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Shut Down to rebuild Pakistan !

Aukat set barh kay batain karnay lag gay hain yeh bachay ab :lol:
I think people gave enough qurbani for 100 days.

This didn't do any good for Imran, what will one day shut down do? Why should people believe of imran's "chance" this would bring change??

Khod be fareegh, dousrou ko bhi fareeg bana chatah hai (He's free himself, nothing to do in life, and wants to make others be free as well, so they lose jobs/income
I think people gave enough qurbani for 100 days.

This didn't do any good for Imran, what will one day shut down do? Why should people believe of imran's "chance" this would bring change??

Khod be fareegh, dousrou ko bhi fareeg bana chatah hai (He's free himself, nothing to do in life, and wants to make others be free as well, so they lose jobs/income

If they lose jobs or income, they should blame it on the government.
The government is fully responsible for not accepting Imran's reasonable requests.
The government has pushed Imran's back to the wall by not being fair, and not allowing a fair investigation.
Oh, I thought NS was purposely hindering the 'good work' done by PTI in KPK?!

You see--you guys pick and choose: Wherever PTI wins, all is good: CEc, Higher judiciary, bueracracy..and whenever/wherever PTI loses, it's some grand conspiracy.

IK has/had a golden chance to prove himself in KPK--much like what Modi had in Gujarat for a decade up to 2014. But Modi, despite all the controversies around him, came from a background (a road-side tea-seller's son?) where Modi was REQUIRED to be challenged, tested, stressed. That forces a person to use his brain. And brain can be like muscles--use it or lose it.

Get my drift about Prince Imran Khan?!

oh finally you are out of your hide-hole... and here you come with a stupid stupid argument... these are provincial portfolios, how exactly federal can hinder? they are were they can, like the hydro projects that need federal approval are being denied, due share of money is being held.

PTI is proving itself to be worthy in KP, thats why KP is rapidly improving, and people there happy !
If they lose jobs or income, they should blame it on the government.
The government is fully responsible for not accepting Imran's reasonable requests.
The government has pushed Imran's back to the wall by not being fair, and not allowing a fair investigation.
stop quoting me jerk

I don't like some internet follower who goes around sniffing *** *** **** on forums and quoting me for every post.

Get a life.
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I have avoided writing about politics so far because I wanted the trajectory of event to prove my points.

1. Federal Govt and Pakistan Army are totally aligned at this point. The 'old guard' (Gen Pasha etc...) have lost the game and so have their rented assets (midget politicians, tanga parties, and suck-up media outlets).

2. This is the right time to encash the dividend of Pakistan's policies. Decision-makers are not in the mood to patronize anarchists. Politics of agitation is an orphan with dwindling support.

3. 93 PTI candidates lost their elections deposits, 40 seats were not contested at all. This makes 133 national assembly seats where PTI has nothing whatsoever to show. And yet they have gone from allegations about 4 assembly seats to making a case for having election stolen from them. People who do not see irony in this are self-made fools. Even worse are the ones who are quoting PPP politicians to 'strengthen' the case for 'stolen' elections. What else can PPP say? Does anyone think that PPP is going to own its pitiful performance and accept a much-deserved electoral defeat? Yesterday Raja Pervez Ashraf aka Raja Rental made allegations of electoral fraud, even though he lost by a margin of more than 60,000 votes. This is the season for complaining and why would anyone be left behind?

4. PTI kids ever-clueless are reduced to parroting lies and propaganda - knowing full well that PTI ship is sinking slowly. This is what PTI-sympathizers had been crying about. Had PTI-boys been something more than mere bots, this disastrous course of blunders could have been averted. IK is no politicians, and has shown that he can not grow into being one either. Fortunes of PTI will show this yet.

5. The only way to save PTI is for IK to stop making more blunders and focus solely on party reorganization and governance in KPK. This is what he should have done in any case. I sense that SMQ's Mil-contacts have used him to have the whole of PTI fall for a maddening own-tail-chase. Can any PTI-bot show what PTI has accomplished by this strategy?

6. If you have not the foresight and strength of character to over-turn disastrous decision-making, then you are no asset to PTI, but are instead a liability. All foul-mouthed PTI trolls have done a dis-service to their party, to their senseless leader, to their cause, and ultimately to Pakistan.

7. I feel totally vindicated about my stance that I took before Dharna madness. I had stated that all this jazz will come to nothing and that IK will not be able to shake PML-N government. NS has come out a winner through this. He may be glacial in general and be faulted for it; but here he has done right to be so. IK ran into a wall repeatedly and has nothing to show for it. NS is sitting pretty in his seat and enjoying the show now. PTI is no more a threat, but merely a nuisance.

Good going bots. Now I predict that instead of any hint of introspection, PTI-bots will deny everything and go through a round of name calling and allegation-making.

There are things about Pakistan's politics that 99.9% of current PTI supporters do not understand. That is why from heady highs of August, they are reduced to a reactionary, angry, bunch who live in Denial-stan. This is what they deserve. Good for them.

Latest from Usman Manzoor, who used to be a fervent PTI-supporter - this is my source for information regarding point #3 about PTI's loss of Assembly seats:

I have avoided writing about politics so far because I wanted the trajectory of event to prove my points.

1. Federal Govt and Pakistan Army are totally aligned at this point. The 'old guard' (Gen Pasha etc...) have lost the game and so have their rented assets (midget politicians, tanga parties, and suck-up media outlets).

2. This is the right time to encash the dividend of Pakistan's policies. Decision-makers are not in the mood to patronize anarchists. Politics of agitation is an orphan with dwindling support.

3. 93 PTI candidates lost their elections deposits, 40 seats were not contested at all. This makes 133 national assembly seats where PTI has nothing whatsoever to show. And yet they have gone from allegations about 4 assembly seats to making a case for having election stolen from them. People who do not see irony in this are self-made fools. Even worse are the ones who are quoting PPP politicians to 'strengthen' the case for 'stolen' elections. What else can PPP say? Does anyone think that PPP is going to own its pitiful performance and accept a much-deserved electoral defeat? Yesterday Raja Pervez Ashraf aka Raja Rental made allegations of electoral fraud, even though he lost by a margin of more than 60,000 votes. This is the season for complaining and why would anyone be left behind?

4. PTI kids ever-clueless are reduced to parroting lies and propaganda - knowing full well that PTI ship is sinking slowly. This is what PTI-sympathizers had been crying about. Had PTI-boys been something more than mere bots, this disastrous course of blunders could have been averted. IK is no politicians, and has shown that he can not grow into being one either. Fortunes of PTI will show this yet.

5. The only way to save PTI is for IK to stop making more blunders and focus solely on party reorganization and governance in KPK. This is what he should have done in any case. I sense that SMQ's Mil-contacts have used him to have the whole of PTI fall for a maddening own-tail-chase. Can any PTI-bot show what PTI has accomplished by this strategy?

6. If you have not the foresight and strength of character to over-turn disastrous decision-making, then you are no asset to PTI, but are instead a liability. All foul-mouthed PTI trolls have done a dis-service to their party, to their senseless leader, to their cause, and ultimately to Pakistan.

7. I feel totally vindicated about my stance that I took before Dharna madness. I had stated that all this jazz will come to nothing and that IK will not be able to shake PML-N government. NS has come out a winner through this. He may be glacial in general and be faulted for it; but here he has done right to be so. IK ran into a wall repeatedly and has nothing to show for it. NS is sitting pretty in his seat and enjoying the show now. PTI is no more a threat, but merely a nuisance.

Good going bots. Now I predict that instead of any hint of introspection, PTI-bots will deny everything and go through a round of name calling and allegation-making.

There are things about Pakistan's politics that 99.9% of current PTI supporters do not understand. That is why from heady highs of August, they are reduced to a reactionary, angry, bunch who live in Denial-stan. This is what they deserve. Good for them.

Latest from Usman Manzoor, who used to be a fervent PTI-supporter - this is my source for information regarding point #3 about PTI's loss of Assembly seats:

you're alive!

Regarding point 3, a lot of blame goes to current PTI followers. They support Imran no matter what. If they didn't turn blind eye and questioned or suggested a different approach, or compromise, things would be much better.

For example, 5/6 demands were met. But Imran kept pursuing for resignation of Nawaz. Now PML is not as weak as before and hence will be less submissive.

On a final note, very surprising that PTI claimed to sweep nation or form majority when 1/3 seats were not even contested. I suppose they really thought they'd win some 200 seats easily. Maybe it was all planned? Maybe Imran wanted the short cut route. He could've become CM of KP and show an example there, but instead choose to sit in NA, where he wasn't even the "official" opposition.
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If IK alone is going against it to fix the system PROVES he is NOT a man of status quo while rest of the parties are. THAT is why I support him. Rest assured, on a personal level, I DO HATE HIM! :D

Over all a good post. And I am pleasantly surprised to see your post.
Quoted part: Status quo? For your information, every new university built, every bridge built, every $ investment, every increase in stock market, every law passed in parliament, every .... ARE an indications that things are moving forward--however slower.

Pakistan doesn't have a status quo! The 2013 transfer to power from civilian-to-civilian govt was something still NOT achievable by many strife plagued countries of the world.

Pakistan has managed to achieve quite a bit since 1947. In fact, through the 80's, Pakistan's growth trajectory was matching India's, if not was higher. You guys keep repeating 'status quo' as if Pakistan is a silent graveyard full of beggars sitting on the grounds year around. That is not true!

Yes, political parties are immature but I am certain that due to the free press, free judiciary, and a vibrant NGO community things in Pakistan can only go better--if only political stability is allowed.

Let 2018 come! It is very possible that IK does get a clear majority then. NS has only two options: Deliver or lose. Either case Pakistan will have advanced to the next stage of political evolution.
Over all a good post. And I am pleasantly surprised to see your post.
Quoted part: Status quo? For your information, every new university built, every bridge built, every $ investment, every increase in stock market, every law passed in parliament, every .... ARE an indications that things are moving forward--however slower.

Pakistan doesn't have a status quo! The 2013 transfer to power from civilian-to-civilian govt was something still NOT achievable by many strife plagued countries of the world.

Pakistan has managed to achieve quite a bit since 1947. In fact, through the 80's, Pakistan's growth trajectory was matching India's, if not was higher. You guys keep repeating 'status quo' as if Pakistan is a silent graveyard full of beggars sitting on the grounds year around. That is not true!

Yes, political parties are immature but I am certain that due to the free press, free judiciary, and a vibrant NGO community things in Pakistan can only go better--if only political stability is allowed.

Let 2018 come! It is very possible that IK does get a clear majority then. NS has only two options: Deliver or lose. Either case Pakistan will have advanced to the next stage of political evolution.
only problem i have is that govt takes alot of loans,not ideal plus work needs to be done on education and health not on metros,govt policies are CRAP will only lead to our downfall.
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