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Should Pakistan sign an early deal for the Type-55 Destroyer ?

Should Pakistan begin negotiations for Chinese Destroyers ?

  • Yes! After 2020 off course

    Votes: 101 77.7%
  • No! You're out of your mind

    Votes: 29 22.3%

  • Total voters
Pakistan Navy would require Huge ships for the fact that it will be facing a heavy armada. You require capabilities augmented with Quantity to stop an enemy at its gates. You cannot do any sea denial with the current fleet Pakistan has.

And More over I dont have anything against Pakistan or its navy. My reply was to that gentleman who stated that IN is over hyped.

For sea denial a Navy don't need huge number of ships that is why small navies mostly adopt this doctrine. @Penguin can shed some light on the issue.
For sea denial a Navy don't need huge number of ships that is why small navies mostly adopt this doctrine. @Penguin can shed some light on the issue.

One has a Sea Control Doctrine and another has a Sea Denial. Now you want me to believe that a mightier navy would have to stop by its enemies gates just because its enemy has a sea denial doctrine with less ships. Don't you think that's bizarre by very logic.

You need to have technological edge over your enemy if you are quantitatively low to find a chance to defend your seas. More over you dont have anything as yet that can possibly stop Brahmos from making your navy its target.

@Penguin Bro please do let me know if I am wrong!!
One has a Sea Control Doctrine and another has a Sea Denial. Now you want me to believe that a mightier navy would have to stop by its enemies gates just because its enemy has a sea denial doctrine with less ships. Don't you think that's bizarre by very logic.

You need to have technological edge over your enemy if you are quantitatively low to find a chance to defend your seas. More over you dont have anything as yet that can possibly stop Brahmos from making your navy its target.

@Penguin Bro please do let me know if I am wrong!!

Study cold war first, study US doctrine and their fleet capabilities with number of vessels and then USSR's doctrine and their fleet capabilities with number of vessels it may help you to understand the difference.
Study cold war first, study US doctrine and their fleet capabilities with number of vessels and then USSR's doctrine and their fleet capabilities with number of vessels it may help you to understand the difference.

I am very well aware of that. Care to educate me on which part of their doctrines did you find a solution to pakistan Navy's present fleet strength and doctrine??
I am very well aware of that. Care to educate me on which part of their doctrines did you find a solution to pakistan Navy's present fleet strength and doctrine??

USSR had devised good strategy to handle CBGs.
No, you don't buy something that isn't even complete yet. Would you buy a TV, when you don't even know if the manufacturer is going completely fulfill it's promises of giving an HD experience? I don't care who you are, no one should do this.
One has a Sea Control Doctrine and another has a Sea Denial. Now you want me to believe that a mightier navy would have to stop by its enemies gates just because its enemy has a sea denial doctrine with less ships. Don't you think that's bizarre by very logic.

You need to have technological edge over your enemy if you are quantitatively low to find a chance to defend your seas. More over you dont have anything as yet that can possibly stop Brahmos from making your navy its target.

@Penguin Bro please do let me know if I am wrong!!
One navy can do sea denial in one area and sea control in another.


The fact that one country has a larger navy does not necessarily mean it can put all of its assets against a single opponent at any given time i.e. as India you can't focus on Pakistan alone, leaving the door wide open for other forces of other countries. Effectively the force you can field against Pakistan would be much smaller than total fleet strength. Hence such comparisons are .... not very informative.
The bigger question is can PN afford it? because they are not even able to purchase Type-54A (3600 ton) ship and purchasing F-22Ps (3000 ton) ship and here all are talking about Type-55 (12000) ton ship.

The question regarding Type-54A is not affording it but is it easily indictable.

The question about Type-55 is it available?

F-22P is already being used in PN so they have designed training and tactics. PN can quickly induct these.

Why would PN need huge number of ships?? kindly see map again and check how big Indian coastline is and how small Pakistani coastline is when compared to each other, therefore PN don't need same number of ships as India has, also PN doctrine is sea denial not sea control like India has.

Pakistan would require to increase her naval force by at-least 30% if she wishes to effectively control the increased sea area. Once Gwadar port is operational then additional 20-30% is also needed.

On the other hand the existing fleet also needs to be replaced.

One can also argue that India always tends to rely on offence and Pakistan on defence. It is a well known fact that sometime the best form of defence is offence. For this particular reason some countries like to have a separate attack capability which is totally different than that which is for defence alone.
This is highly unlikely to ever happen.

Yes it could probably buy a couple of them in the 2020s if the Chinese were willing to sell them but it would make much more sense for Pakistan to procure a dozen frigates instead.

Pakistan Navy would not want to be in the position of having to worry about the Indians having two very expensive targets to sink.

Type-052D makes more sense though.
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