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Shut Down to rebuild Pakistan !

stop quoting me jerk

I don't like some internet follower who goes around sniffing *** *** **** on forums and quoting me for every post.

Get a life.

Get a life? How can I when my homeland has been taken over by PMLN Gullu Butts like you? :omghaha:

Oh, and I am going to quote you as and when I please. The dharnas have taught me not to take orders from people like you! I am not scared of your big moustache and your pot belly, Gullu Butt!

P.S. I am not following you. Say something silly, and I will respond. It's a public forum, and you don't give orders. Deal with it.
you're alive!

Regarding point 3, a lot of blame goes to current PTI followers. They support Imran no matter what. If they didn't turn blind eye and questioned or suggested a different approach, or compromise, things would be much better.

Chak is alive and I am out of my 'hide hole' :)

Some more regarding#3; EVEN Hassan Nisar--a strong PTI supporter--had initially conceded defeat due to candidate selections by PTI; he is probably back-paddling. A lot of PTI supporters are back-paddling to make their case. Actually, they are not back-paddling: Just splashing around.

only problem i have is that govt takes alot of loans,not ideal plus work needs to be done on education and health not on metros,govt policies are CRAP will only lead to our downfall.

I don't know much about economy to comment on that. But I am certain that this govt is doing much better than the previous PPP govt.
Modi wants Pakistan shut down too... is also a PTI supporter and Imran Khan fan.

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You'll be surprised at how fully operational Pakistan will be on the 18th of December, 2014. As a matter of fact I welcome you to come watch how pathetic Imran Khan is about to make himself look in the coming weeks....an anti-Pakistan airhead making promises he can't keep, taking actions he can't justify and talking to idiots who will only realize they've been taken for fools once they hit puberty.

Pakistan will be open for business as usual.

Indians hate Imran khan more than Mushi :D

A nation is what its people are. It is not a complete separate entity to view it as something else.
By shutting down Pakistan, it surely means shutting down its population their daily activities, its system of governance.. meaning the public offices which are there to serve people which includes the local village office to the highest office , that is parliament and its functionaries and sub functionaries paralyzing the system and paralyzing the population.

The change if any has to be on the basis of people to people movement and the change has to come from inside the people as they make up the nation.
The disruptions of government and its daily activities and the frequent statements like "If I become PM , i will do this , I will do that .....is not at all related to great leaders.
A leader is not made out of chaos,anarchy and disruptions, but is born through popularity by his actions,words and should be ethical , objective, fair and reasonable.

Good leaders will make you feel safe, not scare you.

These constant dharnas and shutdowns in the long run will only drain the economy and create a practice of anarchy inside political circles in the coming years.

If by fate, IK becomes PM .. the opposition may do the same ... as getting a few people to gather and do the same is not so hard in the subcontinent.

Yes, as an Indian its none of my business. But this is a general statement holding true not only to Pakistan but also to India and even for state governments inside India.

Political ethics, the practice of making moral judgements about political action and political agents needs to be reinvented here.

Nawaz and zardari dont have balls to stay in some container for long maximum they can do again PTI if PTI comes in power is they can only use negative propaganda and religious sentiments against PTI ..

people opposing Imran khan's Shut down call are those Munafa khor harami traders who are enjoying under the rule of NOORA looting whole nation with both hand oil prices are down you will never see effect of oil prices on Most of commodities available in market this country is dependent on foreign remittances and loans only no industrial base few exports , Farmers committing suicides middle man and traders not paying money to farmers this is how this country is being run and still few fan boys of noora who are impressed with the glorified round about fly over and a metro bus opposing this movement against the Royal Noora class .
I don't know much about economy to comment on that. But I am certain that this govt is doing much better than the previous PPP govt.
dude can you also compare amount of loan taken by these two govt and you will realize how dirty shit is down here,there is a reason educated people in PK hate PMLN and PPP
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