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Should Pakistan purchase the Venezuelan F16

We are not in need for 5 generation we are completing our airforce's current need for now and next 2 years , once we achieve that mark then we can look ahead at 5th generation

Well we will pay for it :P you make it seem we don't have any cash :whistle:

China is working on 5th generation projects, and we are focused on block 2 Thunder project for now, but we need 5-10 strategic F35 capabilities by 2018-2020 , its not urgent now

Of course these are 24 planes waiting for customer ...

Would fit fine in Pakistan Airforce since we already have the engineering facilities and cooperation with Turkey for MLU on the F16

Dear bro you 99% of posts are almost "Dreamy weapon/military hardware choice" Kindly be realistic and stop posting wishlist everywhere. Without US approval you even cant able to make single bolt to fit in F16 how you can say PAF option for Vanazuellan F16 even after 30 years our F16 able for MLU talk logical stuff rather thn dreamy wishlist.

y all Pakistanis wish to go backward.the age of f16 is going to b over n u r thinking to purchase busted 20 year old used f16 n ppl r cruel over here willing that Pakistan purchase Arabs used mirage 2000.
come on guys we r not living in mid 80's its 21century.
This topic has been debated before.If i remember correctly these are even older Block 5 and 10 Planes.They have high hours clocked on them and repairing them would not be worth while.Secondly, in order to buy them you still have to approach the US and hope that they agree to it. Lastly in order to buy them we need money which we dont have. LastlyPAF has a set number of planes of each block thati ti has facilities for.I suspect that they want to get Bl52s onwards now and leave the older blocks behind. The block 15OCUs we are looking into are being bought due to low flying hours
Well you folks keep on talking about 4.5 and 5th generation plans. but as far as i've heard they are all to expensive, talk time to absorb such advanced technology and we will need large numbers.... this means its gonna take a long long time, cannot make an accurate guess but i think 15-20 years. What about the midterm period? What kind of plans we have to meet our midterm requirements?

this is just stupid.
PAF will be never ever interested in buying used F-16s with 3,000+ hours clocked in them. the block 15 which we just got couple of years ago hardly had 200-500 hours clock in them.

Yes I agree in a sense that PAF has already planned to cover the stop gap that is buying 18+14 F16s and they will never go for older F16s due to their high flying hours in the air and one thing more J10s are in pipe line and may be made available by 2015
time over for old all blocks f-16 used to buy now.i think if some on sale us blk-52 in good condition or any 4.5 gen used in good we can think other wise save money for 2 sq of j-xx its very expensive deal i think so.

Not again

why do u want PAF to buy a crap? Arnt they already having hundreds of fleets of craps in the form of mirage3 and mirage5?

If u want PAF to buy F-16 thn y not Paf also buy more mirage 3 and mirage5?

Buying 80's f-16 is lyk buying a Suzuki Fx car and wishing to make it on power with Honda Reborn
But cant blame u there are also people lyk u who are spending,spending and spending on these 80' f-16 n believe me they will keep spending till 2080?

And people who are talking about PAF budget ,it pisses me awf...come on man Paf hasnt mordenized for last two decades where that budget gone which was allocated to PAF in that time span?

Our 80% Tax goes to Military ,Apart from this Military owns its own schools and companies ... still crying for money?

It will not hurt if they will spend that money wisely which is paid by local public in form of taxes ,but it will definitely hurt when they will buy crap,

And the worst of all is that spending money on a machine which u can say with sureity that it will b embargoed sooner or later
Well this is our AZAD bro.:lol:

No Hard feelings Azad Bro.

Well regarding F-16s.As Mani has said we must get over this buying old mentality.And One thing more we seriously need Audit and Accountability of Armed Forces and especially PAF.Everyone should be Accountable in front of law and Armed forces should be no different.PAF hasn't bought anything for 2 decades and still they say no money.So where has 2 decades money gone???
Guys be realistic. F16 is still the workhorse of United States Air Force and will remain to be in the next decade and even longer. The most technologically advanced and efficient and superior Air Force in the World uses F16s for almost all of her air-to-air and air-to-ground operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere should tell you something about the capabilities of the Plane.

I don't think PAF would buy used F-16s unless they're in good condition. They would rather go for spanking new JF-17s than old F16s jets.

Stealth Fighter jets are a burden on economy and useless. We have not seen them in any action in the Past 10 years nor will we see them in the next couple of decades. $50,000 per flying hour in maintanence costs. Practically speaking it costs too much to maintain, it is not worth the money. Therefore we cant afford them and should rather invest in counter stealth systems.
why buy old when getting new.another PAF f16 unveiled.
PAF F-16C block 52 #10901 is taxiing by the lens at NAS Fort Worth on December 15th, 2009 after performing a functional check flight
If we can get these for a very good deal and upgrade them for a comparatively good deal then we should get them. But these planes are getting old and are being phased out and may be ineffective against modern jets.
As already stated by diffrent members PAF don't need old stuff but new birds. In my personal opinion it's better to invest more in JF-17 rather than buying some 30 years old jets which will be more suitable for PAF museum!:lol:

But if PAF really wants to fulfill the gap from 2010 to 2014-15 (when finally we will get j-10's and have enough number of JF-17's) they might opt for some fighters available in good conditions which can be upgraded but still you need some time to upgrade these fighters to PAF requirements and thats means atleast few more years and you have to consider also the costs.....so at last it's not a worthy deal!

There are many other options instead of Venazuellan F-16's eg. Turkish F-16's, Mirage 2000 etc. but why to invest in old platforms and upgrade them? when we can have better and new stuff in up coming years.
As already stated by diffrent members PAF don't need old stuff but new birds. In my personal opinion it's better to invest more in JF-17 rather than buying some 30 years old jets which will be more suitable for PAF museum!:lol:

But if PAF really wants to fulfill the gap from 2010 to 2014-15 (when finally we will get j-10's and have enough number of JF-17's) they might opt for some fighters available in good conditions which can be upgraded but still you need some time to upgrade these fighters to PAF requirements and thats means atleast few more years and you have to consider also the costs.....so at last it's not a worthy deal!

There are many other options instead of Venazuellan F-16's eg. Turkish F-16's, Mirage 2000 etc. but why to invest in old platforms and upgrade them? when we can have better and new stuff in up coming years.

I don't think JF-17's quite match up to F-16's. The F-16's are combat proven.

Thou on a positive note the JF-17 is the first-shot BVR capability of the aircraft because it will be fully integrated/mated to the SD-10 MRAAM. Until and unless AMRAAMs are released to Pakistan, the JF-17 will be the only aircraft with this capability
Its a debate guys

a) F16 is upgradable (Yes/No) - Yes
b) Is this made in 90's (Yes/No) - Yes
c) Do we have spareparts and engineering support (Yes)
d) Is AESA available for F16 (Yes)

Unless we can get F-35 , we have no choice but to get Mirage upgrades if that is not idea get these exta F16

And refurbish it ... and upgrade it with new items

AESA radars are avaiable for F16 :agree:
Hi, I do not think Pakistan needs or wants used F-16. Kindly please recall Turkey is upgrading PAF's Falcons, because the US was hesitant on supplying the technology to Kamra, and worried it would end up in China. Pakistan had the opportunity to buy retired Belgium and Dutch MLUed F-16s, and passed on them. Jordan bought them. Mind you, the Dutch/Belgian MLUed F-16s had older radars and avioncis compared to the ones being upgraded in Turkey. Thanks.
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