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Should Pakistan purchase the Venezuelan F16

You mean you suggest that Israel snubbed US again ? k this one I was not aware that they were using Israeli (stolen un autorized technology)

I dont know about the snubbing, but the weapons are Israeli manufactured(US hasnt come close to making missile like the Python yet).
The F-16 is a solid platform which Pakistan has used for the last 30 years. F-16 can last for another 20 years in the Pakistan Air Force.

After F-16, we need to move to Chinese and Indigenous production.

Our Inventory by 2025:

300 - JF-17
150 - J-10
150 - J-11
110 - F-16

Were you joking or is this serious:what:

even if we go by sound logic ,your collection looks absurd ,
at most what u should expect is

250 FC1 ,if china is able to sort out the engine trouble
36+36 J10B , that too depends on financial strength of economy
36 J11 ,PAF has intended to acquire twin engined platform only after 2018 ,however that too depends on financial condition of ur country
120 f16 actually even more numbers are possible if PAF really wants them
@Tajdar adil

kindly don't dig months old burried threads
Pakistan interested in Venezuelan F16's... Pakistan interested in Norway F16's... Pakistan also interested to get more F16's from US lol

lagta hey dunya jahan kay saray F16 jama karnay ka shook phar gaya hey Pakistan ko :D
I dont know about the snubbing, but the weapons are Israeli manufactured(US hasnt come close to making missile like the Python yet).

AIM-9X is the American counterpart of Pythons which were based on Sidewinders themselves
PAF wants more F-16s, better to buy them from USA or F-35 partner states or from Venezuelan ....blaa blaa blaaa :blah:

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz forget F :oops:
think about J ...... the JF-17 J-10b....J-11 :tup:
improve them they will work for PAF for long time.:pakistan:
more or less in 10 year these F will be grounded. :tdown:
the new baby's the :pakistan: J :china: will grow up and will be strong with tim and more work on then with new wepons ,AESA radar thay will be as dangerous and lethal weapon like F 16 in 80's-90's.:sniper:
Maybe we should leave F16s and focus on J10s and JF17s.
Or even better, build a Joint fighter, 4th Gen??
What's the point of having so many F-16, when they can't even face bvr enable Mig21's of IAF in Kargil war? BVR is the future and JF-17 is the only bvr capable platform we have. Rather than buying old junk, let's focus on our own indigenous jets.
What's the point of having so many F-16, when they can't even face bvr enable Mig21's of IAF in Kargil war? BVR is the future and JF-17 is the only bvr capable platform we have. Rather than buying old junk, let's focus on our own indigenous jets.

PAF F-16s come with the best BVR missiles in South Asia right now. They are equipped with the AMRAAMs. In fact, PAF order of 500 AIM-120C were one of the largest in the world. They are suplamented by JF-17 equipped with SD-10 BVR. Right now PAF has almost 200 fighters equipped with BVR Missiles
No need to pursue any more F-16s ! we need to completely stop buying American weapons.
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