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Shukrayaan-1: India's proposed Venus mission attracts international payload proposals.

Naah, I think it's because we let the sewage go directly to Indus flowing to pakistan, our shit enriches your country I guess.

Shit enriches.?.... really ?.. is that what rss Hindu scientists told you?
How strange- why are you offering any criticism of them when you guys were never as advanced as them when you were at the same GDP, rather you were busy stealing copy-pasting from others while they(India) work towards self-reliance through legal efforts. Stop being so triggered by them, wu mao.
Shit enriches.?.... really ?.. is that what rss Hindu scientists told you?
You won’t become cool or intellectual using words like BJP, RSS, Hindutva, Modi, Fascism, Sanghi, Bhakt etc.
You pakistani trolls spam these a lot thinking you become instant coolie. No you’re not!

You won’t become cool or intellectual using words like BJP, RSS, Hindutva, Modi, Fascism, Sanghi, Bhakt etc.
You pakistani trolls spam these a lot thinking you become instant coolie. No you’re not!


cool RSS hendooo boobies think cow piss drinking is good for health. me think y are educated in the same school

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar drinks cow urine every day

There is no comprehensive scientific evidence of any medicinal benefits of doing this
Published: September 12, 2020 09:50AFP


Akshay KumarImage Credit: Instagram/akshaykumar

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has revealed that he drinks cow urine daily, joining a growing number of Indians who believe it has medicinal benefits - including against the coronavirus.

Kumar is considered a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party, which has earmarked millions of dollars for research into products using bovine waste to cure diseases like diabetes and cancer.

There is no comprehensive scientific evidence of any medicinal benefits, but several politicians from Modi's right-wing ruling party have advocated using the dung and urine to cure coronavirus.

"I was too excited to be worried. I have cow urine because of ayurvedic reasons every day, so that was okay," Kumar said on a social media live chat posted Thursday.

https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/boll ... 9889982063
How strange- why are you offering any criticism of them when you guys were never as advanced as them when you were at the same GDP, rather you were busy stealing copy-pasting from others while they(India) work towards self-reliance through legal efforts. It's just some news about their space program- Stop being so triggered by them, wu mao.

You know facts have a way of being inconvenient. When China was a 3 trillion economy, its space program was far backward than where India is today at 3 Trillion. And today, you are 5x in GDP, and still, you are far, far backward in your space program compared to the US and can't achieve most of your advances without stealing from others.

When was India a 3T USD economy?

When did India work for self reliance? India openly ignores pharma patents and those are actual legal patents, not just hearsay. It is why many Indian pharma companies are banned from the US.

China already had a man in space when it was a 3T USD economy.

cool RSS hendooo boobies think cow piss drinking is good for health. me think y are educated in the same school

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar drinks cow urine every day

There is no comprehensive scientific evidence of any medicinal benefits of doing this
Published: September 12, 2020 09:50AFP


Akshay KumarImage Credit: Instagram/akshaykumar

Bollywood star Akshay Kumar has revealed that he drinks cow urine daily, joining a growing number of Indians who believe it has medicinal benefits - including against the coronavirus.

Kumar is considered a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party, which has earmarked millions of dollars for research into products using bovine waste to cure diseases like diabetes and cancer.

There is no comprehensive scientific evidence of any medicinal benefits, but several politicians from Modi's right-wing ruling party have advocated using the dung and urine to cure coronavirus.

"I was too excited to be worried. I have cow urine because of ayurvedic reasons every day, so that was okay," Kumar said on a social media live chat posted Thursday.

https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/boll ... 9889982063
Butt hurt pakistanis have nothing else except barking like dogs.
Enjoy camel urine. With your gernails at SUPARCO, we are sending our man in space next year, while your gernails at SUPARCO would be busy selling pizzas.
When was India a 3T USD economy?

When did India work for self reliance? India openly ignores pharma patents, and those are actual legal patents, not just hearsay. It is why many Indian pharma companies are banned from the US.

China already had a man in space when it was a 3T USD economy.

Are you saying India has done all of this at under 3T GDP? Boy, that sure makes you Chinese look more backward than I had originally assumed when we compare apples to apples. India had a man in space at under 1T, and yet it is not about having a 'man in space.' It is about the far more mature space program than you Chinese had at the same GDP India is today.

What do you mean when did they worked for self-reliance lol. is everything imported in India? More Chinese companies are banned in the US than India, and many more are being banned from China.

American citizens agree with Indian Pharma companies that say after multiple extended periods AFTER a US pharma company is given an exclusive/original patent. Then extended on flimsy grounds to keep charging us exorbitant prices, Indian pharma companies will sell 'generic' versions at greatly affordable prices. There are still many Indian Pharm companies in the US.

I don't miss the irony that the Chinese are questioning patent integrity when they are well known for stealing IPs. Indians never stole the IP, they respected the patent period(s) but after multiple extensions said US pharma companies can't have patents in perpetuity.
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Are you saying India has done all of this at under 3T GDP? Boy, that sure makes you Chinese look more backward than I had originally assumed when we compare apples to apples. India had a man in space at under 1T, and yet it is not about having a 'man in space.' It is about the far more mature space program than you Chinese had at the same GDP India is today.

What do you mean when did they worked for self-reliance lol. is everything imported in India? More Chinese companies are banned in the US than India, and many more are being banned from China.

American citizens agree with Indian Pharma companies that say after multiple extended periods AFTER a US pharma company is given an exclusive/original patent. Then extended on flimsy grounds to keep charging us exorbitant prices, Indian pharma companies will sell 'generic' versions at greatly affordable prices. There are still many Indian Pharm companies in the US.

I don't miss the irony that the Chinese are questioning patent integrity when they are well known for stealing IPs. Indians never stole the IP, they respected the patent period(s) but after multiple extensions said US pharma companies can't have patents in perpetuity.

You sure know alot about India and get really agitated about India for an "American".
Lol Nice bragging.

Flies go to dirty places as you suggested, they land on “sh*t in India” as it is dirty so you are saying that Pakistan as a whole is a big piece of sh*t thats why flies and mosquitos come to Pakistan.
You're reported for insulting Pakistan, @LeGenD @krash @waz @BHarwana please take care of this guy, thanks
You sure know a lot about India and get really agitated about India for an "American."
You sure are against our American interests and values for a fella who chose to come live among us. I don't need to have in-depth knowledge of India to counter the incessant trolling of India by the Chinese here. My knowledge of China is equal in many regards - Google is my friend. India is our QUAD partner, and I have always said I am pro India.
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Good luck
What does this word mean? Sounds Arabic.

My guess is that's what they call Venus in their astrology lingo. It sounds similar to the 'Chandrayaan' or whatever it was so 'Chandra' = moon 'yaan' (if it were me it would be 'bound') knowing Indians its probably like box or something.
This thread is just dog eaters and Pajeets yelling at each other over who has the better space program LMFAO. Meanwhile both of their countries has so many people in poverty and starving. btw none of you guys can pollute Venus because the atmosphere is already too thick.
You know facts have a way of being inconvenient. When China was a 3 trillion economy, its space program was far backward than where India is today at 3 Trillion. And today, you are 5x in GDP, and still, you are far, far backward in your space program compared to the US and can't achieve most of your advances without stealing from others.

you are so full of bullshit

  • 2003 when we send a man to space, what was our GDP back then? 1.5 trillion

when are you going to do that?​

  • Long march 3b, leo 12 ton, beat your Mark III hands down, when was that? 1996. what was China GDP back then? 0.8 trillion

don't tell me you already had space travel in verdic times, then indeed you are way more advanced than us and we are indeed far backward than India :rofl::rofl:
you are so full of bullshit

  • 2003 when we send a man to space, what was our GDP back then? 1.5 trillion

when are you going to do that?​

  • Long march 3b, leo 12 ton, beat your Mark III hands down, when was that? 1996. what was China GDP back then? 0.8 trillion

don't tell me you already had space travel in verdic times, then indeed you are way more advanced than us and we are indeed far backward than India :rofl::rofl:

My space program beat yours by 60 years wu mao. Even with the 2nd highest GDP today, you are no way close to MY SPACE program; you are way way backward. :no: :no:

India sent their man in space in 1984 while china sent theirs first in 2003. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The development of the Long March 3B began in 1986 to meet the needs of the international GEO communications satellite market. During its maiden flight, on 14 February 1996 carrying the Intelsat 708 satellite, the rocket suffered a guidance failure two seconds into the flight and destroyed a nearby town:rolleyes1:
India sent their man in space in 1984 on a 1984 while it sent yours first in 2003. :rofl:
But in soviet/Russian rocket, China does it by their own
The development of the Long March 3B began in 1986 to meet the needs of the international GEO communications satellite market. During its maiden flight, on 14 February 1996 carrying the Intelsat 708 satellite, the rocket suffered a guidance failure two seconds into the flight and destroyed a nearby town:rolleyes1:
Accidents happened, and ISRO is not accident free organization, what so special about it

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