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Should Russia give Japan all Kuril Islands now?

Should Russia give Japan all Kuril Islands now?

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Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation


now where we won a huge chunk of new land from Ukraine, we should negotiate with japan giving them all 4 islands back in bargain of trade deals and infrastructure projects like oil/gas pipelines and a tunnel connecting Sakhalin and Hokkaido in support against western treats.

It would be a huge blow to Washington if their ally japan sides with us and doesnt go ahead with sanctions. Japan could replace many of the trade from the west together with already growing Chinese trade so sanctions become useless. China, Korea and Japan have huge economies they can easily replace western trade with Russia and make in fact better products than overpriced western ones. East Asian countries need oil, gas and other resources as well as food which Russia can deliver.

The remaining Russians living on these islands could be replaced to the other Kuril islands or they could stay in japan if japan will allows Russian language in this region.
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The simple answer is no.
Make it conditional on US leaving Japan as well. As long as there are US forces on the ground in Japan, Japan will remain subservient to it's imperial designs.
Now if you start to offer such things to Japan they will gladly say whatever you want to hear. That is we will invest in your economy, we won't follow US diktats etc.
But when it comes to real support it won't be there.


now where we won a huge chunk of new land from Ukraine, we should negotiate with japan giving them all 4 islands back in bargain of trade deals and infrastructure projects like oil/gas pipelines and a tunnel connecting Sakhalin and Hokkaido in support against western treats.

It would be a huge blow to Washington if their ally japan sides with us and doesnt go ahead with sanctions. Japan could replace many of the trade from the west together with already growing Chinese trade so sanctions become useless. China, Korea and Japan have huge economies they can easily replace western trade with Russia and make in fact better products than overpriced western ones. East Asian countries need oil, gas and other resources as well as food which Russia can deliver.

The remaining Russians living on these islands could be replaced to the other Kuril islands or they could stay in japan if japan will allows Russian language in this region.
if you dont care much about this island you would profit more from giving it to china they have much to offer
YES! Russia has to ally with Japan against China. Basically Russia, Japan, Turkey all have the goals in the region. Hemming in the Chin.
YES! Russia has to ally with Japan against China. Basically Russia, Japan, Turkey all have the goals in the region. Hemming in the Chin.
and leave the west the only superpower in the world so no one can say a word to them and they can take what they want what the world need is balance
Make deal with China, according to Japan-U.S military alliance Japanese can not stay with Russia together even given all 4x Northern islands.

1. U.S.A deploying in Japan since 1945 WWII, Japanese no power to kick them out.
2. Japan-U.S millitary alliance, Japanese can not abandon it.

If Russia give back all Northern islands to Japan, relations between Japan and U.S not changed. Japanese will ask more !
YES! Russia has to ally with Japan against China. Basically Russia, Japan, Turkey all have the goals in the region. Hemming in the Chin.

Puahahaha. No thanks. :tdown:

We dont cooperate with the fifht wheel of the NATO and western slaves.
You are crazy. Japan don't have the ball to stand up to the US.
As a compromise, Russia can give Habomai island to Japan. That will not be any strategic loss for Russia and at the same time it will be more than what Japan can bargain. Furthermore, and this will be some pronouncement of Japanese influence outside Us shadow. Japan needs that badly.

Having said that Japan and Russia have huge potentials for energy and technology cooperation. That will make Japan less dependent on ME and will provide alternative. Japanese investment in Russian far east could be better counter weight to unilateral Chinese influence and a new market.

This type of compromise between Japan and Russia will balance out power play in Asia Pacific.
Putin and Japanese Abe already sized up that opportunity. Question is when can Japan take some independent steps?

For China there is obvious implication. Same way Chinese proposal favored US and EU move in Ukraine, Russia sure can do the same in Pacific and South China sea. Taking the middle road.
YES! Russia has to ally with Japan against China. Basically Russia, Japan, Turkey all have the goals in the region. Hemming in the Chin.

Maybe Japan and China should team up and carpet-nuke the neo-Ottomans back into the stone age?
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