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Putin Looks to Asia as West threatens to isolate Russia

That river has an enormous amount of potential energy, if we did not harness it, that would be a huge waste.

Like I said, we have to harness ALL the internal energy sources that we can.

No exceptions.

Why would you think there would be any exceptions? And why did you mention that river in particular? Still going on with your obsessive theory that India is powerful enough to threaten us?

If the river starts in Chinese territory... we can do whatever we want with it, end of story.

you should ask your cpc officials. They are ones sensitive about that river for some reason. I mentioned it because you guys already build three gorges dam on Yangtze but did not hear any hydro projects on Brahmaputrah.
Surely multi-polar is better, since India is aspiring to become one of those poles (great powers)?

Well having a multi-polar world means that "other powers" (i.e. besides America) will get more of a say. Even if India resumes double-digit development, the global system is designed in a way that "developed countries" get more say in international bodies like the IMF (and those countries follow the US).

Even China today, our economy is $9.3 trillion and growing immensely, yet in the IMF we have less voting power than the UK, France, Germany, and Japan? Just because your economy grows doesn't mean you'll get more of a say.
There is a difference though.
See Russia and China both have an inherent anti-West streak. Possibly because US and NATO have constantly in one way or other suppressed them.

So while multi-polar for us means simply that we become developed and have a corresponding say commensurate with our size.

It does not necessarily mean being 'anti-West'. We are not 'anti-West' at all. We are against policies that West has used to keep us marginalized.
Neither are we 'pro West'. We are simply focused on India and our foreign policy has since independence reflected that we are pro-Indian interests,

But Russia and China are actively anti-West. Russia, more than China.

Though it looks the same, there is a subtle gradation between what I am saying and what you are saying. The end result is the same - that West will loose its defacto primary status, but the motivations are different.
There is a difference though.
See Russia and China both have an inherent anti-West streak. Possibly because US and NATO have constantly in one way or other suppressed them.

So while multi-polar for us means simply that we become developed and have a corresponding say commensurate with our size.

It does not necessarily mean being 'anti-West'. We are not 'anti-West' at all. We are against policies that West has used to keep us marginalized.
Neither are we 'pro West'. We are simply focused on India and our foreign policy has since independence reflected that we are pro-Indian interests,

But Russia and China are actively anti-West. Russia, more than China.

Though it looks the same, there is a subtle gradation between what I am saying and what you are saying. The end result is the same - that West will loose its defacto primary status, but the motivations are different.

I agree in principle.

I am anti-America simply because America's goal of maintaining their global hegemony is directly contrary to our own interests.

"The West" is a bit of a misnomer, those countries simply follow American hegemony.

I don't hate any particular country or region, I am opposed to America and Japan because their interests are in direct opposition to ours. Their interests are best served by trying to weaken China and Russia.

That said, aiming for a multi-polar world does not necessarily have to involve any of that.

The idea of a multi-polar world is one where all the "other powers" (I.e. Not America or their vassal states) will have a greater amount of say.
Don't feel like arguing anymore. One thing I will accept is that Chinese people are generally hard working and more ambitious than Brazilians. Our people are not concerned with things like projecting power or participating in the space race or anything else. We care more about superficial stuff and chasing short term pleasure. Brazilians are not hard workers. This I will concede.

You love short term pleasure like trying to shit on other countries in jealousy and making bullshit claims about being part of the West, right?

And then comparing China's contesting of the Diaoyu Islands to the Holocaust.
You love short term pleasure like trying to shit on other countries in jealousy and making bullshit claims about being part of the West, right?

I'm not jealous of China and Brazil is part of the west. We have nothing to do with Eastern cultures.
I'm not jealous of China and Brazil is part of the west. We have nothing to do with Eastern cultures.

... you also have nothing to do with the West. Particularly you're not white and they don't want you. Your so-called whites are much more mixed than you claim they are.
... you also have nothing to do with the West. Particularly you're not white and they don't want you. Your so-called whites are much more mixed than you claim they are.

The West is the one that appreciates Brazilian culture the most. Brazilian women (regardless of race) are considered the most beautiful in the west. Race mixing isn't against western values. My girlfriend is 100% white Brazilian. Btw there are millions of white people in Brazil. Sao Paulo has the best pizza in the world IMO, even better than the Italian one, owing to its large Italian community there. Southern Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul has huge german descendant population and most of them are 100 % white.
Brazilian culture isn't completely European obviously; rather it's derived from European culture along with African and Indian elements. If Brazil isn't a western country then neither is the USA>
That river has an enormous amount of potential energy, if we did not harness it, that would be a huge waste.

Like I said, we have to harness ALL the internal energy sources that we can.

No exceptions.

Why would you think there would be any exceptions? And why did you mention that river in particular? Still going on with your obsessive theory that India is powerful enough to threaten us?

If the river starts in Chinese territory... we can do whatever we want with it, end of story.

Not really, three countries have shared rights over that river. :)
Not really, three countries have shared rights over that river. :)

That's not what my map says.

The West is the one that appreciates Brazilian culture the most. Brazilian women (regardless of race) are considered the most beautiful in the west. Race mixing isn't against western values. My girlfriend is 100% white Brazilian. Btw there are millions of white people in Brazil. Sao Paulo has the best pizza in the world IMO, even better than the Italian one, owing to its large Italian community there. Southern Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul has huge german descendant population and most of them are 100 % white.
Brazilian culture isn't completely European obviously; rather it's derived from European culture along with African and Indian elements. If Brazil isn't a western country then neither is the USA>

America has killed hundreds of millions of non-whites for white people, so they definitely count.
Not really, three countries have shared rights over that river. :)

Except that China has not and will not sign any water sharing treaties with anyone.

Anyway, you guys are always saying that (in hindsight) you should not have been so generous with the Indus water treaty.

We have the benefit of that hindsight. There is no reason for us to unnecessarily weaken our own bargaining position.

We'll handle any such complaints in a bilateral manner. Regardless, a hydro-power dam will not reduce the water flow to either India or Bangladesh.
I'm not jealous of China and Brazil is part of the west. We have nothing to do with Eastern cultures.

It feel weird. Is it because of Brazilian inferiority complex or what? You prefer to be a part of the west rather than a part of the your ownselves? Brazil is a big country, maybe the strongest in the South America Region. They can raise their influence to become a world player; standing beside another world class players like USA, China, and Russia. Yet, you prefer to be a follower of a faction; the west. But to their each own. Why not call yourself Latin American, but the west?
IRC: India-Russia- China pact? RIC, CIR, CRI? brazil and south africa are rather unnecessary as they lack any military power. We need to be fighting diplomatically, culturally, and economically against the Great Asura America
This thread is not about the Brahmputra or Brazil. Some people have brought the issues unnecessarily here.

Let's get back to the topic.
Better we stay out of this bro. But the majority of Pakistanis do back Russia in its stance. But I feel the two countries will never be that close, especially since we dived head first into the Afghan/Soviet war, which has done us untold damage. I wish we never got involved. No terrorism, no conflict, balanced foreign policy, economic growth and so on.

I agree with you but we cant be isolationists in the present circumstances, we need dependable allies more than ever, I would pick Russia over the US anyday, what has happened in the past has passed and even Russia seems to understand that, we need to come together and work for regional cooperation....
It feel weird. Is it because of Brazilian inferiority complex or what? You prefer to be a part of the west rather than a part of the your ownselves? Brazil is a big country, maybe the strongest in the South America Region. They can raise their influence to become a world player; standing beside another world class players like USA, China, and Russia. Yet, you prefer to be a follower of a faction; the west. But to their each own. Why not call yourself Latin American, but the west?
DOn't want to derail thread by talking about Brazil but since you brought it up, I feel the urge to respond. Brazilians don't have an inferiority complex; it's just that we have much more in common with fellow South American nations (Latin America isn't really talked about) and western European nations than with Eastern ones. We are a regional power but our corrupt government has no ambition and does not project any power.
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