refuse an order of the PM who is elected by 700 million voters. Gujral was also holding the portfolio of the Foreign Minister then, so it must have worked on by Foreign ministry. Isn't it?

As far as i understand the army hold the veto when it comes to matters of national interests, similarly other departments too hold a veto in matters of their expertise.. Just because somebody got elected with whatever no. of votes dose not make his decisions right..

I think u will also agree.. The environment ministry knows more about the environment than the prime ministers office so they have a veto when it comes to matters of their expertise..
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