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Shut Down to rebuild Pakistan !

Oh, I thought NS was purposely hindering the 'good work' done by PTI in KPK?!

You see--you guys pick and choose: Wherever PTI wins, all is good: CEc, Higher judiciary, bueracracy..and whenever/wherever PTI loses, it's some grand conspiracy.

IK has/had a golden chance to prove himself in KPK--much like what Modi had in Gujarat for a decade up to 2014. But Modi, despite all the controversies around him, came from a background (a road-side tea-seller's son?) where Modi was REQUIRED to be challenged, tested, stressed. That forces a person to use his brain. And brain can be like muscles--use it or lose it.

Get my drift about Prince Imran Khan?!
He's a PTI worker. Except words as such. And also expect him to hear from one hear and throw from the other if you commit blashemy (talking against Imran)
He's a PTI worker. Except words as such. And also expect him to hear from one hear and throw from the other if you commit blashemy (talking against Imran)
I have nothing against you even when you criticize IK 24/7. He is not a saint, so just chill!

Get my drift about Prince Imran Khan?!

IK has/had a golden chance to prove himself in KPK--much like what Modi had in Gujarat for a decade up to 2014. But Modi, despite all the controversies around him, came from a background (a road-side tea-seller's son?) where Modi was REQUIRED to be challenged, tested, stressed. That forces a person to use his brain. And brain can be like muscles--use it or lose it.
IK is not BOUND to follow in footsteps of Modi. While Modi is the man of status quo, IK is not. Your rants against him proves that you too believe IK is doing all this just to become PM for 4 years. Honestly, do you actually believe that's gonna make Naya Pakistan or bring change as IK has promised? Of course NOT!
I have nothing against you even when you criticize IK 24/7. He is not a saint, so just chill!

IK is not BOUND to follow in footsteps of Modi. While Modi is the man of status quo, IK is not. Your rants against him proves that you too believe IK is doing all this just to become PM for 4 years. Honestly, do you actually believe that's gonna make Naya Pakistan or bring change as IK has promised? Of course NOT!
Because I'm not a pml worker, voter or praiser.

All you people just say if someone doesn't give full support to Imran, he's supporter of Nawaz.

Oh and i don't post about pml songs, propaganda material, their jalsa and so forth.
Because I'm not a pml worker, voter or praiser.

All you people just say if someone doesn't give full support to Imran, he's supporter of Nawaz.

Oh and i don't post about pml songs, propaganda material, their jalsa and so forth.

To be honest with you, ME TOO hate IK. This man has a childish behaviour of a 12-year old. His speeches are disgusting and full of controversies. If I am not wrong, he is a dreamer and all his dreams have come true in his lifetime. He wanted to become a world class cricketer, marry someone he loved, make a cancer hospital for the poor in his country etc. All these dreams came true in time without many obstacles. This made him overconfident into believing in his dream of Naya-Pakistan which he began dreaming 18 years ago.
Since then, he has failed miserably in fulfilling this grand dream because dumb, idiot and stupid people of Pakistan were not match to his political ideology. He was talking about Muslim Welfare state and Universal Justice, a radical message which just flew by miles over the heads of majority supporters in PPP and PMLN. Then came martial law which brought same old political parties back to power.
People of Pakistan were fed up by this and wanted change, real change as Imran Khan dreamt of in 1996. Everyone was happy that it could happen through ballot box as many times tried and tested PMLN / PPP had failed to deliver after being in power for decades.
Yet election 2013 was a shocker. IK initially accepted the results as Pakistan was plagued by terrorism and internal political turmoil back then. But he never accepted rigging and always wanted to probe open 4 constituencies he knew were rigged in favor of PMLN.
He went to parliament, tribunal courts and everywhere else justice could be found. When all doors of justice were shut on him, ONLY then he went back to public and started this dharna drama that you hate and oppose. So IK's methods are undoubtedly childish and immature but his demands are not. Rigging SHOULD not be tolerated in any democratic society because it clearly is daylight theft of people's right to elect their own leaders.
If IK alone is going against it to fix the system PROVES he is NOT a man of status quo while rest of the parties are. THAT is why I support him. Rest assured, on a personal level, I DO HATE HIM! :D
Two shutdown dates gone, yet no shutdown. I thought he did so massive jalsa in lahore, he could do some thing. But looks like PTI is loosing here. The shutdown calls probably means shutdown PTI
Two shutdown dates gone, yet no shutdown. I thought he did so massive jalsa in lahore, he could do some thing. But looks like PTI is loosing here. The shutdown calls probably means shutdown PTI
Did you read about the evidence Imran gave to court? "I've no evidence, it's all in ballots, open them." Yeah we will have thousands of people come in and say "we've no evidence, open ballots" and hope for slightest excuse of rigging so they can have re election. Example, PPP ex prime minister said PPP would've won the majority if PML didn't do rigging. All of these losers are quite sour and to hide their failure, they sit behind rigging.

This guy is long gone. He wasted such a good opposition to do better for Pakistan. He could've forced gov't to implement e-voting, overseas voting, taking heavy part in appointments of NAB, CEC and the list goes on.

What he needed to do, he did not. All he did was beg for Nawaz's resignation, which even Qadri patriotic supporters couldn't achieve.
Pakistan will be open for business as usual.

Yeah it is open for business and with supporters like you, will b open for business but a different type - business based on corruption, fraud and lies.

Only a terrorist like Altaf Hussain do a proper shut down. Then person like you does not and wont dare to say - Karachi is open for business.
Did you read about the evidence Imran gave to court? "I've no evidence, it's all in ballots, open them." Yeah we will have thousands of people come in and say "we've no evidence, open ballots" and hope for slightest excuse of rigging so they can have re election. Example, PPP ex prime minister said PPP would've won the majority if PML didn't do rigging. All of these losers are quite sour and to hide their failure, they sit behind rigging.

Did you not read about the fifteen witnesses of the rigging that Imran presented in court, after the court's request to him to bring witnesses? Only four witnesses are needed to get someone stoned for adultery, so this is more than enough evidence merely to open the ballot bags for a proper investigation.

When nobody in Pakistan denies that lots of rigging took place, and demonstrations against rigging took place on polling day, and the former additional secretary of the ECP publically stated that lots of rigging took place, and the ballot bags so far opened show clear signs of rigging and gross incompetence, and then on top of that Imran can bring fifteen eyewitnesses testifying that they saw rigging take place....after all this, what could be more reasonable than Imran Khan's request that ballot bags be opened and a fair audit carried out?
My advise to IK is to use the proper forum "national assembly" to bring his change and not disrupt the economic revival of Pakistan. We have already seen too many problems, now that we are hearing good news on all fronts on regular basis, don't create a new crisis. If a million people show in your rallies, than there are millions others which don't.

Remember, if you start this trend of black mailing an elected government, then tomorrow someone else will try the same technique on you too. Our political system has not been perfect and there are a lot of things that need improvement, but improvements are not brought by burning down the whole building and starting from scratch, because that is an evil never ending cycle. Let the system run, let it gat roots, let there be a second consecutive democratic handover of government without involvement of military.

Our system is still very immature, let it mature. show some maturity and show some patience, use national assembly for your change.
Did you not read about the fifteen witnesses of the rigging that Imran presented in court, after the court's request to him to bring witnesses? Only four witnesses are needed to get someone stoned for adultery, so this is more than enough evidence merely to open the ballot bags for a proper investigation.

When nobody in Pakistan denies that lots of rigging took place, and demonstrations against rigging took place on polling day, and the former additional secretary of the ECP publically stated that lots of rigging took place, and the ballot bags so far opened show clear signs of rigging and gross incompetence, and then on top of that Imran can bring fifteen eyewitnesses testifying that they saw rigging take place....after all this, what could be more reasonable than Imran Khan's request that ballot bags be opened and a fair audit carried out?

My advise to IK is to use the proper forum "national assembly" to bring his change and not disrupt the economic revival of Pakistan. We have already seen too many problems, now that we are hearing good news on all fronts on regular basis, don't create a new crisis. If a million people show in your rallies, than there are millions others which don't.

Remember, if you start this trend of black mailing an elected government, then tomorrow someone else will try the same technique on you too. Our political system has not been perfect and there are a lot of things that need improvement, but improvements are not brought by burning down the whole building and starting from scratch, because that is an evil never ending cycle. Let the system run, let it gat roots, let there be a second consecutive democratic handover of government without involvement of military.

Our system is still very immature, let it mature. show some maturity and show some patience, use national assembly for your change.
Well said.

If Imran becomes PM, will Nawaz let him have a good time? PML and it's allies won't let laws be passed in senate, where they'd be forming majority soon.

Democracy didn't come to England or US in one day. It took centuries.
Leading a country is huge responsibility ..There is no place for selfish motives ..Sacrifice is needed to build better society not to corrupt it further ..Imran khan can wait for another three years polishing his unsophisticated skills ...He is sowing unrest for future in already fragile society ..He is making sure that in future even he becomes PM dharnas will be day today affairs ..Nawaaz is now forced to justify his governance and doing it well ..He is best bet for time being ..Rather than taking it to extreme imran khan should show maturity for sake of nation
Leading a country is huge responsibility ..There is no place for selfish motives ..Sacrifice is needed to build better society not to corrupt it further ..Imran khan can wait for another three years polishing his unsophisticated skills ...He is sowing unrest for future in already fragile society ..He is making sure that in future even he becomes PM dharnas will be day today affairs ..Nawaaz is now forced to justify his governance and doing it well ..He is best bet for time being ..Rather than taking it to extreme imran khan should show maturity for sake of nation
It's quite good for nation in some ways. Sure it damaged economy by large, but it also pushes PML to do more. Nawaz now attends parliament sessions. The cabinet is working harder and faster. People will get the good news faster, but at greater expense. For example, it'd be cheaper to make so and so plant in 2 years, but due to dharna, PML has to shift more funds to finish it in one year.

So there is damage, there is progress.
Lol there will be no shut down. One of my friend is a good friend with the head of traders organization in Faisalabad, basically all the big names like Sitara, rajput brothers, wasif and sons, they are all business friendly. Khan can never shut Pakistan down and here's a simple answer. The stock market sky rocketed the minute nawaz sharif came into power. What does that tell us? Business community isnt interested in imran khans bullshit.
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