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Should Pakistan sign an early deal for the Type-55 Destroyer ?

Should Pakistan begin negotiations for Chinese Destroyers ?

  • Yes! After 2020 off course

    Votes: 101 77.7%
  • No! You're out of your mind

    Votes: 29 22.3%

  • Total voters
We had designs for F22P for 10 years , if we were smart we would have had 20 ships by know 2 ships every year
Type 055 can only belongs to Super Power nations, Here this thread with full of wishful thinking need to close it ASAP...
This is one impressive ship that underlines China's changing weapons development capabilities and its emerging greater naval strategy in the region and beyond.

China's launched its first Type 055 destroyer—the most advanced surface combatant Beijing has ever designed and fielded. Pictures of the visually striking ship whipped around the internet, with many people being surprised that China was producing such an impressive warship. The truth is, the Type 055 is the J-20 Stealth Fighter of the high-seas, and it not only is a showcase of China's rapidly evolving surface warfare and weapons development capabilities, but also a sign of what Beijing's overall maritime strategy will be in the not so distant future.

The domestically developed destroyer in Shanghai on Wednesday, marking a milestone in building a strong and modern naval force, according to the People's Liberation Army Navy. The launch ceremony was held at the Jiangnan Shipyard of the China State Shipbuilding Corp on Wednesday and was attended by General Zhang Youxia, head of equipment development for the Central Military Commission.

The ship is the first of China's new-generation guided-missile destroyer class, with a full displacement of over 10,000 metric tons.

When it comes to the Chinese Navy, the Type 055 is very roughly analogous to something between the American Ticonderoga class cruiser a Zumwalt class destroyer, in that it has similar capabilities and size to the Ticonderoga class, but it also packs new technologies that will impact the future of Chinese surface combatant design like the Zumwalt class does. The ship's stealthy exterior and its enclosed sensor mast are situated in between the latest Arleigh Burke class destroyers and the Zumwalt class developmentally speaking.


The Type 055 could just as easily be classified as a cruiser than as a destroyer. It's 590 feet long and displaces between 10,000 and 12,000 tons. That is 81 feet longer and up to nearly 2,500 tons greater than America's latest Arleigh Burke class destroyers, making it closer in size to the US Navy's Ticonderoga class cruisers than anything else. It also packs a Ticonderoga class's magazine size, with 128 vertical launch cells available. The Arleigh Burke class has 96. These cells will be stuffed with land attack (YJ-18), and anti-ship missiles (YJ-12), as well as anti-submarine rockets (CY series). Yet, just like America's Ticonderoga class cruisers, area air defense and slinging surface-to-air missiles will likely be this ship's overwhelming mission set and it's specially outfitted with a high-end sensor package that will exceed in this role.

This new ship relies on a dual-band radar system similar in concept to the one that was supposed to be deployed on the DDG-1000 Zumwalt class and that is currently equipping the USS Gerald R. Ford. Two sets of active phased array radars, one being the larger S-band arrays on the vessel's super structure and the other being the smaller set of X-band arrays in the ship's enclosed sensor mast, equip the ship. The S-Band system is used for long range search and track, while the much more sensitive X-band system is used for tracking smaller, stealthier and high-speed objects with greater fidelity at lesser ranges. There are cross-over in capabilities between the two sensor arrays, which also adds to redundancy. No other ship in China's inventory possesses such a high-end radar system. The ship is likely to be primarily armed with a sea-going version of the HQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missile, as well as the HQ-16 medium-range SAM, and possibly quad-packed DK-10As. The DK-10A is based on the PL-12 air-to-air missile, and would act as a intermediate-range air defense missile roughly similar to the U.S. Navy's RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM).

Regardless of the Type 055's multi-mission capabilities, these ships are being built to be the preeminent escort for the Chinese carrier battle group, acting in a similar role as the Ticonderoga class cruiser does today. This will include being the command and control hub for the battle group's anti-air warfare operations. In this role the Type 055 will fulfill something of a missing link within the People's Liberation Army Navy's order of battle, with the Type 052D destroyer being the most capable surface combatant before it—but one that is far more limited in capability and weapons capacity than the Type 055. Though the Type 055's data fusion, networking and command functions would make it the command ship in task forces with smaller destroyers, frigates and corvettes, Beijing apparently plans to make the Type 055 its primary surface warship for the 21st century. Including the eight initial Type 055 DDGs already planned, the PLAN could order up to 30 of the massive ships by mid-century. The next model in the class, the Type 055A, is planned to be larger and even better armed. It will also have an Integrated Electric Propulsion System (IEPS). The IEPS would generate enough power to support directed energy weapons such as lasers, railguns and high powered microwave systems.


As time goes on, these ships will likely field other air defense missiles, like weapons capable of swatting down endoatmospheric hypersonic vehicles or China's own mid-course ballistic missile defense interceptors. These more exotic missiles could make good use of the ship's dual-band radar, advanced combat system, and plentiful VLS farm. The second batch of Chinese Type 055 destroyers will likely feature railguns, starting in the 2020-2025 timeframe. A 32 megajoule railgun on the Type 055 destroyer would be able to launch a ten kilogram projectile over a 100 nautical miles, with the impact energy of medium artillery. Railgun ammunition can be guided, and programmed to explode over a target, destroying soft targets like parked aircraft and missile launchers.

The ship's anti-submarine warfare capabilities will also surpass the capacity of other Chinese warships, including space for two helicopters (eventually likely ASW variants of the Z-18) in its rear hangar and an expanded flight deck size. The ship will also likely use towed and variable depth sonar for hunting submarines, and will have its own torpedoes and rocket assisted torpedoes to prosecute marauding underwater threats.

A H/PJ-38 130mm main gun and a H/PJ-11 30mm close-in weapon system (CIWS) round out the ship's major armaments. It will also likely receive China's FL-3000N version of the RIM-116 rolling-airframe missile system mounted in a turreted canister on the rear of the ship's superstructure. This combined with the 30mm CIWS will give the big surface combatant a strong close-in defensive capability against sea-skimming missiles, low-flying aircraft, and small boats.

These ships are rumored to be equipped with integrated electric power plants, whereby the ship's turbines provide electricity to drive electric motors that then turn the ship's screws—a major advancement in Chinese warship design if confirmed. They also feature the latest in electronic warfare capabilities and the most advanced mission systems deployed by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) to date.

With the PLAN slated to field a fleet of at least four aircraft carriers in the coming decade, the reason for building four of these ships at this time is clear. There will be at least one for each carrier battle group, and when the carriers are not sailing, these ships will be able to show the flag by themselves far from home, and bringing high-end multi-mission and command and control capabilities to smaller PLAN task forces. It is also likely that another four Type 055s will be built at some time following the initial batch, as China's aircraft carrier fleet expands.

In the end, China's new Type 055 destroyers are another indication of the amazing strides the country has made in their attempt to reach some sort of parity in multiple domains of warfare with the U.S. and especially its regional allies. That's not to say these ships and their weapons are as capable as their American counterparts, because in many ways they are not. Even China's shipbuilding capabilities are rumored to be lacking, especially in terms of quality, when compared to their American counterparts. The level of integration between their ship's sensors and weapons, the reliability of their mis
siles—especially when countermeasures are present—and their missile's overall performance abilities remain a question mark as well.

But that's not really the point. The point is that China is preparing for a future of major naval power projection, with this vessel class sailing closely alongside their aircraft carriers—two of which are built. Together they are the most visible centerpieces of a much more aggressive and farther reaching naval strategy. This may not leave the US Navy shaking in its boots, but when it comes to regional powers such as India and Japan, that is a different story. These ships and the carriers they will support will likely end up having a persistent presence in the South China Sea, Taiwan Strait, Indian Ocean, and East China Sea—all places where tensions are high and territorial issues are top of mind.

Complied from source:

@Penguin @fatman17 @Rashid Mahmood @Bratva @wanglaokan
Named 'Mormugao', the hull of the 7,300-tonne, 163.2 meters long guided missile destroyer, which was constructed on dry area, floated on water for the first time - which is a milestone event for any vessel.

someone please explain me that is it the weight without all the gear load and weapons or it is it actual displacement
@AMCA @sir Nair @kaku1 or for good sale any one sensible @Arsalan mate.
thank u
Visakhapatnam have a full loaded displacement of 733 ton though some sources claim it to be 8000 ton. Either case, they are talking about FULL DISPLACEMENT.

The Chinese destroyer that we are discussing on THIS THREAD, they Type 055 have a displacement of 10000+ ton with a full loaded displacement of around 12500 ton as per some reports.
Named 'Mormugao', the hull of the 7,300-tonne, 163.2 meters long guided missile destroyer, which was constructed on dry area, floated on water for the first time - which is a milestone event for any vessel.

someone please explain me that is it the weight without all the gear load and weapons or it is it actual displacement :undecided:
@AMCA @sir Nair @kaku1 or for good sale any one sensible @Arsalan mate.
thank u

Project 15 B our ours can at best be compared with Type 52 D class of destroyers. Type 55 is something out of our league and a class apart. Stacked up defense is the only possible deterrence against this piece of machine. India does not have any upcoming projects to take on this beast at least as of now.
One of the last Spruance-class destroyers on active service, USS Fletcher, was decommissioned o1 October 2004. It was then offered (as a grant i.e. gift) to the Pakistan Navy but Pakistan had neither requested nor did it accept it. So, the ship was eventually sunk as a target On 16 July 2008.

On 09 May 2005 the President requested authority to transfer vessels to foreign recipients. Pursuant to Section 516, FAA, the following five (5) ships were authorized for transfer as grant excess defense articles (EDA):
  • Ex-USS Heron (MHC-52) to Greece;
  • Ex-USS Pelican (MHC-53) to Greece;
  • Ex-USS Fletcher (DD-992) to Pakistan

One can wonder why PN didn't take this well-armed, fast and quiet ship.

Spruance class DD
Displacement: 8,040 (long) tons full load
Length: 161 m (529 ft) waterline; 172 m (563 ft) overall
Beam: 16.8 m (55 ft)
Draft: 8.8 m (29 ft)
Complement: 19 officers, 315 enlisted (total 334)

Instead, PN opted later for OHP frigate(s), of which it whished four. Specifically, it got 1, the McInerney, which today serves a PNS Alamgir.

Displacement: 4,100 long tons (4,200 t), full load
Length: 138 m (453 feet), overall
Beam: 14 m (45 feet)
Draft: 6.7 m (22 feet)
Complement: 15 officers and 190 enlisted, plus SH-60 LAMPS detachment of roughly six officer pilots and 15 enlisted maintainers. Total: 205-226 men

One of the reasons for not taking the Fletcher is likely that it would be justa single ship. Another would be the size of its crew complement: you can crew 3 Perry's for 2 Spruances. F22P: 170 crew. Type 21: (177: 13 officers, 164 ratings).

This will likely also be a consideration in relation to any acquisition of 052D or 055.

Type 054A
Displacement: 4,053 tonnes (full load)
Length: 134.1 m (440 ft)
Beam: 16 m (52 ft)
Draught: 5 m (16 ft)
Complement: 165

Type 052D DDG
Displacement: 7,500 tons (full load)
Length: 157 m (515 ft)
Beam: 17 m (56 ft)
Draught: 6 m (20 ft)
Complement: 280

Type 055 DDG
Displacement: 9,000 tons standard; 12,300 tons (full load)
Length: 183 m
Beam: 22 m
Draught: ?
Complement: ? (certainly not less than 280)

If PN retires all 6 Type 21s, that free's up 1062 men. These numbers would suffice to crew just 3-4 052Ds rather than 6-7 054A (and no 055s!). Type 052D is 1.85x Type 054A as far as displacement is concerned and 1.70x Type 054A as far as crew is concerned. Type 055 is 1.64x Type 052D in terms of displacement. It c/should be (1.64/1.85)x1.70=1.51x Type 052D in terms of personnel i.e. 422. So, 1062 men should crew about 2-3 Type 055.

In which case you end up with a surface fleet of 4 F22P, 2-3 055 (or 3-4 Type 052D) and no other major surface vessels, unless you significantly expand PN personnel.... Just a thought.
This is one impressive ship that underlines China's changing weapons development capabilities and its emerging greater naval strategy in the region and beyond.

China's launched its first Type 055 destroyer—the most advanced surface combatant Beijing has ever designed and fielded. Pictures of the visually striking ship whipped around the internet, with many people being surprised that China was producing such an impressive warship. The truth is, the Type 055 is the J-20 Stealth Fighter of the high-seas, and it not only is a showcase of China's rapidly evolving surface warfare and weapons development capabilities, but also a sign of what Beijing's overall maritime strategy will be in the not so distant future.

The domestically developed destroyer in Shanghai on Wednesday, marking a milestone in building a strong and modern naval force, according to the People's Liberation Army Navy. The launch ceremony was held at the Jiangnan Shipyard of the China State Shipbuilding Corp on Wednesday and was attended by General Zhang Youxia, head of equipment development for the Central Military Commission.

The ship is the first of China's new-generation guided-missile destroyer class, with a full displacement of over 10,000 metric tons.

When it comes to the Chinese Navy, the Type 055 is very roughly analogous to something between the American Ticonderoga class cruiser a Zumwalt class destroyer, in that it has similar capabilities and size to the Ticonderoga class, but it also packs new technologies that will impact the future of Chinese surface combatant design like the Zumwalt class does. The ship's stealthy exterior and its enclosed sensor mast are situated in between the latest Arleigh Burke class destroyers and the Zumwalt class developmentally speaking.


The Type 055 could just as easily be classified as a cruiser than as a destroyer. It's 590 feet long and displaces between 10,000 and 12,000 tons. That is 81 feet longer and up to nearly 2,500 tons greater than America's latest Arleigh Burke class destroyers, making it closer in size to the US Navy's Ticonderoga class cruisers than anything else. It also packs a Ticonderoga class's magazine size, with 128 vertical launch cells available. The Arleigh Burke class has 96. These cells will be stuffed with land attack (YJ-18), and anti-ship missiles (YJ-12), as well as anti-submarine rockets (CY series). Yet, just like America's Ticonderoga class cruisers, area air defense and slinging surface-to-air missiles will likely be this ship's overwhelming mission set and it's specially outfitted with a high-end sensor package that will exceed in this role.

This new ship relies on a dual-band radar system similar in concept to the one that was supposed to be deployed on the DDG-1000 Zumwalt class and that is currently equipping the USS Gerald R. Ford. Two sets of active phased array radars, one being the larger S-band arrays on the vessel's super structure and the other being the smaller set of X-band arrays in the ship's enclosed sensor mast, equip the ship. The S-Band system is used for long range search and track, while the much more sensitive X-band system is used for tracking smaller, stealthier and high-speed objects with greater fidelity at lesser ranges. There are cross-over in capabilities between the two sensor arrays, which also adds to redundancy. No other ship in China's inventory possesses such a high-end radar system. The ship is likely to be primarily armed with a sea-going version of the HQ-9 long-range surface-to-air missile, as well as the HQ-16 medium-range SAM, and possibly quad-packed DK-10As. The DK-10A is based on the PL-12 air-to-air missile, and would act as a intermediate-range air defense missile roughly similar to the U.S. Navy's RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM).

Regardless of the Type 055's multi-mission capabilities, these ships are being built to be the preeminent escort for the Chinese carrier battle group, acting in a similar role as the Ticonderoga class cruiser does today. This will include being the command and control hub for the battle group's anti-air warfare operations. In this role the Type 055 will fulfill something of a missing link within the People's Liberation Army Navy's order of battle, with the Type 052D destroyer being the most capable surface combatant before it—but one that is far more limited in capability and weapons capacity than the Type 055. Though the Type 055's data fusion, networking and command functions would make it the command ship in task forces with smaller destroyers, frigates and corvettes, Beijing apparently plans to make the Type 055 its primary surface warship for the 21st century. Including the eight initial Type 055 DDGs already planned, the PLAN could order up to 30 of the massive ships by mid-century. The next model in the class, the Type 055A, is planned to be larger and even better armed. It will also have an Integrated Electric Propulsion System (IEPS). The IEPS would generate enough power to support directed energy weapons such as lasers, railguns and high powered microwave systems.


As time goes on, these ships will likely field other air defense missiles, like weapons capable of swatting down endoatmospheric hypersonic vehicles or China's own mid-course ballistic missile defense interceptors. These more exotic missiles could make good use of the ship's dual-band radar, advanced combat system, and plentiful VLS farm. The second batch of Chinese Type 055 destroyers will likely feature railguns, starting in the 2020-2025 timeframe. A 32 megajoule railgun on the Type 055 destroyer would be able to launch a ten kilogram projectile over a 100 nautical miles, with the impact energy of medium artillery. Railgun ammunition can be guided, and programmed to explode over a target, destroying soft targets like parked aircraft and missile launchers.

The ship's anti-submarine warfare capabilities will also surpass the capacity of other Chinese warships, including space for two helicopters (eventually likely ASW variants of the Z-18) in its rear hangar and an expanded flight deck size. The ship will also likely use towed and variable depth sonar for hunting submarines, and will have its own torpedoes and rocket assisted torpedoes to prosecute marauding underwater threats.

A H/PJ-38 130mm main gun and a H/PJ-11 30mm close-in weapon system (CIWS) round out the ship's major armaments. It will also likely receive China's FL-3000N version of the RIM-116 rolling-airframe missile system mounted in a turreted canister on the rear of the ship's superstructure. This combined with the 30mm CIWS will give the big surface combatant a strong close-in defensive capability against sea-skimming missiles, low-flying aircraft, and small boats.

These ships are rumored to be equipped with integrated electric power plants, whereby the ship's turbines provide electricity to drive electric motors that then turn the ship's screws—a major advancement in Chinese warship design if confirmed. They also feature the latest in electronic warfare capabilities and the most advanced mission systems deployed by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) to date.

With the PLAN slated to field a fleet of at least four aircraft carriers in the coming decade, the reason for building four of these ships at this time is clear. There will be at least one for each carrier battle group, and when the carriers are not sailing, these ships will be able to show the flag by themselves far from home, and bringing high-end multi-mission and command and control capabilities to smaller PLAN task forces. It is also likely that another four Type 055s will be built at some time following the initial batch, as China's aircraft carrier fleet expands.

In the end, China's new Type 055 destroyers are another indication of the amazing strides the country has made in their attempt to reach some sort of parity in multiple domains of warfare with the U.S. and especially its regional allies. That's not to say these ships and their weapons are as capable as their American counterparts, because in many ways they are not. Even China's shipbuilding capabilities are rumored to be lacking, especially in terms of quality, when compared to their American counterparts. The level of integration between their ship's sensors and weapons, the reliability of their mis
siles—especially when countermeasures are present—and their missile's overall performance abilities remain a question mark as well.

But that's not really the point. The point is that China is preparing for a future of major naval power projection, with this vessel class sailing closely alongside their aircraft carriers—two of which are built. Together they are the most visible centerpieces of a much more aggressive and farther reaching naval strategy. This may not leave the US Navy shaking in its boots, but when it comes to regional powers such as India and Japan, that is a different story. These ships and the carriers they will support will likely end up having a persistent presence in the South China Sea, Taiwan Strait, Indian Ocean, and East China Sea—all places where tensions are high and territorial issues are top of mind.

Complied from source:

@Penguin @fatman17 @Rashid Mahmood @Bratva @wanglaokan
What are we going to do with this monster. We quick reaction type surface ships but remember I'm a foxhole guy.
What are we going to do with this monster. We quick reaction type surface ships but remember I'm a foxhole guy.
It do not makes ANY sense for Pakistan. I was just sharing the news about the launch on a thread discussing the destroyer. :)
It is not suitable for us. What we need are heavier frigates with better AAW capabilities (may be not even destroyers). Faster smaller corvettes with AShW capability and Submarines. That is what i think.
We need Frigates and Corvettes first in good numbers forget about Type-55 for now...
We need it eventually, something that can fire Cruise missile and Ballistic missile too along with three dimensional attack capability.

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