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Shukrayaan-1: India's proposed Venus mission attracts international payload proposals.

Astronomers on Monday said they have found a potential sign of life high in the atmosphere of neighboring Venus.

Scientists said the atmosphere of Venus contains a gas that on Earth can be attributed to living organisms -- a discovery the head of NASA called "the most significant development yet" in the hunt for extraterrestrial life.

With new signs of potential life beyond Earth, many missions to Venus have been proposed, but only time will tell if they make the trip.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) has already proposed a mission to Venus dubbed ‘Shukrayaan-1’, which will orbit the planet and focus on the chemistry of its atmosphere.

“The mission will launch in 2023 or after,” Isro chairman K Sivan had said earlier this year.

Read: Why Chandrayaan-2 is pause and proceed moment for Isro

A private company in New Zealand, which has launched about a dozen rockets to space, has also spoken about sending a small satellite to Venus, stated The New York Times in a report on Venus.

The report added that NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) had also considered a number of Venus proposals in the past decade, including two in 2017 that were finalists of NASA’s Discovery program. But the agency instead selected a pair of asteroid missions, the NYT report added.

The Discovery programme previously sent explorers to the moon, Mars, Mercury.

Read: Beyond Chandrayaan 2

In 2017, NASA for the New Frontiers competition considered a Venus mission called Venus In situ Composition Investigations, or VICI, which sought to put two landers on the planet’s surface.

Two Venus spacecraft, DAVINCI+ and VERITAS, are also competing against proposed missions to Neptune’s moon Triton or Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io.

“We should also recognise that Venus is a planetary destination we can reach with smaller missions as well,” Thomas Zurbuchen, the head of NASA’s science mission directorate, was quoted as saying by the NYT.

Why calling out this shame trolling? U can not handle the truth? :rofl::rofl:

constantly used? How many launches do you do a year? 3?

Oops I forgot only 1 this year.:rofl::rofl:

go Wikipedia how many launches China do per year
This thread is for Shukrayaan-1 not for comparison between ISRO and CNSA. So stop trolling.

This thread is meant for updates and discussions related to it not for cheap trolling.
@WebMaster please handle this troll.
Put this money to better use, like building toilets.

Money spent on ISRO money has been very profitable. Materials and technology created in that program has given us things like heart stents. We now earn a huge amount of foreign exchange from patients coming from neighboring countries for angioplasty. Maybe if you had a space program, you would also have been making heart stents and your countrymen would not be coming to India for health reasons.
Money spent on ISRO money has been very profitable. Materials and technology created in that program has given us things like heart stents. We now earn a huge amount of foreign exchange from patients coming from neighboring countries for angioplasty. Maybe if you had a space program, you would also have been making heart stents and your countrymen would not be coming to India for health reasons.

Baba, fix the basics first. My countrymen who go to India return to BD to find toilet.
Baba, fix the basics first. My countrymen who go to India return to BD to find toilet.
India’s sanitation coverage has reached 100% whereas no such data for 2020 is available for Bangladesh. And if you have so many toilets then what is so special then? Why posting off topic BS? This thread is for Shukrayaan-1 not for Toilets.
Gomutro should be name.
Why not Camel mutro in Bangladesh :p?
India’s sanitation coverage has reached 100% whereas no such data for 2020 is available for Bangladesh. And if you have so many toilets then what is so special then? Why posting off topic BS? This thread is for Shukrayaan-1 not for Toilets.

Don't tell me I am the only one who finds it ridiculous that with a GDP per capita of $1800 you are wasting outrageous amounts of money to send these shabby crafts to space whereas Westerners and Japan are pumping billions in aid to help your poor masses. It's no surprise the donors are pissed as much as anyone else.
India’s sanitation coverage has reached 100% whereas no such data for 2020 is available for Bangladesh. And if you have so many toilets then what is so special then? Why posting off topic BS? This thread is for Shukrayaan-1 not for Toilets.

Why not Camel mutro in Bangladesh :p?

100 % open defecation free ? Dont rely on govt stats or Modi slogans. Just wake up around 4 Am and go to railway lines near station. You will know the reality.
And yes some progress is made but nothing near 100% lol
Don't tell me I am the only one who finds it ridiculous that with a GDP per capita of $1800 you are wasting outrageous amounts of money to send these shabby crafts to space whereas Westerners and Japan are pumping billions in aid to help your poor masses. It's no surprise the donors are pissed as much as anyone else.
Thats why I said you bots come here for trolling instead of contributing in the thread, you are just violating the forum rules. Your sole aim is to troll and to derail the thread. Just read the upper thread to gain knowledge.

India’s ISRO earns money by sending foreign satellites snd payloads. So if government spends 100 million dollars in a mission it earns more than that because of foreign payloads being carried in the same rocket.

Bangladesh’s GDP Per capita is just 10$ more than us. So what?

Space tech is a necessary aspect and your mindset of give everything to poor will only make your country a communist ideological country.

Which communist government has developed on world stages if you see in history? Even China just has a communist ideology government but their country is capitalist. Why is China sending payloads to space? For fun?

Grow up!
At least we are working on it to make it better and almost 100% of rural sanitation has been achieved. Obviously it will become better in a few years more.
India’s ISRO earns money by sending foreign satellites snd payloads. So if government spends 100 million dollars in a mission it earns more than that because of foreign payloads being carried in the same rocket.

Just because you say so? Where's your data?

Bangladesh’s GDP Per capita is just 10$ more than us. So what?


Space tech is a necessary aspect and your mindset of give everything to poor will only make your country a communist ideological country.

It's a hobby for the elites. No use for the average Indian lacking sanitation and other needs.

Which communist government has developed on world stages if you see in history? Even China just has a communist ideology government but their country is capitalist. Why is China sending payloads to space? For fun?

Chinese HDI is light years ahead. They got their priorities right.

At least we are working on it to make it better and almost 100% of rural sanitation has been achieved. Obviously it will become better in a few years more.

Read post #26 by an Indian member. Even your countrymen don't agree.
Which communist government has developed on world stages if you see in history? Even China just has a communist ideology government but their country is capitalist. Why is China sending payloads to space? For fun?

It's not ideology. At least not directly.

USSR. Went from horse carts to spacecraft in 30 years (1927-1957).

China. Went from horse carts to spacecraft in 25 years (1949-1974).

India went from horse cart to still horse cart in 30 years (1947-1977).

Don't blame ideology, clearly some people were doing it right.
Lol Nice bragging.

Flies go to dirty places as you suggested, they land on “sh*t in India” as it is dirty so you are saying that Pakistan as a whole is a big piece of sh*t thats why flies and mosquitos come to Pakistan.

this is why Indians are behind. when someone offers constructive criticism you dismiss it as being bragging. South Korea went from illiteracy to being a top tier producer of semiconductors in 40 years too while India does not even have a 1990's level commercial foundry. Even India's R&D foundry is about equal to 1990's process tech.

the reality is, Russia, China and South Korea all admitted they were behind, paid the price and swallowed their pride (did you know Stalin hired Ford executives to teach management science). Then applied what they learned to their national strengths.
this is why Indians are behind. when someone offers constructive criticism you dismiss it as being bragging. South Korea went from illiteracy to being a top tier producer of semiconductors in 40 years too while India does not even have a 1990's level commercial foundry. Even India's R&D foundry is about equal to 1990's process tech.

the reality is, Russia, China and South Korea all admitted they were behind, paid the price and swallowed their pride (did you know Stalin hired Ford executives to teach management science). Then applied what they learned to their national strengths.
We are doing our best as India has always been under corrupt politicians, it’s only current government dedicated towards India’s betterment. So we Indians feel that our development started in 2014 not when we became indipendent.
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