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Should Pakistan purchase the Venezuelan F16

We still have 150 old planes that we need to replace. If Uncle SAMs allow and agree to the terms we can buy Used F-16s from any country willing to sell them. They can be used for MLU or for spares.
Considering that they (Vanazuellans) do not have the parts or maintenence contracts for F16 would it be a good Idea for Pakistan Airforce to just out right purchase the Vanazuellan crafts

They have 24 F16 - and we could just get Upgrade kits for these once they get inducted into Pakistan airforce? And just upgrade these fighters at Turkish bases.

From their (Venazuellan) prespective these planes are out of shape un maintainable in long run - may be give them K8 and may be some other perks

Meanwhile we can offer Vanazuelans something alternative for which they can attain - spareparts and maintain it ? via china help ? K8 becasue its probbly easy for them to maintain those + other items or Cash value - they probbly are better off flying Migs

They could may be order more FC-1 who knows but its a shame to see the F16 in Vanazuelan force just sit and grounded

It would be a win-win situation ?

This should make up for the 20-30 odd planes in 90's which we never recieved?

Also it will help US get back its Vipers back from Venezuela ? so win-win situation

May be in doing so we can start retiring some of our old planes sooner
Venezuela loves their Vipers just like Pakistan does. They have been buying spare parts from other countries.....Turkey, Israel, black market (USA)....they're not ready to let them go.
PAF F-16s come with the best BVR missiles in South Asia right now. They are equipped with the AMRAAMs. In fact, PAF order of 500 AIM-120C were one of the largest in the world. They are suplamented by JF-17 equipped with SD-10 BVR. Right now PAF has almost 200 fighters equipped with BVR Missiles
Hi can you provide info about the shelf life for 500 AIM paf bought
No more F16's, Pak should focus on JF17 Block 3 instead.
What is the point of having fighters with so many strings
Venezuela loves their Vipers just like Pakistan does. They have been buying spare parts from other countries.....Turkey, Israel, black market (USA)....they're not ready to let them go.
Not really, they are more focused on Su's. They want nothing to do with US; they will be happy to give them away.
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